Colson's home timeline


  1. I imagine Alphys wouldn't use the generic-ass monitors that I use. Somebody link me some REALLY good 16:9 monitors to base the next model on.

    Tuesday, 13-Sep-16 22:10:39 UTC from web
  2. happy birthgay @mrmattimation

    Tuesday, 13-Sep-16 04:35:44 UTC from web
  3. "Nothing is worse for a straight guy than looking at another heterosexual man’s butt only to see he’s wearing unflattering pants."

    Tuesday, 13-Sep-16 03:06:06 UTC from web
  4. Playing The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning because Tomb Raider has bored me to the point that I no longer want to play it.

    Monday, 12-Sep-16 19:20:56 UTC from web
  5. It's almost as funny as the time I tried to call colfax a turbo nerd and accidentally called him a turd instead

    Sunday, 11-Sep-16 23:01:29 UTC from web
  6. Also can we PLEASE make an exception in the fruit censor for "An.iseed", it makes it sound like I'm trashing somebody who works very hard on these cartoons @ceruleanspark

    Sunday, 11-Sep-16 21:41:19 UTC from web
  7. This thing where developers of major apps grapepost in their patch notes instead of actually describing what changed upsets me

    Sunday, 11-Sep-16 16:30:04 UTC from web
  8. I straight up would not hesitate to punch Martin Shrekeli in the face if I ever ran into him. Don't give a FrankerZ about drug price raising. Don't give a apple about his bad taste in midwest emo. Don't give a batcave about his politics. Would just like to papayaing lay him out, especially because he fancies himself an MMA fighter. Dude has never taken a punch in his life. I could floor him, and it would be hilarious

    Sunday, 11-Sep-16 15:48:20 UTC from
  9. Oh, never mind, the remote board was above the service panel

    Sunday, 11-Sep-16 04:05:36 UTC from web
    • Kind of annoyed that I need a key I don't have to get into the back of TC and a remote board I also don't have to adjust the monitor settings because the whole picture is offset to the left and I can't calibrate the lightgun properly without losing the ability to shoot the left edge of the screen

      Sunday, 11-Sep-16 03:09:25 UTC from web
      • can't believe people are still complaining about "who did 9/11"
        it DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE, it's been 15 years ffs
        the damage is done, all we can do now is accept it as such and MOVE ON

        Saturday, 10-Sep-16 21:04:42 UTC from web
      • Time to go find my dad's tools and throw the marquee on top of Time Crisis

        Saturday, 10-Sep-16 17:16:39 UTC from web
        • People still watch FiM?

          Saturday, 10-Sep-16 16:36:10 UTC from web
        • It took me like thirty credits to beat Time Crisis because I'm bad

          Saturday, 10-Sep-16 05:23:37 UTC from web
          • Look what I got today!!

            Saturday, 10-Sep-16 00:54:10 UTC from web
          • speaking of gens - Pokemon


            Friday, 09-Sep-16 15:52:54 UTC from
          • You (the person reading this right now) are a huge nerd

            Thursday, 08-Sep-16 02:14:32 UTC from web
          • I'm upset that this shirt doesn't seem to be listed in an adult size

            Thursday, 08-Sep-16 05:32:20 UTC from web
            • EAT apple 14S I DON'T NEED YOU ANY MORE

              Wednesday, 07-Sep-16 00:17:34 UTC from web
              • Tempted to go to the arcade after card games tomorrow and maybe if I do I can bring something to hold up my phone with and take a video

                Sunday, 04-Sep-16 03:38:52 UTC from web
              • lmao I got it to where the public outrage was going down during a public outrage event

                Saturday, 03-Sep-16 19:01:44 UTC from web
                • Played ten sets of DDR A today (including 3 of doubles) and caused the machine to crash once. I also passed my second 14 by a hair (and failed another one on the last note) which means I might be improving!

                  Saturday, 03-Sep-16 07:15:42 UTC from web
                  • I broke it

                    Saturday, 03-Sep-16 07:02:37 UTC from web
                    • MY religion forbids love between ANY two entities, not just of the same gender. The conservatives ain't got nothin' on me

                      Thursday, 01-Sep-16 13:51:24 UTC from web
                    • the Book of Mormon specifically states no democrat can ever be president

                      Thursday, 01-Sep-16 12:46:53 UTC from web
                    • I'm upset

                      Tuesday, 30-Aug-16 21:44:01 UTC from web
                      • why is Sonic Adventure 2's interface font Comic Sans

                        Tuesday, 30-Aug-16 17:33:09 UTC from web
                      • help my right to steal things has been infringed

                        Tuesday, 30-Aug-16 18:51:06 UTC from web
                      • I'm starting to feel kinda bad for one of the guys I traded at league today because the card I gave him is only worth 50 cents more than the card I got two of in exchange

                        Monday, 29-Aug-16 00:50:09 UTC from web
                        • Only downside is a lot of the available work (especially remote) is contract jobs so there's a lot of job hunting involved

                          Sunday, 28-Aug-16 15:39:35 UTC from web