Tito Cordero's home timeline


  1. !Rainbow_Dash http://graystripe64.deviantart.com/art/Dash-Family-Photo-371937547

    Monday, 20-May-13 07:00:17 UTC from web
    • !Rarity # @#Rarity @#SweetieBelle @#cute A new old favorite. http://suikuzu.deviantart.com/art/like-applepie-267781702

      Friday, 17-May-13 19:00:04 UTC from web
      • So is the rari-trend still going on?

        Thursday, 16-May-13 05:34:01 UTC from web
      • Dashies so fresh you can give her hugs! http://gifsound.com/?gif=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/130/9/0/imsofresh_by_tomdantherock-d64sg6q.gif&sound=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv=j6N4vQ6m360 !Rainbow_Dash #

        Saturday, 11-May-13 12:11:07 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • Best pillow! !Rainbow_Dash http://ur1.ca/djt18

          Saturday, 27-Apr-13 00:20:33 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • I dropped my rd headphones in the sink well washing dishes. Started to shock me. Took them out, still sound perfect. Magic. # !Rainbow_Dash

          Friday, 26-Apr-13 00:14:16 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • I own the real !Rainbow_Dash now <3 # http://ur1.ca/dj3ct

          Thursday, 25-Apr-13 21:32:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • http://www.ebay.ca/itm/My-little-pony-FIM-plush-Rainbow-dash-handmade-custom-minky-plushie-/271192034365 Id sell my invisible car for this. !Rainbow_Dash

          Wednesday, 24-Apr-13 02:49:35 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • @#lightshipping # !Pinkie_Pie !Rainbow_Dash !Twilight_Sparkle !ppr http://kty159.deviantart.com/art/6-366553355

            Friday, 19-Apr-13 14:31:33 UTC from web
            • Ah. A picture to go with my old joke! http://ur1.ca/desas

              Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 00:19:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            • I feel a little bit like a superhero when I find and add a particularly elusive source for a pic. https://derpibooru.org/292596 @#lightshipping !Rarity !Twilight_Sparkle

              Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 09:04:44 UTC from web
            • @#saucy !lnrdn !Rarity !Twilight_Sparkle http://thexxxx.deviantart.com/art/The-Interruption-Master-265873892

              Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 08:20:20 UTC from web
              • So I bought those !Rainbow_Dash earphones and they are easy the best sounding I ever had. Shouldnt be suprised but wow. !cambronies

                Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 05:22:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • Google's improving. !Rainbow_Dash http://ur1.ca/dclki

                  Thursday, 11-Apr-13 21:17:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • Laughed so hard at the end https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VRZ22SFatA&feature=youtube_gdata_player !Rainbow_Dash

                  Monday, 08-Apr-13 19:47:57 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • (paragraph enhanced) !ponypicturerampage @#RD !Rainbow_Dash fav.me/360972894 fav.me/359528699 fav.me/360831197 fav.me/255294099 fav.me/266319420 @#AJ !Applejack fav.me/279521514 @#Pinkie !Pinkie_Pie fav.me/362853863 fav.me/362932936 @#Derpy # fav.me/360997072 @#Luna @#Celestia !Luna !Celestia fav.me/359888246 fav.me/357073878 fav.me/362169018 @#Twilight !Twilight_Sparkle fav.me/362597152 @#Rarity !Rarity fav.me/362422134 fav.me/362803285 # fav.me/362200979 # fav.me/362486615

                  Thursday, 04-Apr-13 01:03:22 UTC from web
                • !ppr @#lightshipping !Pinkie_Pie !Rainbow_Dash !Twilight_Sparkle # fav.me/361804843 fav.me/360521351

                  Thursday, 04-Apr-13 00:49:02 UTC from web
                • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-f0eNXQ6mM @#RD !Rainbow_Dash

                  Tuesday, 02-Apr-13 06:52:07 UTC from web
                • https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/216649_158896277603224_1256803352_n.png @#Rarity !Rarity

                  Wednesday, 27-Mar-13 08:36:59 UTC from web
                • @#RD !Rainbow_Dash http://littleocean.deviantart.com/art/Request-Rainbow-Dash-361208632

                  Tuesday, 26-Mar-13 14:37:01 UTC from web
                  • I'd watch the buck out of this if it was a show. !Rainbow_Dash http://ur1.ca/d67wn

                    Monday, 25-Mar-13 22:15:10 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • !Rainbow_Dash always overfresh.

                    Friday, 22-Mar-13 06:57:54 UTC from web
                    • @#RD @#Derpy !Rainbow_Dash # http://foxy-noxy.deviantart.com/art/The-Comfort-of-Friends-359936745

                      Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 14:21:08 UTC from web
                      • https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=476373495749928 !utahbronies @#RD !Rainbow_Dash

                        Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 13:53:22 UTC from web
                        • !Rainbow_Dash http://ur1.ca/d267r

                          Thursday, 14-Mar-13 06:25:56 UTC from web
                        • I don't think I post enough @#Rarity !Rarity http://quennyqueen.deviantart.com/art/Rarity-352237769

                          Sunday, 03-Mar-13 07:37:51 UTC from web
                          • Nothing can be complained about this picture. !Rainbow_Dash http://ur1.ca/cy5jh

                            Sunday, 03-Mar-13 01:43:00 UTC from web
                          • # #! !Rainbow_Dash http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lywmaoy4z71qfewofo1_1280.png @pony

                            Sunday, 03-Mar-13 01:33:16 UTC from web
                          • I used to be a hater like you. Then I took !Rainbow_Dash's hoof to the knee.

                            Monday, 25-Feb-13 05:18:51 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                            • "I think Ashleigh Ball sings !Rainbow_Dash and Applejack well in the shower." #

                              Saturday, 23-Feb-13 03:10:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid