Tyler slendermane's home timeline


  1. voting on Halloween because adulthood is tedium

    about 8 months ago from web
  2. Dodged some trick-or-treat-ers by having all my blinds down. Also it is slightly raining, so they weren't eager to try. Maybe next year I'll craft an auto-candy-dispenser. I have enough micro controllers.

    about 8 months ago from web
  3. the kosher section of the store is expanding into the halal section and it’s causing some problems

    about 8 months ago from web
  4. cherryin hate being my own audio engineer, can we crowdfund a studio for me just so i can pay a different guy to set this up for me

    about 8 months ago from web
  5. Which is to say, the pilot tries its best to be a black comedy, but every dark joke has to be a) only about as dark as what you’d see on Cartoon Network at 6pm on a weekday, and b) they have to counter balance it with wacky game jokez 4 kidz and meta commentary. It gets in its own way a LOT so by the time we got to the obligatory 2001: A Space Odyssey spoof about twenty minutes in I was fully checked out.

    about 8 months ago from web
    • @zeldatra Yeah, just watched it and first impression is that if I were the studio exec, I'd only greenlight it if we were having a really good year or looking at a very desperate one. Close, there's potential, but it's no Helluva Boss.

      about 8 months ago in context
  6. 34+ hours in, and I have **finally** won a game of # !vgp #

    about 8 months ago from web
  7. Maybe my sense of humor is just broken but I dont really think the new circus show is really all that funny

    about 8 months ago from web
    • @zeldatra I think it would be funny if I actually got a job at this GameStop and then showed up two hours late on my first day because the godrotten morons couldn't accurately advertise the hours of their job faire

      about 8 months ago in context
  8. In Yakuza Dead Souls, one of Majima’s substories involves dressing Tojo Clan Sixth Chairman Daigo Dojima in drag and pretending he’s your girlfriend so that you can lure out three zombies hiding in Kamurocho Hills. He hates this, but is honor bound as the Tojo Clan’s Sixth Chairman because he already said he would help you in any way he can. The entire mission is escorting Daigo around in heels. Why didn’t people like this game?

    about 8 months ago from web
    • @zeldatra Maybe because first/3rd-person shooter on consoles suck. I'd like to play it for the wackiness but it's a hard sell for me demanding to use the controller for that kind of gameplay. Also it's not very cheap to purchase as ebay prices are way up and higher than original retail price.

      about 8 months ago in context
  9. Cool. Cool. Another bomb from WW2 has been found in my city and the planned defusing of that bomb is in a few weeks. Need to prepare for an evacuation, mostly for my mother as she lives in the evacuation zone. At the edge of it but everyone has to leave that zone for the whole time (about 6 hours).

    about 8 months ago from web
  10. Oh boy I hope the Thai place doesn’t racially profile me again

    about 8 months ago from web
  11. Man I haven’t seen Beetlejuice since I was like 12 and back then the whole “Beetlejuice is a pedophile” aspect of the movie kind of flew over my head

    about 8 months ago from web
  12. In Yakuza 7, there’s a particular endgame boss with a one-hit KO move that you need to prep for in advance by using one of Ichiban’s defense moves to tank the hit. I did not know this until after the fight was over, because he attempted it once on my healer, missed, and then apparently got embarrassed because he never tried to use it again after that.

    about 8 months ago from web
    • @zeldatra You were so lucky. I had to fight that boss probably a dozen times. I had to switch up my whole party because of him. Without Joon-Gi Han and his poison attack I couldn't get over that difficulty spike.

      about 8 months ago in context
    • @adiwan with that longass dungeon just before the fight, if I had to go back and change ANYTHING about my party I’d have probably just rage quit and not come back to the game for a couple of days.

      about 8 months ago in context
  13. A longtime cashier at my new store just gifted me a hand-crafted Dominican cigar to welcome me to the store. Is this normal? Is that a thing old people do?

    about 9 months ago from web
  14. “Don’t look away” nah man, that batcave’s horrifying, I’m gonna look away just a bit

    about 9 months ago from web
  15. Read a story on CNN about how they’ve nearly doubled the price of Japanese rail tickets for foreigners, up to ¥50,000 from ¥29,000. Is it bananaed up that my first thought was “well, the yen is falling in value so quickly that by next week it’ll be like nothing even changed?”

    about 9 months ago from web
  16. aww damn Dick Butkus died

    about 9 months ago from web
  17. Somebody at Sega is going to hell for designing UFO Catcher

    about 9 months ago from web
  18. this site needs to get about 20% cooler

    about 9 months ago from web
  19. Silksong Never

    about 9 months ago from web
  20. Put 15 hours into Yakuza 7 without realizing it and I only just got my fourth party member

    about 9 months ago from web
    • @zeldatra I think I've spent about 80 hours with that game finishing all side quests that are reasonable to finish. The any% speed run is at 3h 11min. You have a lot of game in front of you. Have fun.

