Notices tagged with python, page 7

  1. I guess green # and # coding work well together. Lets C what other snytax usage I can guess at and get right the first time. !tea

    Thursday, 15-Nov-12 01:15:22 UTC from at 28°24'30"N 103°46'51"E
  2. #, receives the award for best programming language in 2011

    Sunday, 04-Nov-12 21:18:09 UTC from at 19°3'0"N 98°12'0"W
  3. @avalosmau Why not? # is a great editor, with useful modes for editing # code, but so are others (eg. #).

    Friday, 02-Nov-12 19:05:11 UTC from
  4. @mjjzf Why Bash? Calling dd from # doesn't need a shell. But why not read the CD "file" anyway? Nothing special about that.

    Friday, 26-Oct-12 16:24:33 UTC from in context
  5. Remembering the good ole days of my # programming...I swear I wrote some of the ugliest apps in existence. Good times :)

    Monday, 22-Oct-12 19:42:04 UTC from at 34°3'8"N 118°14'37"W
  6. Why I’m not leaving !Python for Go - # #

    Monday, 24-Sep-12 13:51:03 UTC from at 41°4'53"N 81°31'8"W
  7. Intentar hacer un programa sólido y seguro en # es como intentar traducir la Biblia a # con precisión.

    Monday, 10-Sep-12 22:23:17 UTC from at 9°55'59"N 84°10'59"W
  8. # facilita mucho lo que me cuesta de C: punteros, ciclos y arreglos. ¿Salvación, o muleta? cc @sweet

    Monday, 10-Sep-12 19:53:21 UTC from at 9°55'59"N 84°10'59"W
  9. High quality automated package releases for !Python with zest.releaser - #

    Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 14:03:01 UTC from at 41°4'53"N 81°31'8"W
  10. @thelovebug # seems like the better use of time. Unless you have a specific application in mind for Vala?

    Tuesday, 07-Aug-12 11:43:51 UTC from
  11. submitted python2-passlib 1.6-1 to the !archlinux user repository # # #

    Thursday, 02-Aug-12 22:19:45 UTC from at 55°47'15"N 49°7'29"E
  12. Access official # documentation via # Python Docs lens via @iloveubuntu

    Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 20:33:59 UTC from at 51°53'52"N 8°28'14"W
  13. The Pyramid tutorials could really do with some work. They don't spend much time introducing the concepts and explaining what you're doing at each step, they just give you a bunch of code to copy and paste with only an overall description of what it aims to do when they bother to describe it at all. The writing is also vague and uncertain, like it *means* to give a high-level introduction and then dive in but then it just moves on to the next topic instead of diving in. Here's a tip guys: if I'm reading the tutorial it's because I want to learn how to use your software, not because I'm still deciding whether or not I should use your software. At this point I really don't know much more about how to use it than I did before I went through the tutorials. Guess it's back to plan B then: read somebody else's Pyramid app and try to figure out how it works while cross-referencing the API docs. !coderpony !python

    Sunday, 06-May-12 21:01:49 UTC from web in context
  14. Very slowly beginning to understand how decorators work. !python !coderpony

    Friday, 04-May-12 19:48:05 UTC from web
  15. "Welcome to Pyramid. Sorry for the convenience." !coderpony !python

    Friday, 04-May-12 15:31:36 UTC from web
  16. # cowardly refuses to run on !Debian Unstable # 2.7. It is in good company, though! Nothing else works either! =)

    Thursday, 03-May-12 22:29:55 UTC from at 65°0'44"N 25°28'5"E
  17. # kdebindings-python provides bindings for # 3.x !archlinux

    Friday, 16-Mar-12 11:07:58 UTC from
  18. Hey look, a tiling window manager written in #!:

    Tuesday, 13-Dec-11 12:04:23 UTC from web
  19. I wrote a # script that generates a playlist where each track added is based on the binary data of the tracks previously added.

    Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 16:05:48 UTC from web
  20. !houstonbronies Monty Pony Pythons ^_O...Let's try that again *clears throat* Monty Python Ponies ^_^ Better! Monty Python and the Elements of Harmony (Ending Scene) by LimeyLassen - - # #

    Friday, 02-Dec-11 22:28:12 UTC from web
  21. @syntax Yeah you keep telling yourself that. #

    Monday, 29-Aug-11 10:15:34 UTC from