Soren's home timeline


  1. Five more days to decide if I even want to live to see 40

    about a year ago from web
  2. I just took and passed a SafeMark food safety exam as part of promotion training because it was faster than taking the 8 hour online training course. Have now been made aware that passing the exam does not mark the 8 hour online training course as complete in the system, so now I’m studying for a test I won’t take because I already took it and passed.

    about a year ago from web
  3. A local elementary school recently paid someone who was very obviously a furry to draw their mascot and now a bunch of cars are driving around town with some guy’s fursona on their bumpers

    about a year ago from web
  4. Tldr Dad's life was a rails shooter, my life feels like a Sierra Online adventure

    about a year ago from web
  5. so like what should I post about on here? should I use it more like livejournal with long introspective effortposts about what’s going on in my life, or more like twitter and just spew off short little jokes and thoughts as they come? I feel like what excited me about having a place like this when I rediscovered it was being able to share my thoughts, feelings, and ideas without having to contribute to an already congested and overstimulating platform like twitter that vampirically feeds off your attention, but now I’m realizing I don’t know what I want to even say lmao.

    about a year ago from web
  6. Discovered an incorrectly programmed formula in my cigarette inventory book that causes the calculations to be off by anywhere from $100 to $300 every week. Looked through the other stores’ books and realized that the same error exists in almost all of them… which means that some of the other stores have been cooking the numbers because their final variances have been very small. Hmm.

    about a year ago from web
  7. Today was evidently the one-too-many'th time I had to listen to my coworkers spewing various LGBTQ-phobias. Though, I did rant and rave more about the fact that they were standing around gabbing than the fact that I don't need to hear the rest of the crew blaming everything wrong in the world today on people I deeply care about.

    about a year ago from web
  8. Might finally be time to go fully SSD

    about a year ago from web
  9. Just got recommended a TikTok titled “non-binary fashion”, and like, I’ve been drawing my nb character in a t-shirt and some jeans, am I doing it wrong??

    about a year ago from web
  10. I have a “I’m in another country and can’t make it to work on time” dream kind of a lot for some reason.

    about a year ago from web
  11. Futurama’s society has no conception of how, when, and where the moon landing occurred, but they have video of Rudy Giuliani putting a bunch of garbage on a barge and pushing it out to sea. What were the standards for the retention of information?

    about a year ago from web
  12. Overall it’s a fun time that I’d recommend as a co-op stealth game, but if you’re looking for something actually scary to play with your friend you might as well keep looking.

    about a year ago from web
  13. The Outlast Trials is a very fun co-op game but it falls unfortunately short on actual scares, probably because actual scares are not really that conducive to a fun co-op experience.

    about a year ago from web
    • @zeldatra the opening tutorial sequence is pretty unsettling but as far as scares go you see just about everything the game has to offer in that first sequence and the rest of the game afterwards is a co-op extraction stealth game where you drop into a map, achieve a certain number of specific objectives while avoiding enemies, occasionally get jump scared by a body you thought was dead or an enemy hiding in a locker (and these scares become tiresome very quickly as the same animation is SWF every time and they always occur under the same circumstance), then make your way back to the starting area with one or more of the enemies from the level either chasing you or waiting for you by the exit, and then you and your friend leave. It’s fun for what it is but the survival horror aspect from the first two games, which I initially purchased the game for, is almost completely gone and replaced with Jigsaw-level gratuitous gore and shock dialogue the hunters give you when they’re patrolling.

      about a year ago in context
  14. how was everyone’s weekend????? anyone do anything fun?

    about a year ago from web
  15. I'm close to buying a house: my current offer is at 225.000€ for a 88m² house with 4 rooms, 163 m² parcel. However I have to do a ton of work there to get it to a state that is up to current standards, like the electric switch box, the bathrooms, windows... The garden is also more a jungle than habitable. I hope I won't regret it.

    about a year ago from web
  16. Half-Life 2 VR is a very fun experience and I think anyone who has the equipment should give it a shot

    about a year ago from web

    about a year ago from web
  18. The biggest trap in"adult" animation is that it uses vulgarity and crass situations too often. It's easy to appeal to juvenile adults with "forbidden" stuff like violence and sexuality but the more lasting stuff are the more day-to-day real adult situations the characters have to deal with. These situations can be comical or otherwise but the basis has to be familiar and relatable and somewhat a base adult life experience. The earlier Simpsons seasons are one of the best as they are not flanderized to the extreme. Bob's Burgers is similar as most episodes deal with heightened but not completely unrealistic situations. I'm not against some violence but it can be grating and numbing and boring when it is used too often.

    about a year ago from web
    • Show all 7 replies
    • @chomper These days you can throw a stone and always hit one. The last one I saw was "Inside Job" on Netflix, mostly because it was produced by Alex Hirsch (Gravity Falls) but it was sadly right in the valley of mediocrity because it went "adult" route and used unnecessary vulgarity.

      about a year ago in context
    • @chomper Hey, I love "Helluva Boss!" I don't deny any of the accusations, lol. Just saying that uuhhhh..... I guess it's lazy *if* you're doing it for fauz gravitas, but it can still be fun. I wouldn't say that's *all* HB has going for it or going on; there's a lot of interpersonal relationship and character development under the bloodbath and pottymouth.

      about a year ago in context
    • @scribus I like most of helluva actually! I just find the edgy humor to be boring and uncreative lol. But I genuinely like a few of the characters and the worldbuilding/lore.

      about a year ago in context
  19. who would have ever thought that the last bastion of healthy social media would be a brony-made website lmfao

    about a year ago from web
  20. Gavin Newsom is still a prick though I’m not apologizing for that

    about a year ago from web
  21. Trying to hit a balance on content is frustrating to me because I don’t want to be vulgar for the sake of it but I also don’t want to be made to tone the adult themes down because the show’s not vulgar enough to appeal to adults. It just seems like there isn’t a market anymore for The Simpsons-level adult content that’s adult on a more conceptual level instead of just relying on vulgarity to appear adult, and that frustrates me.

    about a year ago from web
  22. The teenagers working for me seemed to be under the impression they could just show up to work on their own schedule because I couldn’t possibly fire ALL of them, so today I fired all of them and now they’re super confused about it.

    about a year ago from web
  23. Oh, how I envy those naive enough to believe in a future

    about a year ago from web
  24. I'd need to invest 410€ for playing TOTK (the game, Switch, Pro Controller (ain't gonna play on the minuscule Joycon controllers)).

    about a year ago from web
  25. …and I think I created my account when I was in the UK because all of my rates are in pounds which means that the licenses are actually more expensive than I think.

    about a year ago from web
  26. Number ten: Full frontal nudity

    about a year ago from web
  27. I keep running into this problem where the things I write are usually totally cool on the internet where nobody can really stop me from describing mangoio in the crudest terms possible, but right now I’m writing for what is possibly going to be on television and those same words would probably get me a very nasty letter from standards and practices. It’s very hard to go from writing like you’re your own boss to writing in such a way that won’t lose the network twenty million dollars in Wendy’s advertising.

    about a year ago from web
  28. I am Irish so it’s perfectly okay for me to say racist things about the Irish (but I’m also trying to get an Irish studio to co-finance something for me so maybe I shouldn’t)

    about a year ago from web
  29. Ireland is kind of like if J.R.R. Tolkien was God

    about a year ago from web
  30. currently dating @liquidusmira.. it really is a small world huh

    about a year ago from web