Greenwood, Louisiana, USA
http://destructiongoddess.deviantart.comI am a teenage My Little Pony fan. I also like Touhou Project, Hetalia, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, and...a bunch more.
More details...Olivia Smith (segasaturngal)
@pinhooves Going great bro!
@stumperman07 All right man, yourself?
@miloth Ah, nothing really either.
@stumperman07 Ello.
Back again, sup bronies?
@stumperman07 I dunno how much he has.
@stumperman07 Perhaps. *shrugs*
@stumperman07 Chyeah! It'll just take a while. My dad's kinda broke now. XD
@stumperman07 OOOOOH, CHEESE?! *awesomefacegoeshere*
@stumperman07 Lol. Yep, I gotta believe!
!ponycreator Just thought I'd share my fan pony. Meet Forest Blush! http://tinyurl.com/3hglmdv
Sunday, 18-Sep-11 15:46:03 UTC from web -
@stumperman07 WOOT! PIZZA!
@stumperman07 All righty then! :D
@stumperman07 Yes. Ah well, I'll get it someday.
@stumperman07 Must be popular. *shrugs*
@stumperman07 Awww yeah! I haven't found them in stores for some reason, only online. :/
@gabumon Cool. I don't really care for the Shine Bright ones. :/
@zach121k Awwww.
@stumperman07 Sweet. I really want to get Dewdrop Dazzle, but I had to give that up for the Royal Ball set. :(
@zach121k Aw. :(
Morning everypony. Got my hands on the Royal Ball set last night. What did you ponies recently purchase, if anything?
@tenmihara I've seen it already. I loved it.
@ladestitute Ahahaha. Too bad I don't work for them.
Wow. Haven't been here in forever. So how was/is the new episode, bronies? :3
@chaosmagic Other sites. Last I heard of this site was that they were moving to a new host.
@chaosmagic Hunting down an 07 San Diego Comic Con pony. But the 2011 one looks cool :3
@thelastgherkin Hi! It's okay, the cheapest one I've found was $100, and that's with shipping!
@chaosmagic Ohai
@flaxx Hey man, that's okay. :)
Hot diggity dang, it's been a while! :O Anyway, I'm on the hunt for a 2007 Comic Con pony that's actually cheap. (Cheapest one I found was approx. $100 USD on Amazon.) Any of you bronies found a cheaper one?