Tyler Doesitmatter's home timeline


  1. Reminder that I love almost everyone on this site

    Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:08:44 UTC from web
  2. Just drink your Starbucks right as they serve it to you so you drink it before it's cool

    Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:59:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  3. I [i]Feel[/i]You

    Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:53:26 UTC from web
  4. . http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/827910

    Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:45:11 UTC from web
  5. Well hey, I finally found a pony site that looks good on mobile!

    Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:39:11 UTC from web
  6. I'll be the judge of this rude joke

    Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:33:48 UTC from web
  7. Vinyl scratch vomiting rainbows is best Vinyl scratch. Apart from when she has a nose bleed from naughty activity.

    Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:36:43 UTC from web
    • I was not disappointed.

      Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:33:15 UTC from web
    • I've got one! But, it's very inappropriate.

      Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:29:36 UTC from web
    • @spots @redenchilada You two are still going at this...?

      Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:27:14 UTC from web
    • It has gotten to the point where my mind has given up trying to picture a person behind L1ghtSword's computer and all I see is a Smug Vinyl typing...

      Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:23:19 UTC from web
    • Kappa

      Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:22:34 UTC from web
    • I often forget about how great this sight can be...

      Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:21:54 UTC from web
    • Someone draw Reds fursona for next weeks CLM

      Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:19:36 UTC from web

      Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:15:51 UTC from web
    • What am I witnessing...

      Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:14:47 UTC from web
      • Spots more like STOPS hahahahahahuehuehuehue

        Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:11:12 UTC from web
      • bungo trex

        Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:10:24 UTC from web
      • I need professional help. Is anime real

        Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 21:44:36 UTC from web
      • *Mumbles something about LESBIANS*

        Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 22:06:29 UTC from web
      • rebooting my twitter account is going well. I want a slightly better place to go into detail about my opinions on shows I'll be watching

        Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 17:39:49 UTC from web
      • Reverent to my earlier conversation.
        Its a large reason i don't enjoy talking to most other brownies.

        I am just brutally honest, just not as articulate as i would like...

        Sunday, 04-Oct-15 20:32:16 UTC from web
      • I love this "scheduled until late-night on friday followed by an early-morning saturday shift" meme

        Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 06:00:51 UTC from web
      • http://i.imgur.com/3POtveC.jpg

        Saturday, 03-Oct-15 23:31:32 UTC from web
      • !stream coming to a theater near you. you poor soul [18+] no tiff allowed. https://twitter.com/L1ghtsword/status/651383258567979008

        Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 13:18:33 UTC from web
        • Im off, to the world of tomorrow.

          Sunday, 04-Oct-15 22:06:31 UTC from web
          • notice how i don't deserve help

            Sunday, 04-Oct-15 21:45:09 UTC from web
          • If Splatoon had a good spectator mode (as in you could get a map view and different player perspectives on screen at will) it could be a hot new esport

            Sunday, 04-Oct-15 22:00:04 UTC from web
          • Gonna be doing a live stream in a bit. Come watch! http://twitch.tv/mrmattimation

            Sunday, 04-Oct-15 21:46:31 UTC from web