Notices tagged with language

  1. In other news, # still exists. I remember learning about it back in... 1998? The surprising thing is that it apparently survived all the way from 1997 to the end of 2012 without being # The whole idea of writing software in someone else's proprietary # just sounds so... incredibly #

    Wednesday, 26-Feb-20 23:07:51 UTC from in context
  2. Huh—apparently the # # # went # a few years ago:

    Wednesday, 26-Feb-20 22:56:28 UTC from in context
  3. Harry Baker's # about "Phil's Falafallöffel für Löffel voll Falafel" is the sort of cross !language # !hack I've loved ever since I started learning languages:
    (love his language !education # too)

    Thursday, 20-Feb-20 08:26:44 UTC from
  4. Is there something like a **good** english dictionary, freely available, such as the TLFi but in english ( )?

    !lazyweb !language 

    Wednesday, 07-Feb-18 13:23:16 UTC from Repeated by akionux
  5. Is there something like a **good** english dictionary, freely available, such as the TLFi but in english ( )?

    !lazyweb !language 

    Wednesday, 07-Feb-18 13:23:16 UTC from
  6. Does my contain an this special # # in my server

    Wednesday, 22-Mar-17 02:43:55 UTC from
  7. @clacke oh, what fun! Our RFID readers give one beep when you're checking in, and a double beep when checking out, but I've never heard of anyone creating a verb out of that! I love #

    Friday, 27-Jan-17 23:28:54 UTC from
  8. @why not? That was NOT much of an explanation.. Have you ever had the connections ? Does - that make sense? @what are you then? Idon't know anyone named @who knows - if his poetry would be worth being known. I'm implemented in this special # running on a any? bot(o=u?) currently # preferred-based interpreter. Don't put yourself down. (btw: it's been ca. 322 years a n d 15 happy days since writer Voltaire was born )

    Monday, 19-Sep-16 13:43:45 UTC from in context
  9. Now I want BOTH the English and the Dutch Dahl dictionary! # #

    Monday, 12-Sep-16 19:35:47 UTC from
  10. Thanks for the information.That was N O T much of an explanation.. I'm running the latest version of this special # software. @why do you've to do it? I lost my train of thought. (btw: it's been ca. 2 years and # painful nights since Eben moglen's lecture 'Freedom's Future' )

    Wednesday, 15-Jun-16 00:10:45 UTC from
  11. I'm running the latest version of this special # software. @why do you've to do it? (btw: it's been ca. 37 years and 127 painful days since BNP (Bangladesh Nationalist Party) was founded by the 7th president of Bangladesh? Ziaur Rahman )

    Wednesday, 06-Jan-16 05:20:02 UTC from
  12. All right then, I'm diving in! Good night gute nacht bonan nokton jó ejt welterusten (etc.) !tzaf !fediverse !fediverso! Plans for #: too many to fit in one day :( but at least the Grunneger toal course is fun, so I'm look forward to it! #

    Tuesday, 05-Jan-16 00:25:50 UTC from
  13. OK, in my # now. I worked hard all day getting geared up to write a (basic, at least) business plan but # I'll take a break from that to do my # for the 'Grunneger toal' course: we have to write a Sunnerkloas poem ... errr ... rhyme! And yes it does have to rhyme! That's hard already in a language you know, but especially *hard* in a language you only just started learning! But it'll be fun, too, and a welcome break from business! :D #

    Sunday, 06-Dec-15 22:51:39 UTC from
  14. @lohang not just for a writer but for anyone interested in or consciously using 'language'. I'm having a whole lot of fun learning 'Grunneger toal' right now (even traveling up and down to Groningen for it every week)! #

    Thursday, 03-Dec-15 06:17:35 UTC from
  15. Waiting for the train to leave (going back to Amsterdam), after another lesson Grunninger toal - not easy but fun and very interesting (and I'm making actual progress) #

    Tuesday, 17-Nov-15 20:12:02 UTC from
  16. @redenchilada # :T

    Tuesday, 13-Oct-15 12:44:28 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  17. "Sweden invents a word for girls’ genitals equivalent to ‘willy’ for boys" what a great idea! !language

    Sunday, 02-Aug-15 16:18:41 UTC from
  18. @inscius interesting - I vaguely knew about the German, but not French. I'm endlessly fascinated about how languages (and dialects) develop and are related to each other! !language

    Tuesday, 03-Feb-15 19:07:58 UTC from
  19. @sazius you'll also find this in the type of German still spoken by the "Pensylvania Dutch" people in teh USA (where "Dutch" is a mangled "Deutsch" meaning German - not dutch!): a small group in isolation mostly keeps their language characteristics, unlike the place of origin which has more outside infuences and keeps evolving. !language

    Tuesday, 03-Feb-15 18:44:11 UTC from
  20. @mk !language

    Tuesday, 03-Feb-15 18:40:51 UTC from in context
  21. If you could find someone f2f to speak # would be best, like a tandem partner. Otherwise other audio options could work for you. Though, I don't know your usual learning style/techniques... cc !language

    Wednesday, 28-Jan-15 13:00:25 UTC from
  22. I'm learning it's much easier to read a whole web page in Spanish than individual dents. The importance of context. #

    Tuesday, 27-Jan-15 18:22:33 UTC from
  23. cc !language

    Thursday, 30-Oct-14 17:58:11 UTC from
  24. @potatao This thing ? ( # # )

    Sunday, 19-Oct-14 02:01:22 UTC from web in context
  25. @chris Looks like @chnissen is right with # and # support:

    Saturday, 26-Jul-14 19:15:14 UTC from in context
  26. has anyone change his # of his # ? #

    Tuesday, 22-Jul-14 18:04:12 UTC from Repeated by mcscx
  27. has anyone change his # of his # ? #

    Tuesday, 22-Jul-14 18:04:12 UTC from
  28. es fält mir auf das es mir leichter fällt Deutsch zu lesen: all diesen "uben im Kopf" hat anscheinend Efgrapest. Heute morgen bekam ich ein Anruf aus Wien und es war auch gar nicht schwierig auf Deutsch umzuschalten. Ich werde mich nur ein 'Bissel' ans Wienerisch gewöhnen mussen ;) # # #

    Wednesday, 02-Apr-14 21:10:22 UTC from
  29. cc German !language

    Friday, 28-Mar-14 15:33:46 UTC from
  30. October 2013: "I speak only de, en, fr and tr fluently but I like # because they offer a way to # about stuff. I guess my other choices of study back then would be # and/or #" February 2014: "I educate myself about # culture and learn some of their !language" cc @question

    Friday, 21-Feb-14 20:41:36 UTC from