ck06's home timeline


  1. "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

    Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
  2. !coderponies Niklaus Wirth, creator of the Pascal, Modula, and Oberon programming languages, has a book on writing compilers that is available for free online. It is 'Compiler Construction', and it is linked on his Wikipedia page.

    Thursday, 31-Jul-14 17:56:12 UTC from bti
  3. convert - -depth 8 rgba:- > rawrgba.bin

    Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 22:27:40 UTC from web
  4. !coderponies The newest versions of GCC have Go and C11 support. C11 is the newest version of C, which I have heard includes a standard non-pthread threading interface and anonymous structs and unions.

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 18:59:01 UTC from web
  5. Some of you guys might be interested in a video I just recorded of a game I was working on at one point. I oughta work on it more some time.

    Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 01:40:30 UTC from web
  6. !coderponies Does anypony know how to permanently let Python know about modules installed in odd directories, like /usr/local? Do I just set PYTHONPATH?

    Sunday, 27-Jul-14 21:13:32 UTC from bti
    • !coderponies GNU Stow has proved to be an amazing program! I have installed several packages from source now, and they can all be easily uninstalled with a single command.

      Sunday, 27-Jul-14 06:14:58 UTC from bti
    • Hello, is this an anime channel?

      How do I patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?

      Friday, 25-Jul-14 20:12:01 UTC from web
    • !coderponies # UNIX tip: To search man pages by name and description, use "man -k keyword" or "apropos keyword", which function exactly the same. To see all of the man pages in a certain man section, try "man -s sectionname -k '.*'" . This works because man -k and apropos take a regular expression as the keyword, and .* makes it match everything.

      Thursday, 24-Jul-14 22:13:27 UTC from web
    • I want a matching avatar with @bitshift's but bluuuh don't have one. STOP USING CUTE THINGS I CAN'T USE

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 05:54:13 UTC from web
    • Disney's Chernabog with a Blog

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 05:12:00 UTC from web
    • Minti i havent seen you in furevur but you prolly dont remember me so i wont bother you lol

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 05:42:41 UTC from web
    • people should talk to me on skype too. Or not

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 05:31:57 UTC from web
    • I've never actually met Minti before but I know about him (her?) through a bunch of other people on the site.

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 05:44:08 UTC from web
    • @minti Mint

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 05:27:59 UTC from web
    • @minti Do u remember me?

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 05:43:56 UTC from web
    • !coderponies # To generate JPEGs of the pages in a PDF, so that you can view them with a framebuffer image viewer or other non-PDF-compatible viewer, you can use this command: gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=%d.jpg filename.pdf

      Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 03:08:42 UTC from bti
    • !coderponies GNU Stow 2.1.3 released. I haven't used this project yet, but it seems like it would solve a lot of problems with installing packages from source in UNIX-like systems. It manages symlinks in a common directory which point to files from packages that are really separately installed:

      Sunday, 20-Jul-14 09:08:15 UTC from web
      • !coderponies This CC-licensed tileset might interest you game-programming horses:

        Thursday, 17-Jul-14 19:40:59 UTC from web
        • !coderponies

          Thursday, 17-Jul-14 03:16:01 UTC from web
          • [15:49:25] <@furyhunter> we live in a very strange world
            [15:49:39] <@furyhunter> a python interpreter written in python runs the same python code faster than a python interpreter
            [15:50:41] <@furyhunter> in fact
            [15:51:05] <@furyhunter> a python interpreter written in python runs some example tests written in python faster than native C programs compiled with gcc -O3

            Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 21:28:53 UTC from web
            • # RDN "butts"

              Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 21:01:07 UTC from web
            • Writing a Scheme script to split a file of ABC-notation music into separate lilypond files with abc2ly, then render them with lilypond itself. Then I'll have some jigs to play:

              Monday, 14-Jul-14 21:37:35 UTC from web
              • CC-licensed, venerable MIT textbook for programming in Scheme. It is an excellent introduction for beginners. As one who hasn't had formal programming education, this also opened my eyes to the benefits of recursion and variable mutation in functional languages.

                Monday, 14-Jul-14 08:03:12 UTC from web
              • Anyone used the programming language Go?

                Monday, 14-Jul-14 06:43:12 UTC from web
              • Also remember. Pinkie is best pony.

                Sunday, 13-Jul-14 10:25:39 UTC from web
              • Anywho, bed time. Cya whenever!

                Sunday, 13-Jul-14 10:22:44 UTC from web
              • So but seriously, what have I missed the past year and a half?

                Sunday, 13-Jul-14 10:06:19 UTC from web
              • Is !badideacentral still a thing? It should still be a thing.

                Sunday, 13-Jul-14 10:04:00 UTC from web
              • I'm surprised nobody I've talked to before, not even the old guard, reacted visibly to my change of avatar yet. Y'all are slipping.

                Sunday, 13-Jul-14 09:39:09 UTC from web