Starry Light's home timeline


  1. My D&D group adopted a Xorn, a gem-eating monster, and named it Ruby. We bought some Xorns to smuggle them to a mine in order to sell them there but we kept one, as my character was good enough in animal handling that it got tamed.

    Sunday, 05-Jun-22 10:19:23 UTC from web
  2. buying a gun to protect myself from the gun owners who bought a gun to protect themself from the gun owners who bought a gun to protect themself from the gun owners who bought

    Thursday, 02-Jun-22 21:19:23 UTC from web
  3. I'd like to slap the beard off of Ted Cruz and feed it to him, but that's not very on-topic for the site, so I just hope he gets kicked in the head by a horse (:

    Wednesday, 25-May-22 01:32:48 UTC from web
  4. I genuinely believe we need a constitutional amendment securing the innate human right to kick the everloving goddamnit out of people who make -- or kowtow to implement -- moronic ass-backwards software design choices. Why in any god's holiest of names would the Keyboard Settings be ANYWHERE OTHER THAN SETTINGS > KEYBOARD??? The HELL I gotta go under papayaing "Time" for this you god damned useless batcaves!!? Who decided this, and have I missed out on the opportunity to skin the dumbass alive and roll them in rock salt?

    Friday, 20-May-22 21:15:20 UTC from web
  5. Really think Adam Sandler shoulda been the next Doctor. Doctor Jew.

    Sunday, 08-May-22 16:30:04 UTC from web
  6. @zeldatra Were you looking for some kind of lost Sims 2 thing?

    Saturday, 07-May-22 00:40:26 UTC from web
  7. I am very comfortable with this "web 1.0" movement, I think

    Saturday, 07-May-22 00:41:00 UTC from web
  8. my second full day in England was spent asleep because I caught something on the plane. to whomever did that: you are a dick

    Friday, 15-Apr-22 16:54:35 UTC from web
  9. New PowerPoint just dropped

    Saturday, 09-Apr-22 22:35:01 UTC from web
  10. it is kind of a long shot, but are any of you nerds good with that Julia programing language?

    Wednesday, 30-Mar-22 14:17:33 UTC from web
  11. Got today my first scammer on my company phone. They spoofed a local phone number (probably a SIP gate) and called probably from India, as the caller had an Indian accent and spoke English. They said they were from Microsoft and my computer had a "problem". I didn't hesitate very long and hung up. It'd be funny to waste their time but it's also my time too that would have been wasted.

    Friday, 01-Apr-22 12:14:25 UTC from web
  12. Now, I, fully vaccinated AND having caught the virus, personally am proceeding through life as I did prior to the pandemic, with the exception that I wear a mask to work and in crowded places still, but the idea that there should be zero precautions taken whatsoever and people just shouldn’t care about it anymore is frankly incredibly shortsighted.

    Thursday, 31-Mar-22 17:02:34 UTC from web
  13. i made this car in 2016, when I was 19. This is the first time the badging - a very mature nazi joke, poking fun at Mercedes-Benz' origins as a manufacturer - appears on screen. Going back and forth on whether or not I want to retexture it to remove that.

    Friday, 18-Mar-22 02:06:51 UTC from web
  14. back when i was e-famous i used to get requests to draw weird Undertale AU stuff a LOT during streams. i usually ended up taking the banana and making the characters say terrible things to get people to stop. unsurprisingly, this only encouraged people

    Saturday, 12-Mar-22 06:53:03 UTC from web
  15. That relatable moment when you have to spend 40 minutes on the phone with Western Union because one of your customers is a Russian national on an international sanctions list sending money to saboteurs in Ukraine

    Tuesday, 08-Mar-22 19:05:39 UTC from web
  16. like, right ther other day some pople on FB were saying they were suprised at my age because they thought i was 17. what is even wrong about those people

    Thursday, 03-Mar-22 21:52:57 UTC from web
  17. Putin or more like Poo-Teen

    Wednesday, 02-Mar-22 05:58:01 UTC from web
  18. gonna use Australia instead, what the Potato Knishes are they gonna do about it

    Saturday, 26-Feb-22 07:46:19 UTC from web
    • @zeldatra Better hope the Emus don't rise again

      Sunday, 27-Feb-22 02:47:52 UTC in context
    • @scribus the big disincentive to using Australia now, besides the emu uprising, is that it ruins a joke in Swole Foods. One script has a borderline senile old man recounting a battle he fought in Australia; with his senility being the joke. But then a script that’s placed later in the timeline has a character who works for the government mention the same event, making it more credible; a third script then finally reveals that in this universe, NATO fought an atomic war against Australia. I might just generically say “a country in the East” or something like that instead.

      Sunday, 27-Feb-22 07:42:34 UTC in context
  19. The house I could potentially afford was already taken when I put down a house viewing request. Of course.

