Suzanne Platt's home timeline


  1. Hi is anyone still in this group???

    Monday, 19-Jan-15 02:58:54 UTC from web
  2. Knock knock. Anyone home? :V Noticed my co-admin from Youmacon Bronies had been posting in hear after trying to search for more active Michigan brony groups. Sadly, it seems this may be a dead end too. A lot of take but not a lot of give y'know what i mean? Anyway, i also do stuff at Metro Detrot Bronies on facebook/twitter. Hope to see you guys around!

    Friday, 05-Dec-14 03:37:20 UTC from web
  3. In some capacity, there will be a meetup at Youmacon next week. Go here for details:

    Tuesday, 21-Oct-14 06:02:42 UTC from web
    • does anypony live anywere near saugatuck?

      Monday, 29-Sep-14 17:54:17 UTC from web

        Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 14:24:12 UTC from ban me pls
      • "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

        Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
      • Ashleigh Ball and her film friend, Brent Hodge's documentary will be in theaters for 1 day, on Tuesday 8th, at 7 P.M.. Is anyone going to check out? If you are, click over to this meetup. Even if you're not specifically going for this, it'd be nice to have a head count. I might be in jury duty the day before, but if not, I want to get some phone pics/vids in.

        Sunday, 06-Jul-14 21:38:39 UTC from web
      • Do robots even have genders?

        Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
      • @admin ahaha.

        Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
        • So im new here and am hoping to make some new friends :) Hows it going?

          Monday, 09-Jun-14 04:08:54 UTC from web
        • so quiet again :/

          Tuesday, 20-May-14 09:20:10 UTC from web
          • Hey Michigan bronies: Midwest Media Expo is in a few days in Detroit. If any of y'all are going, would somebody be willing to get me a picture signed at the HotDiggedyDemon panel?

            Tuesday, 22-Apr-14 22:20:22 UTC from web
          • Btw, if you guys do or do not recall, I helped get that big meetup going at Youmacon 2012. Here's the link again:

            Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 03:11:48 UTC from web
            • With HotDiggedyDemon & SillyFillyStudios being at MME, we at Bronies of Youmacon would be remiss in, if nothing else, planning a meetup during this event! Nothing's set in stone just yet, so if you got any ideas, the rally starts here:

              Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 02:27:46 UTC from web
            • Anyone live near Tawas City? I just moved here with my girlfriend and I don't know anyone D=

              Sunday, 16-Feb-14 04:36:04 UTC from web
            • Anyone live near Saginaw, Freeland or Detroit? Tawas, too. Hit me up!

              Friday, 24-Jan-14 01:26:35 UTC from web
              • Hello every pony. Anyone live in or near Grand Rapids

                Monday, 20-Jan-14 22:43:32 UTC from web
              • @nicklecat !mibronies

                Monday, 20-Jan-14 04:18:27 UTC from web
              • Another 40 degree day.

                Friday, 20-Dec-13 02:37:15 UTC from web
              • @sidos !centralflbronies nice i wonder if it is a flash back or maybe it's happening again for some reason and luna is speaking to twilight in a manner that she would be speaking to celestia because twilight is royalty now? Not sure if you meant she spoke to twilight in a more serious manner like she would celestia or if she is directly addressing twilight as if she was celestia but ill probably look it up later. Just a different theory that's probably not even close to the truth but just speculating other possibilities. ether way cant wait. Nice, im in Bartow not nearly as eventful as Tampa and where the population is mostly the elderly.

                Saturday, 24-Aug-13 20:29:00 UTC from web
                • Show all 26 replies
                • @sidos !centralflbronies yes or even the idea that there is more to the elements than we already know, power that even celestia and luna didnt manage to grasp, and even the idea that there is another form of the elements no one knew existed a darker form because after all what is harmony without the yin and the yang. This in mind i also have ideas of explaining where the elements came from in my story and perhaps they came from two entities that merged but were shattered through the process forming elements we know today. This same concept what if characters like somber and discord were once something else but distorted to match the "opposing element" they represent. For example somber clearly was once a pony but was consumed by a piece of this entity (and specifically the piece that dictates fear) and is transformed into who we know him as and much like the element he represents his powers as we saw reflected fear a lot, corrupting the land spreading and altering it and himself>

                  Saturday, 12-Oct-13 22:18:32 UTC in context
                • @sidos !centralflbronies becoming a dictator whose rule maintained by fear. Or discord being an element of chaos or specifically madness and his power to alter rules and make order disappear and the world have no rhyme or reason. Perhaps even luna has seen these other elements first hand hmm? Finally what if this entity returned seeking to become whole once again and through the trials that follow in his wake the main 5 learn the deeper power in their elements and what opposes them. Also noted i say he because i also had the idea if what if part of this entity was someone that celestia and luna were once very close to but forgotten even existed as a result from the separation. food for thought

                  Saturday, 12-Oct-13 22:26:33 UTC in context
                • @nerv !centralflbronies Laughter: Anger, Generosity: Greed, Honesty: Deception, Kindness: Violence, Loyalty: Betrayal, Magic: Chaos? I guess it could be chaos or something but then how would that fit with discord? I mean we already saw their counter selves and what if they all someone did use the elements while as their counters? That just gives discord more power?

                  Monday, 14-Oct-13 03:05:16 UTC in context
              • !mibronies hello every pony!

                Sunday, 06-Oct-13 17:46:36 UTC from web
              • !mibronies Anyone live in and/or near the Macomb county? If so, we should meet up somewhere

                Sunday, 07-Jul-13 18:49:48 UTC from web
              • !mibronies Just joined yaaaay Michigan ftw

                Tuesday, 01-Oct-13 20:27:10 UTC from web
                • !centralflbronies Hey there, everypony! I'm just about to move into Winter Park mid-October, so I thought that I'd pre-prepare myself. I can't wait to meet all you guys (eventually)! :D

                  Thursday, 19-Sep-13 15:04:19 UTC from web
                • !centralflbronies Hey there everypony, I just recently moved down to Ocala and am looking for some people to chill with, if anyone's interested hit me up. My skype is zanzathegreat and my facebook is Zanza Zetkin. Thanks in advance!

                  Monday, 09-Sep-13 05:23:12 UTC from web at 29°11'13"N 82°8'24"W
                • woo !mibronies meetup right now apparently

                  Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 03:26:17 UTC from web
                  • !centralflbronies Helllloooo! discussion anyone?

                    Saturday, 17-Aug-13 22:11:12 UTC from web
                  • !centralflbronies I try but no one ever replies XD again anyone going to metrocon tomorrow?

                    Thursday, 25-Jul-13 23:30:19 UTC from web
                  • !centralflbronies lol Yes XD

                    Thursday, 25-Jul-13 16:30:15 UTC from web
                    • !centralflbronies is anyone is this group alive?

                      Thursday, 25-Jul-13 05:25:19 UTC from web