charls devine's home timeline


  1. I scared mushi away

    Sunday, 06-Jul-14 00:10:14 UTC from web
    • "i dont like feet on my head!"

      -mushi's little sister

      Saturday, 05-Jul-14 23:49:04 UTC from web
    • @whitebag I barely consider RDN part of the brony community to be honest.

      Saturday, 05-Jul-14 23:49:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • @mushi あなたは「錬金少女メルルの歌」を聞くか?

      Saturday, 05-Jul-14 23:23:57 UTC from web
    • Who needs shirts anyway we should all go topless

      Saturday, 05-Jul-14 23:22:26 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • Night all lots of # and #

      Saturday, 05-Jul-14 23:14:40 UTC from web
    • I finished reading my first novel in over a year!

      Saturday, 05-Jul-14 23:04:22 UTC from web
    • I for one find 4chan's attempts very humorous.

      Saturday, 05-Jul-14 20:55:09 UTC from web
    • >calling /b/'s asshattery 4chan as a whole Come on guys aren't we passed this? I guarantee you my home board /u/ has nothing to do with this it's not 4chan's fault it's the underage b& /b/tards trying to be le edgy

      Saturday, 05-Jul-14 21:00:34 UTC from web
    • Happy birthday America :) god bless

      Saturday, 05-Jul-14 04:52:58 UTC from web
    • yeah yeah fireworks are pretty cool and all but have you seen tHIS BUBBLE GUN

      Saturday, 05-Jul-14 04:34:07 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • @desiros you're here? Yay! Now I've seen everyone I missed from the old days.

      Saturday, 05-Jul-14 05:01:58 UTC from web
    • Happy birthday America :) god bless

      Saturday, 05-Jul-14 04:53:11 UTC from web
      • Look at this funny joke about the mass effect 3 ending. It may be a little late but it's okay because I quoted it.

        Saturday, 05-Jul-14 00:13:40 UTC from web
      • "Look at this Metal Gear Solid sketch we did last week."
        "War has changed."
        "And now look at this Fallout 3 sketch we did yesterday!"
        "War never changes."

        Saturday, 05-Jul-14 00:03:34 UTC from web
      • so, it seems they fractured one of Neymar's vertebras

        Friday, 04-Jul-14 23:48:03 UTC from web
      • So, tomorrowargentina plays in brasilia

        Friday, 04-Jul-14 22:31:44 UTC from web
      • @lyrica Don is alive

        Friday, 04-Jul-14 22:40:21 UTC from web
      • mushi shi zoku shou only has 10 episodes D=. And i waited 8 years for that DD=

        Friday, 04-Jul-14 14:41:21 UTC from web
      • @bakasenpai so, if i wanted to say that sometimes when the insects become adults their body change, wouldnt it be like "時々大人になるときに体が変わります" ? my teacher said he didnt understand that

        Friday, 04-Jul-14 21:08:36 UTC from web
      • Probably doesn't help that I'm hunched over my tablet all day, heh.

        Friday, 04-Jul-14 15:17:27 UTC from web

        Friday, 04-Jul-14 14:02:14 UTC from web
      • !honk if you love @mushi

        Friday, 04-Jul-14 14:28:10 UTC from web
      • Gonna take you right into the !dangerzone

        Thursday, 21-Feb-13 20:59:40 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • why sister, why do you watch toodlres in tiaras?

        Friday, 04-Jul-14 14:05:17 UTC from web
      • @snowcone it's actually because of large parties and drinking that murder goes up between the night of july 4th and the morn of july 5th

        Friday, 04-Jul-14 14:02:03 UTC from web
        • Gwilled cheese...... sandwich

          Friday, 04-Jul-14 11:04:52 UTC from web
        • @thewaifutyphoon it's only a matter of time

          Friday, 04-Jul-14 07:37:31 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • I want a petite pink haired girl to call me a stupid dog while kissing me passionately

          Friday, 04-Jul-14 07:44:49 UTC from web