Sarah's home timeline


  1. Heya Stacy.

    Sunday, 10-Feb-13 17:28:08 UTC from web
  2. ♫Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me!♫ Happy Birthday Dear Cabal! ♫ Happy Birthday to me! ♫♫♫

    Sunday, 10-Feb-13 17:24:06 UTC from web
  3. Is that a Wonderbolt type mask accessory on @#RD !Rainbow_Dash Front center?

    Sunday, 10-Feb-13 07:14:45 UTC from web
  4. What's this supposed to be? It has the same cover as one of the comics I think, but it doesn't look like a comic really, does it?

    Sunday, 10-Feb-13 06:49:23 UTC from web
  5. !Rainbow_Dash doesn't cry. She bleeds tears.

    Saturday, 09-Feb-13 03:46:34 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • Oh Hey everypony! If you have been following my work on, a new chapter in The Border is now available for you to read!:

      Thursday, 07-Feb-13 22:04:38 UTC from web
    • Oh, and My Birthday is on February 10th this sunday! Cheers!

      Thursday, 07-Feb-13 22:05:05 UTC from web
      • I have a 743:1052 response to post ratio. @ceruleanspark has a 1547:1506 ratio. I wonder who gets the most attention on RDN per dash. My guess is maybe Cerulean.

        Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 19:11:31 UTC from web
      • Okay I lol'd !Rainbow_Dash

        Wednesday, 06-Feb-13 08:06:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • *dies twice* @#Scootaloo @#RD # !Rainbow_Dash

          Wednesday, 06-Feb-13 07:37:36 UTC from web
        • @#RD @#Fluttershy !Rainbow_Dash !Fluttershy #

          Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 08:37:50 UTC from web
        • @#RD !Rainbow_Dash

          Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 08:34:53 UTC from web
          • # # @#lightshipping !Rainbow_Dash !Fluttershy

            Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 08:12:03 UTC from web
          • @#RD !Rainbow_Dash

            Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 08:04:18 UTC from web
            • # is the new !Rainbow_Dash?

              Monday, 04-Feb-13 03:47:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            • The most jimmies that will be rustled with new Twi will be !Rainbow_Dash

              Wednesday, 30-Jan-13 15:45:08 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            • @#Scootaloo @#RD !Rainbow_Dash #

              Monday, 28-Jan-13 11:56:43 UTC from web
            • # @#RD !RainbowDash #

              Monday, 28-Jan-13 11:30:41 UTC from web
              • @#AJ @#RD @#Fluttershy @#cute !Applejack !Rainbow_Dash !Fluttershy

                Monday, 28-Jan-13 10:30:51 UTC from web
              • Well at least my xbox has a !Rainbow_Dash theme and personal picture now. If its seeable by others has yet to be seen.

                Monday, 28-Jan-13 02:16:27 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • #? @widget Should use this as a icon/header thingy for a bit... of class that is. !Rainbow_Dash

                  Sunday, 27-Jan-13 06:16:36 UTC from web
                  • !Rainbow_Dash

                    Thursday, 24-Jan-13 04:14:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • Its freezing on the east coast!

                    Tuesday, 22-Jan-13 17:05:57 UTC from web
                  • Whenever I see Ashleigh Ball talking in-character it just seems like someone put !RainbowDash's voice over hers.

                    Saturday, 12-Jan-13 08:23:32 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    • Sigh... I am stuck at the office and will be sleeping here... again.

                      Saturday, 12-Jan-13 07:32:37 UTC from web
                    • Story: Blueblood's Blush: [Shipping] Author: Marcella Howard Description: Celestia, in an attempt to get her young nephew off his high horse, has Blueblood go outside and meet new ponies. While outside he bumps into a poster of nopony else but The Great and Powerful Trixie. Will anything come of this? Stay tuned and find out! Additional Tags: New, creative, fun, revealing, eye-opening >

                      Thursday, 10-Jan-13 19:10:04 UTC from Sethisto
                    • #

                      Tuesday, 08-Jan-13 16:37:04 UTC from web