    Tuesday, 08-Feb-22 19:40:57 UTC from web
  20. Start with something super unbelievable, that way the stuff that’s only mildly unbelievable is pretty believable in comparison.

    Sunday, 30-Jan-22 04:52:32 UTC from web
    • @zeldatra Just about the exact inverse of what I'm trying to do. Want them to believe a near-future cyberpunk urban center, with human/animal hybrids, which eventually develops real-deal Magic and ends up making contact with >3rd dimensional intelligence? Start with something standard, like a murder procedural, so they're not entirely flippin' lost lol

      Sunday, 30-Jan-22 19:23:39 UTC in context
    • @scribus the way I see it - since *my* universe is usually grounded pretty firmly in reality, starting with some really crazy grape off the bat means nothing’s off the table. Futurama’s first season goes from 1999 New York to literally the edge of the universe, so for the entire rest of the show they could go literally anywhere in between.

      Sunday, 30-Jan-22 20:29:26 UTC in context
  21. Welp, the “my employee is a neo-Nazi” situation has very rapidly escalated into “we now have to have security on-site during business hours until further notice”

    Saturday, 29-Jan-22 21:48:54 UTC from web
  22. I am driving my car to and from work two miles down the road, and once a month I make a round trip to Richmond, I’m not racing at batcavein Talladega, just give me the one that works.

    Friday, 28-Jan-22 05:43:34 UTC from web
  23. I have to replace all four of my tires and I’m choosing to blame Governor Youngkin for not immediately abolishing the state inspection process like he probably said he would.

    Thursday, 27-Jan-22 22:39:45 UTC from web
    • @zeldatra ugh I hate that, because yeah it's usually on "sale" to buy 3 and get one "free," and sure it's convenient to not have to worry about which ones are the old ones, but damnit four expensive things all at one time?? :(

      Friday, 28-Jan-22 01:23:26 UTC in context
    • @scribus could tell the guy was getting paid extra to push a particular brand too… he showed me the most expensive one first and was like “this one’s good for snow”, then showed me a seemingly identical one from another brand and was like “this one’s ok too, I guess… it’s made for all weather conditions… but it’s really not as good, I wouldn’t even bother”

      Friday, 28-Jan-22 05:42:18 UTC in context
  24. OK so maybe Sims 4 is not total and complete garbage, but I still need extensive cheats and mods just to get the basics handled and they broke too many fundamental things into way too many individual DLCs, and EA is still knee-deep trashwater

    Monday, 24-Jan-22 23:56:13 UTC from web
  25. I’m thinking about these things because I’m about to get stranded at work because of a snowstorm so I’m gonna have a lot of time to myself.

    Sunday, 16-Jan-22 15:25:00 UTC from web
  26. Hey, if you have HBO Max or access to a cable subscription: I have some friends who worked on Smiling Friends, [adult swim]’s new animated horror comedy. The sixth episode features a Bakshi-inspired character who was animated by some friends of mine, but the whole show in general is very funny. The show hits HBO Max on Feb 9th, and if you have cable, you can watch the entire series on right now. If you could give it a watch, that’d be real cool, because we really wanna see a second season get greenlit and online viewership is pretty much how they decide what gets renewed these days.

    Saturday, 15-Jan-22 04:28:28 UTC from web
  27. Going to England in the spring, maybe.

    Sunday, 09-Jan-22 01:28:28 UTC from web
  28. Update: he threatened to beat me up, what a stand-up guy you are

    Wednesday, 05-Jan-22 01:10:58 UTC from web
  29. Just had a snowstorm so I showed up to work at a nearly empty store….. except some crazy guy screaming at the few people who are here about how they’re all complicit in a conspiracy to keep Americans masked forever.

    Monday, 03-Jan-22 21:25:48 UTC from web
  30. Damn found out on my bro's discord server that my hs gf's husband and son both have breakthrough covid infections

    Thursday, 30-Dec-21 17:57:33 UTC from web
    • @scribus I may or may not have had COVID over Christmas, couldn’t get tested though because no appointments were open. Whatever I did have is gone now so I guess it’s moot now, but I’m one of the only people at work who didn’t get a booster shot and the other one who didn’t was out sick before and after me, so it’s an easy conclusion to come to.

      Thursday, 30-Dec-21 19:42:36 UTC in context
    • @zeldatra Ex GF reports 65% of people at her Xmas are now infected, with the boosted faring the best so far. Shame is, it's a total bone trying to get the booster. My grandma was told by her doctor that the earliest appointment was February; then, at Walgreen's, the guy in line behind her asked the cashier about boosters and she jumped in on the spot, no waiting! I got mine, no appointment, from the CVS in Target, but my brother went to (a different) Walgreen's even with no line, and was told to make an appointment.

      Friday, 31-Dec-21 18:50:58 UTC in context