Tyler Doesitmatter's home timeline


  1. @rarity scareity
    @ceruleanspark scarebooleanspook
    @l1ghtsword fr1ghtsword
    @ellistia skelestia
    @scribus scrybus
    I can’t stop, it’s too late for me now

    Friday, 09-Oct-15 17:22:41 UTC from web
  2. when a box of ice creams falls out of the freezer I take it as the universe telling me it's my destiny to eat them all

    Saturday, 10-Oct-15 13:41:43 UTC from web
  3. Who should we nominate for Miss Universe to Represent RDN?

    Saturday, 10-Oct-15 03:37:35 UTC from web
  4. @l1ghtsword I will be asleep by then you dingus

    Saturday, 10-Oct-15 03:28:28 UTC from web
  5. I will be !stream ing tomorrow around 3PM EST.
    For sure, no more hiccups.

    Saturday, 10-Oct-15 03:29:09 UTC from web
    • All and all i think i worked out most my technical issues.
      Streaming should be simpler now, serious like 5 hours of setup and fine tuning...

      Saturday, 10-Oct-15 03:13:46 UTC from web
      • One more day until Strim @L1ghtsword I am Hype.

        Thursday, 08-Oct-15 04:50:14 UTC from web

        Saturday, 10-Oct-15 02:13:28 UTC from web
      • Wake me up inside

        Thursday, 08-Oct-15 03:03:48 UTC from web
      • You can have a pick of my Potato Knisheses

        Thursday, 08-Oct-15 02:32:01 UTC from web
      • Until I can get a personal laptop to make music and stuff, I will not.post, so this'll be silent.for now

        Thursday, 08-Oct-15 02:26:57 UTC from web
      • Did we beat welcome Pony?

        Thursday, 08-Oct-15 02:25:23 UTC from web
      • This is the page of DJ Extrapone.

        Thursday, 08-Oct-15 02:21:58 UTC from web
      • why do you guys want me to touch things so badly

        Thursday, 08-Oct-15 01:56:02 UTC from web
      • I wish i could favorite a dash more then once.

        Thursday, 08-Oct-15 01:56:10 UTC from web
        • am i respected?

          Thursday, 08-Oct-15 01:53:59 UTC from web
        • @metaltao http://i.imgur.com/1UP8rcx.jpg

          Thursday, 08-Oct-15 01:34:26 UTC from web
        • I should leave too... *Exits stage left after Metaltao*

          Thursday, 08-Oct-15 01:10:17 UTC from web
        • I guess you can say that metal was heavy

          Thursday, 08-Oct-15 01:02:35 UTC from web
        • there's no stopping the metal

          Thursday, 08-Oct-15 01:01:08 UTC from web
        • I need a picture of carlos

          Thursday, 08-Oct-15 01:02:42 UTC from web
          • I
            Was Born
            Under a wandering Star

            Thursday, 08-Oct-15 00:52:18 UTC from web
          • White people amiright?

            Wednesday, 07-Oct-15 13:32:17 UTC from web
            • Is Ellie dead? i haven't seen her in millennia

              Sunday, 04-Oct-15 03:58:27 UTC from web
            • What a lovely night to completely alone at work

              Wednesday, 07-Oct-15 03:12:38 UTC from web
            • Guys, I need a three hour ban on RDN... I need to get this done.

              Wednesday, 07-Oct-15 01:54:26 UTC from web
            • I only get myself in the best skype calls.

              Wednesday, 07-Oct-15 02:52:30 UTC from web
              • Glistening.

                Wednesday, 07-Oct-15 02:26:26 UTC from web
                • Graphics only live to serve Aesthetic.
                  Graphics are not style or art, they are the ability to produce a medium.

                  Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 23:08:10 UTC from web