Meg's home timeline


  1. Knock knock. Anyone home? :V Noticed my co-admin from Youmacon Bronies had been posting in hear after trying to search for more active Michigan brony groups. Sadly, it seems this may be a dead end too. A lot of take but not a lot of give y'know what i mean? Anyway, i also do stuff at Metro Detrot Bronies on facebook/twitter. Hope to see you guys around!

    Friday, 05-Dec-14 03:37:20 UTC from web
  2. In some capacity, there will be a meetup at Youmacon next week. Go here for details:

    Tuesday, 21-Oct-14 06:02:42 UTC from web
    • does anypony live anywere near saugatuck?

      Monday, 29-Sep-14 17:54:17 UTC from web

        Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 14:24:12 UTC from ban me pls
      • "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

        Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
      • Ashleigh Ball and her film friend, Brent Hodge's documentary will be in theaters for 1 day, on Tuesday 8th, at 7 P.M.. Is anyone going to check out? If you are, click over to this meetup. Even if you're not specifically going for this, it'd be nice to have a head count. I might be in jury duty the day before, but if not, I want to get some phone pics/vids in.

        Sunday, 06-Jul-14 21:38:39 UTC from web
      • Do robots even have genders?

        Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
      • @admin ahaha.

        Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
        • Hey Michigan bronies: Midwest Media Expo is in a few days in Detroit. If any of y'all are going, would somebody be willing to get me a picture signed at the HotDiggedyDemon panel?

          Tuesday, 22-Apr-14 22:20:22 UTC from web
        • Btw, if you guys do or do not recall, I helped get that big meetup going at Youmacon 2012. Here's the link again:

          Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 03:11:48 UTC from web
          • With HotDiggedyDemon & SillyFillyStudios being at MME, we at Bronies of Youmacon would be remiss in, if nothing else, planning a meetup during this event! Nothing's set in stone just yet, so if you got any ideas, the rally starts here:

            Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 02:27:46 UTC from web
          • Anyone live near Tawas City? I just moved here with my girlfriend and I don't know anyone D=

            Sunday, 16-Feb-14 04:36:04 UTC from web
          • Anyone live near Saginaw, Freeland or Detroit? Tawas, too. Hit me up!

            Friday, 24-Jan-14 01:26:35 UTC from web
            • Hello every pony. Anyone live in or near Grand Rapids

              Monday, 20-Jan-14 22:43:32 UTC from web
            • @nicklecat !mibronies

              Monday, 20-Jan-14 04:18:27 UTC from web
            • Another 40 degree day.

              Friday, 20-Dec-13 02:37:15 UTC from web
            • !mibronies hello every pony!

              Sunday, 06-Oct-13 17:46:36 UTC from web
            • !mibronies Anyone live in and/or near the Macomb county? If so, we should meet up somewhere

              Sunday, 07-Jul-13 18:49:48 UTC from web
            • !mibronies Just joined yaaaay Michigan ftw

              Tuesday, 01-Oct-13 20:27:10 UTC from web
              • woo !mibronies meetup right now apparently

                Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 03:26:17 UTC from web
                • !mibronies Here is something that may interest you. (If you guy were still around which it doesn't look like)

                  Wednesday, 24-Jul-13 18:43:00 UTC from web
                  • !mibronies nothing is happening... sadly

                    Tuesday, 09-Jul-13 06:33:39 UTC from web
                  • !mibronies Gonna go see EqG as part of the YoumaconBronies group this Sat. July 6 at Emagine Royal Oak; starts at 10:30

                    Friday, 05-Jul-13 02:48:13 UTC from web
                    • !mibronies Holy crap this group has grown. Where did you all spring from? xD

                      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 05:13:49 UTC from web
                    • @kolzach michigan !mibronies

                      Wednesday, 29-May-13 01:46:21 UTC from web
                    • @vt3c the owner was vanished

                      Monday, 27-May-13 22:55:06 UTC from web
                    • @vt3c you wouldn't by chance be in michigan? I'm looking to hire 3 receptionists and a few more customer service agents :)

                      Sunday, 26-May-13 16:03:38 UTC from web
                    • !mibronies Any one in or around Mt. Pleasant? I'm pretty new around here and would like a guide of the area

                      Thursday, 23-May-13 21:31:23 UTC from web
                      • !mibronies

                        Thursday, 23-May-13 21:24:20 UTC from web
                        • IM BACK

                          Friday, 19-Apr-13 20:04:35 UTC from web