Aaron Mark's home timeline


  1. @redenchilada Did your girlfriend draw this G.I. Joe comic http://pny.lv/11pw6

    Saturday, 05-Nov-16 19:21:21 UTC from web
  2. namely the one where spotify is in the form of a human female and is about to have sex with another human female

    Saturday, 05-Nov-16 19:09:47 UTC from web
  3. I'm going to cornobble you

    Saturday, 05-Nov-16 03:42:42 UTC from web
    • Shout-out to my fellow British introverts currently getting jumpscared by fireworks

      Friday, 04-Nov-16 18:57:21 UTC from web
    • "So your commissions cost money?"

      Friday, 04-Nov-16 14:00:29 UTC from web
    • We have sideboob and underboob. But what about overboob and behindboob?

      Friday, 04-Nov-16 01:47:25 UTC from quitter.se
    • Legitimately considering not coming back to class after the break today. My psych teacher decided to up the crazy and has spent the last hour reading from a book about dream states and alternate realities.

      Thursday, 03-Nov-16 19:21:55 UTC from web
    • !⌒( 'ω')⌒!

      Thursday, 03-Nov-16 01:51:16 UTC from web
      • I could rattle on about how software works and how to fix it for ages and ages, but if you ask me about the hardware side of electronics I just kind of sit there mystified. Like, screwing wires into terminals to match a connector's pinout yesterday felt like a huge accomplishment because I've never actually done anything like that before.

        Wednesday, 02-Nov-16 04:48:01 UTC from web
        • annual reminder that WALL-E was a bad film

          Tuesday, 01-Nov-16 22:23:22 UTC from web
        • good thing i'm not weeb

          Tuesday, 01-Nov-16 20:44:35 UTC from web
        • Would you rather date a millennial or a brony

          Tuesday, 01-Nov-16 19:48:37 UTC from web
        • Would you rather be a millennial or a brony

          Tuesday, 01-Nov-16 19:47:40 UTC from web
          • Good morning Robotropolis

            Tuesday, 01-Nov-16 13:54:33 UTC from web
            • Although I should probably double-check that I didn't knock any wires loose while I was taping everything onto the insides of the box

              Tuesday, 01-Nov-16 04:54:10 UTC from web
              • http://pny.lv/114s6 I just want to show you guys what Izzy looks like because I spent somewhere around half an hour putting it together and I'm so happy to finally play my Stepmania customs on pad

                Tuesday, 01-Nov-16 04:50:27 UTC from web
                • Happy 20th anniversary of Bubsy 3D's release!

                  Monday, 31-Oct-16 21:08:18 UTC from web
                • mega drive will be sold in brazil again for 400 reais (a little more that 100 dollars)

                  Monday, 31-Oct-16 18:48:02 UTC from web
                • http://pny.lv/10w3s le next gen experience

                  Sunday, 30-Oct-16 14:59:03 UTC from web
                  • I took my armor off to see what the skin textures looked like and Nazeem happened to walk by and ask me to at least put on a sack cloth because I'm making him """unseasonably warm""". first time I've heard that...

                    Sunday, 30-Oct-16 02:59:48 UTC from web
                  • I'm finished. I played OTP five times in total today and my feet are crying Bloody Tears(IIDX EDITION) at me as a result

                    Saturday, 29-Oct-16 01:43:39 UTC from web
                    • I've played Over The "Period" DSP three times so far today because I enjoy pain

                      Saturday, 29-Oct-16 00:16:45 UTC from web
                    • That, or far more likely, he doesn't know how to tell the time.

                      Friday, 28-Oct-16 18:46:18 UTC from web
                    • Haha my Apple watch just congratulated me on meeting my exercise goal because I stood up to get a pizza

                      Friday, 28-Oct-16 18:15:46 UTC from web
                    • Piano Keys seems like what you'd get if you told someone at a FrankerZty company like Zynga what IIDX was and told them to recreate it

                      What would the DDR equivalent to that be?

                      Friday, 28-Oct-16 01:34:26 UTC from web
                      • Reminder that there are still people in this world who will unironically bash Popplio's evolution line while defending Litten's

                        Thursday, 27-Oct-16 18:19:29 UTC from web
                      • Okay, I know EXACTLY what you guys are gonna say to this, but why is Tumblr advertising gay dating sites to me

                        Thursday, 27-Oct-16 01:17:01 UTC from web
                      • http://pny.lv/10brr EYE DID IT

                        Thursday, 27-Oct-16 00:49:20 UTC from web
                        • Do any of you guys have one of those pictures where people are playing trading cards using phones that each have a picture of a card on the screen

                          Wednesday, 26-Oct-16 20:07:39 UTC from web
                          • is there a way to tell Wikipedia that I will never ever give them money

                            Wednesday, 26-Oct-16 15:34:11 UTC from web