Notices by Matt Guy (anubins), page 4

  1. @mrdragon because it's probably the greatest timesink there is

    Monday, 02-Jul-12 12:27:23 UTC from web in context
  2. you know when you accidentally fave something, but then realise "oh hey I'd have faved that anyway"? Good feel, it's like accidentally saving yourself from humiliation

    Monday, 02-Jul-12 01:37:43 UTC from web
  3. @lovetolerateandsquee rephrase?

    Thursday, 28-Jun-12 17:25:16 UTC from web in context
  4. Pretty happy about the relevance here, though my Tumblr where my list of Where I Am isn't on there. That part amuses me

    Thursday, 28-Jun-12 17:19:02 UTC from web in context
  5. all the current collection is in Very Legal CD Format, too, which is a nice touch

    Thursday, 28-Jun-12 17:13:08 UTC from web
  6. some people collect bottle caps, others collect stamps, I collect James Bond Theme remixes

    Thursday, 28-Jun-12 17:12:17 UTC from web
  7. on one hand, disappointed he's not a narrator, but on the other? He's the challenge guy in a blimp, which means just as much yelling at Spidey

    Monday, 25-Jun-12 14:10:44 UTC from web
  8. that /soundtrack/ hnnnnng

    Monday, 25-Jun-12 14:05:30 UTC from web
  9. Great music to leave in the background and do other stuff to

    Monday, 25-Jun-12 13:09:23 UTC from web
  10. @pawnheart honestly I preferred the wacky music titles, it just irks me that they add "...for X" after them

    Monday, 25-Jun-12 13:01:01 UTC from web in context
  11. @scribble Reach for the Stars ...for Reach for the Stars, Main Theme

    Monday, 25-Jun-12 13:00:00 UTC from web in context
  12. @lovetolerateandsquee welcome to my internet

    Monday, 25-Jun-12 12:57:43 UTC from web in context
  13. next thing you know it'll be Tropical Resort ...for Tropical Resort and Green Hill ...for Green Hill Zone

    Monday, 25-Jun-12 12:56:46 UTC from web
  14. "Run Through The Speed Highway ...for Speed Highway", "Escape From The City ...for City Escape" GEE I WOULD NEVER HAVE GUESSED WHAT LEVELS THEY WERE FOR, SONIC SOUNDTRACKS

    Monday, 25-Jun-12 12:55:15 UTC from web in context
  15. @mushi usually they're like that because you can stack the effects, so put them lowest-to-highest first off

    Saturday, 23-Jun-12 00:01:43 UTC from web in context
  16. @mushi head into skills and select it from there, weapons mean you don't have to select the weapon but once you've learned it (the bar in the skill menu has been filled) you can just equip it with those number points somewhere on the page. Each skill takes up a different amount of number points and all that, standard RPG stuff

    Friday, 22-Jun-12 23:50:44 UTC from web in context
  17. @mushi That I have! 200+ hours, I think

    Friday, 22-Jun-12 23:39:13 UTC from web in context
  18. Also, RDN gaming? I approve wholeheartedly

    Friday, 22-Jun-12 23:36:59 UTC from web in context
  19. @mrdragon Alrighty then!

    Friday, 22-Jun-12 23:36:49 UTC from web in context
  20. @mrdragon I could maybe hurry things up a little, friend of mine knows the guy in charge, if you want

    Friday, 22-Jun-12 23:35:17 UTC from web in context
  21. oh hey I see BUCK got an affiliate badge

    Friday, 22-Jun-12 23:33:48 UTC from web in context
  22. Quantum Conundrum is a great blast and you should play it. Right now. Put everything nonimportant or nonessential down right this instant and buy the thing and play it

    Friday, 22-Jun-12 01:04:17 UTC from web
  23. suddenly, the appearance of a Hoenn remix for Black & White 2 makes me want the new Pogeymawn

    Thursday, 21-Jun-12 17:01:58 UTC from web
  24. @chaosmagic yeah, it's mostly just waiting unless you play Rita with her BUTTON MASH TO PERFORM SPELLS FASTER skill

    Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 00:27:50 UTC from web in context
  25. @rainbowtwist3r HOW ARE YOU DOING THEN MY GOOD MAN

    Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 00:08:54 UTC from web in context
  26. @chaosmagic yeah, the only mage I've played for a long time was Raven who was an archer/mage hybrid. between him, Yuri, and Repede were my Vesperia player character choices

    Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 00:08:17 UTC from web in context
  27. @mushi Ahaha, yeah, that quest was really annoying. Boss was really difficult too IIRC

    Monday, 18-Jun-12 23:44:02 UTC from web in context
  28. @chaosmagic 360

    Monday, 18-Jun-12 23:43:20 UTC from web in context
  29. @rainbowtwist3r OH HEY KEITH

    Monday, 18-Jun-12 23:43:09 UTC from web in context
  30. @chaosmagic yeah, very true! it's one of the reasons I love Tales personally, but others might disagree with that

    Monday, 18-Jun-12 23:42:44 UTC from web in context