Notices by A Random Pony (twilisparkle45), page 6

  1. @randomwonderbolt Good idea. If you're going for traditional (chocolate or vanilla) I'd say Alden's Vanilla Bean flavor and Dreyer's brand chocolate is really good. If you want to go a little fancier, Talenti's Tahitian Vanilla Bean is delicious.

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 23:49:54 UTC from web
  2. So, I just read about 76 pages of TwoKinds in about 20 minutes. Clearly, I need to go faster (I'm only in the first few chapters and need to catch up to the current arc and stuff).

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 23:37:13 UTC from web
  3. One of the many things that's weird about me is that I hate the beach and pools. I hate the sand, the SALTwater (or chlorine-water in the case of pools), and having to shower after getting out. On a completely different topic, I'm leaving for home tomorrow.

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 23:00:16 UTC from web
  4. @nut Oh OK. Figures with MC

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 22:58:09 UTC from web in context
  5. @l1ghtsword Hmm. I often use HTML (not really a programming language), but mainly I use Python. I really need to learn Django, though.

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 22:57:30 UTC from web in context
  6. @nut I used to be with MC (when I first got it in September of 2012), but really anymore. I've only ever played RotMG once.

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 22:56:09 UTC from web in context
  7. @scoot The first and only song by Ken Ashcorp that I have listened to (ever) is 20 Percent Cool. In fact, I'm listening to it right now.

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 22:55:08 UTC from web in context
  8. @nut I have now gone 30 days without Minecraft and about 6 months (maybe more) without RotMG. EAT IT

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 22:52:41 UTC from web in context
  9. @l1ghtsword XD I usually go with something that's related to the function the code is supposed to perform (e.g., numbersInList, codeWord, etc.). What language are you using?

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 22:51:32 UTC from web in context
  10. @nut y

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 22:49:54 UTC from web in context
  11. @metaltao Ah. In total, maybe 6-7 hours a day before I need to go to bed for a bit.

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 14:41:57 UTC from web in context
  12. @metaltao ?

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 14:37:01 UTC from web in context
  13. Apparently, there is a limit to how much I can Internet. After my last notice, I got a splitting headache.

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 14:35:35 UTC from web in context
  14. G'night!

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 03:39:03 UTC from web in context
  15. @l1ghtsword Nah, it means I don't have to storm their compound and steal your I-don't-even-know-what-it-looks-like sock. (jk)

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 03:38:20 UTC from web in context
  16. @scoot Yeah, I see.

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 03:37:08 UTC from web in context
  17. @l1ghtsword That means the goblins returned it. Good.

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 03:36:44 UTC from web in context
  18. @scoot Figures.

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 03:36:08 UTC from web in context
  19. @thisisntgonnabegood The hilarious thing, though, is that here, on normal RDN, if you use the same swear twice, it gives different fruit. On beta RDN, though (, it uses the same word. (e.g., when rhymes-with-duck is used twice in a row, it comes out as "sanic sanic" instead of, say, "banana grapes")

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 03:34:40 UTC from web in context
  20. I am now obsessed with the Inspector Gadget theme and will soon be arranging it for undetermined instruments. That is all.

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 03:30:21 UTC from web
  21. @randomwonderbolt Ouch. That's bad, even for me.

    Monday, 28-Jul-14 23:29:35 UTC from web in context
  22. @rarity ikr

    Monday, 28-Jul-14 23:26:35 UTC from web in context
  23. You know what the Internet needs? A SITE FOR BRONIES WHO CODE FOR FUN AND/OR FOR WORK

    Monday, 28-Jul-14 23:25:47 UTC from web
  24. @northernnarwhal Oh. PFFFT derpderpderpderpderp

    Monday, 28-Jul-14 23:23:13 UTC from web in context
  25. @northernnarwhal Oops.

    Monday, 28-Jul-14 23:22:00 UTC from web in context
  26. @zeldatra Same. Selfies seem to get worse and worse (Exhibit A: The Auschwitz Selfie)

    Monday, 28-Jul-14 23:15:17 UTC from web in context
  27. @northernnarwhal My usual food schedule is 1) breakfast 2) midmorning snack (like a banana or two/granola bar) 3) lunch 4) midday snack (same as 2) 5) dinner 6) dessert (fudgesicle, chocolate, etc.)

    Monday, 28-Jul-14 23:13:37 UTC from web in context
  28. @northernnarwhal On a slightly unrelated topic, I usually end up making breakfast for dinner if I'm alone.

    Monday, 28-Jul-14 23:07:52 UTC from web in context
  29. @northernnarwhal School end in late June? Mine ended on 28 May! I guess it's an OK tradeoff, though

    Monday, 28-Jul-14 23:03:40 UTC from web in context
  30. @northernnarwhal Nice. I usually live in the EDT/EST area (Midwestern 'Murica), but I'm in California on vacay though. SCHOOL STARTS ON AUGUST 4TH (1 week from now) WWHHHYYYYYYYY

    Monday, 28-Jul-14 23:01:58 UTC from web in context


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