Notices by Matt Guy (anubins), page 2

  1. @mushi to be fair, I play games too much as it is, so, there's that

    Saturday, 04-Aug-12 02:33:50 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  2. @mushi tired after a good day's worth of non stop PC gaming - Jade Empire in the morning, Killing Floor at midday, a Borderlands evening with a midnight snack of TF2. it's 3:30am now, so, yeah, good day, ahaha

    Saturday, 04-Aug-12 02:32:26 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  3. @mushi well helloooooo there

    Saturday, 04-Aug-12 02:29:48 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  4. Remember, kids - forgetting things saves lives.

    Saturday, 04-Aug-12 02:29:18 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  5. I'm not dead! I'm just incredibly forgetful

    Saturday, 04-Aug-12 02:27:15 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  6. I know Ezio's Family is the tune everyone loves from AC2 / Bro Hood but... Venice Rooftops. Come on.

    Friday, 27-Jul-12 19:21:43 UTC from web
  7. group of friends tearing themselves apart from the inside. The worst part is this has happened so many times my only real comment on the situation is "sigh"

    Friday, 27-Jul-12 19:02:27 UTC from web
  8. @hakupony my mates are trying to get a big trailer-thing holiday of sorts throughout the US starting from the top, I'd be the only non-native but it does sound really great fun

    Thursday, 26-Jul-12 15:44:15 UTC from web in context
  9. @hakupony haha, yeah, that's true. Twitter'll stop overloading then

    Thursday, 26-Jul-12 15:31:14 UTC from web in context
  10. @scribus I'm just not a sports guy, at all. So... yeahhh

    Thursday, 26-Jul-12 15:30:53 UTC from web in context
  11. as a member of the current hosting country, I can safely say I don't really care any about the Olympics

    Thursday, 26-Jul-12 15:28:00 UTC from web in context
  12. @scribus haha, yeah. I've had all of them in different saves, put them all over to my Gen 5's sometime. They're not the same levels, so I have to work on that part, but it's pretty fun to do

    Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 00:31:03 UTC from web in context
  13. @lyrica anything worth mentioning?

    Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 00:29:55 UTC from web in context
  14. @scribus Just Ditto 'em and when the eggs hatch, train them together, evolve them whatever way you need

    Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 00:28:28 UTC from web in context
  15. @lyrica regardless of how functional it is, Zorin is a cool name. How's it working for you?

    Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 00:26:52 UTC from web in context
  16. @redenchilada I usually head off around 2am, so I've got about 40-50 minutes. Might spectate for a bit

    Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 00:18:33 UTC from web in context
  17. Hi @ramiel

    Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 00:17:23 UTC from web
  18. @redenchilada Nah, I didn't, just that it would probably go over it. I mean if we were playing as good as we were, then... yeah, ahaha. And it's only one hour after it :<

    Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 00:16:56 UTC from web in context
  19. @redenchilada I'd join, but I'm not gonna stay up long, 1am and all

    Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 00:13:35 UTC from web in context
  20. It's all on me now. I cannot continue to pay the server costs indefinitely, particularly with my employment hanging in the balance like this so please /please/ donate if you want to see this place continue.

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 23:10:00 UTC from web in context Repeat of ceruleansparkold

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 01:35:00 UTC from web in context

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 01:31:31 UTC from web in context
  23. Steam, curse you and your issue of making money issues

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 01:09:00 UTC from web
  24. @princesstrixie WELL THEokay.

    Saturday, 14-Jul-12 13:17:33 UTC from web in context
  25. @carcino 'k

    Saturday, 14-Jul-12 13:17:14 UTC from web in context
  26. @carcino wat

    Saturday, 14-Jul-12 13:16:24 UTC from web in context
  27. I have no idea what I just said

    Saturday, 14-Jul-12 13:15:45 UTC from web in context
  28. @princesstrixie HA! Because /I/ take offense to /YOU/ saying that /YOU/ take offense to /ME/ taking offense to /YOU/!

    Saturday, 14-Jul-12 13:15:33 UTC from web in context
  29. @princesstrixie I TAKE OFFENSE TO THIS

    Saturday, 14-Jul-12 13:13:30 UTC from web in context
  30. Late responses are kind of my thing, really

    Friday, 13-Jul-12 22:45:16 UTC from web