      about 9 months ago in context
  21. just got accused of racism at the store because “you look like a Hispanic”, which I’m pretty sure is the most racist way you can accuse somebody of being racist

    about 9 months ago from web
  22. Whoa, activity!!

    about 9 months ago from web
  23. Yakuza 6 is disappointingly lacking in content (if you’re not a fan of RTS gameplay or baseball management simulation)

    about 9 months ago from web
    • @zeldatra I tried the baseball management and the clan builder and I share the same opinion, they are the weakest mini games. The clan builder is too simple, and the baseball management is too obtuse and lacks more involvement during a match. The chat room mini game is also quite lacking. There is some novelty but there is no reason to play it more than once. I enjoyed the undersea fishing a lot, but only when playing with the PC mouse. The gamepad analog stick moves the reticle tooo slowly.

      about 9 months ago in context
  24. Kiryu has what

    about 9 months ago from web
  25. Yakuza 6 is fully voice acted. This is a blessing and a curse, I like that I can actually hear the characters in sub stories and the like for once, but the animation during the more talky cutscenes (like exposition dumps) is basically nonexistent, I might as well be listening to a radio drama during those parts. This happened in Yakuza 0 too but the expository dialogue is SUPER out of hand in this one, it’s everywhere, and now it applies to sub stories too. Might have to start skipping through dialogue with this one once I’ve read the subtitles instead of at the end of the voice line like I’ve been doing throughout 5 and 0.

    about 9 months ago from web
    • @zeldatra Yeah. They listened to all the critics that were complaining about all the reading and didn't think that animating all the scenes is eXpEnSiVe. Still 1000 times better than the fully voice-acted Oblivion or Skyrim. For what they did it was an adequate job using canned animation clips. Y6 was probably the only game in the series where I haven't mashed though the dialogue because of the voice acting. I tend not to skip voiced dialogue (even when I don't understand Japanese). Written dialogue is quicker do digest and thus mashable when nothing really happens.

      about 9 months ago in context
  26. Soo... how 'bout that Unity blowup? !vgp

    about 9 months ago from web
    • @scribus Unity is in the red for years and buying Weta wasn't cheap so they were grasping for the most stupid decision to gain (repeatable) revenue by choosing to get paid by the amount of installs of the games. The problem is that indie game developers have very little profit and it can cost more in the long run than it gained profit. Also the way to determine the amount of installs is not clear. The last information I heard was that Unity wanted to use a heuristic to guess the amount of installs. Also Unity did that decision out of nowhere and tried to cover their tracks by sneakily removing paragraphs in their license that would hinder that license change. Unity had image problems (being used for asset-flip games, taking a lot of time for updates and being behind on the technical side) before but that was a huge kick in the balls to devs and all people who bought games made with Unity.

      about 9 months ago in context
    • @adiwan their president also sold 2000 shares just before the install thing was announced, adding up to about 50k in the preceding year. seems bad

      about 9 months ago in context
    • @zeldatra Him being at EA before that goes great with that... I read that that amount of stocks was only a very small percentage of his stock holdings. Still looks scummy.

      about 9 months ago in context
  27. Very cool and normal that you need to limit your game to only use two CPU cores in order to do the fishing minigame, SEGA.

    about 9 months ago from web
  28. Weird thought I just had: do you think someone who doesn't know sign language would have an easier time understanding ASL or something improvised by another non-ASL-knower?

    about 10 months ago from web
    • @scribus Typed an entire response about how ASL would probably be the harder one only to realize that my reasoning applies to braille, not ASL. I found ASL somewhat easy to learn (could not use it today, though) and I’m crazy bad with foreign languages so maybe the answer’s in there somewhere?

      about 10 months ago in context
    • @zeldatra According to 2 people on a discord server I'm on, one of whom has a non-verbal child, improvised is easier (and the ASL sign for "Hallway" and "Focus" are the same except for the eyebrows)

      about 10 months ago in context
  29. There are no restrooms in Washington DC metro stations. I had to venture into the city on Saturday to find a bathroom. Found a Macy’s. It was close enough. What I’m mad about is that in DC you get charged your fare when you leave the station rather than the way it works in Europe where you pay for a distance up front, so I basically paid $2 to use the bathroom.

    about 10 months ago from web
  30. Gardening will be a pain. Everything is mostly overgrown with ivy. There was even a cut dead tree fully overgrown by that stuff. The tree was so decayed it was basically at the strength of cardboard. The ivy gave it the most structural integrity.

    about 10 months ago from web