Conner Skye's home timeline


  1. i am confused

    Tuesday, 31-Jan-17 21:01:31 UTC from web
  2. Who remembers PowerPC?

    Tuesday, 31-Jan-17 20:12:46 UTC from
  3. Wear thong underwear backwards

    Tuesday, 31-Jan-17 18:48:22 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  4. How goes in this place

    Tuesday, 31-Jan-17 19:57:03 UTC from web
  5. So what (smart) phone are you guys using ? I can swear by my S7, but one of my friends who has the S7-edge is swearing off on Samsung now

    Tuesday, 31-Jan-17 18:34:50 UTC from web
  6. I wonder if I can remember every teacher I had in school who wasn't a substitute... I already know I can't by name. #

    Monday, 30-Jan-17 21:53:42 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  7. Apparently one of my co-workers is keeping track of how many times another one of my coworkers is mentioning she is vegan. I know for I just found the book used to keep track. This is going to be one of those Baader-Meinhof thingies now isn't it ? ( quickly rolling through the past 8 weeks & pages, average of 5 I'd say )

    Monday, 30-Jan-17 21:56:08 UTC from web

      Monday, 30-Jan-17 07:14:34 UTC from
    • "Darkness is good: Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they're blind to who we are and what we're doing." -an actual real thing Steve Bannon said

      Monday, 30-Jan-17 18:17:55 UTC from web
    • I have no reason to be as happy as I am right now. The only thing I did was find an UltraStar Initial D .txt file with all the information required.

      Sunday, 29-Jan-17 22:46:40 UTC from web
      • My head is exploding. Gotta love headaches

        Sunday, 29-Jan-17 11:23:58 UTC from web
        • anyone know a little mandarin and knows what is that Mei's voice line that sort of sounds like "adjabutchuan djuan na" ,-, ?

          Sunday, 29-Jan-17 00:57:12 UTC from web
        • One of my friends told me that 'exposed' is such an overused cliche word that lost all meaning. So I told him I thought the same thing about 'butthurt'. That did dissolve into a conversation of the difference between 'attention seeking' vs 'attempt at humour' REALLY fast.

          Sunday, 29-Jan-17 00:40:10 UTC from web
          • One of my buddies just passed this to me along with the message "well, that failed. Got any idea's ?"

            Saturday, 28-Jan-17 19:40:59 UTC from web
            • Is this the end of Hitman ?

              Saturday, 28-Jan-17 13:27:49 UTC from web
            • Can anyone explain to when and how the RX 480 is now better than the GTX 1060 ?

              Saturday, 28-Jan-17 16:10:58 UTC from web
              • Tbh I think people were meaner on the internet ten years ago. Now if you want to insult someone you just call them fat on Twitter. Before, people on sites like Newgrounds would team up to create entire 20-minute hate videos about users they didn't like.

                Saturday, 28-Jan-17 12:52:09 UTC from web
              • WTF. I updated chromium on Debian and all my extensions vanished and I cannot install them again. It says "Installation is not enabled". I cannot find an option for this.

                Saturday, 28-Jan-17 11:48:34 UTC from web
              • sometimes when I'm auto dueling the AI makes really dumb mistakes and even though I'm the one who loses I tell Yugi he deserves this

                Saturday, 28-Jan-17 11:56:11 UTC from web
              • I just found myself in a situation where I had to explain how individual civilians can not be directly held accountable for what is written in the Geneva Convention doctrines... It was weird

                Saturday, 28-Jan-17 11:25:05 UTC from web
                • * google an obscure topic
                  * only find your own GS posts about that topic

                  Friday, 27-Jan-17 22:55:14 UTC from
                • Just had a face to face with a client. I was told up front that he speaks Spanish and there just aren't any Spanish speakers available in my unit. So I see him, I dial up the translation service, get it on speaker phone, start the back and forth, and he asks me (in clear English) "Is that for me or you?" But when a mother Fluffle Puffer speaks Lithuanian or something I can't even get a heads up. LE OVERWROUGHT SIGH

                  Friday, 27-Jan-17 21:55:58 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • Like there's this gentrified neighborhood around here, a real SoDoSoPa type place, and all of the restaurants there have just the coolest drink machines filled with literally every single flavor of every single Coca-Cola product there is, and I feel so spoiled by them.

                  Friday, 27-Jan-17 21:50:51 UTC from web
                • When the dick's away, the traps aren't gay

                  Friday, 27-Jan-17 21:19:52 UTC from web
                • quality discourse on this side of the federation today lads

                  Friday, 27-Jan-17 21:07:33 UTC from
                • You know who loved bunkers because they were their safe space? Hitler.

                  Friday, 27-Jan-17 18:41:35 UTC from web
                • Tbh the only reason trump supporters like Russia is because Obama and Clinton didn't. If Hillary came out and was like "dude Russia is so cool" DJT would be like "MAN papaya RUSSIA THOSE GUYS ARE ASSHOLES I'M GONNA NUKE THE grape OUT OF THEM".

                  Friday, 27-Jan-17 21:04:07 UTC from web
                  • Scribus likes this.
                  • @mrmattimation 1: I really do not think the Dow Jones Transportation index would be pro-nuke anything

                    2 : I really do not think there are much voters out there whom think more than the DJT would

                    3 : Oh yes because saying you like someone is SOOOO much better than wanting a no fly zone just to FLUFF your percieved enemy /s

                    Friday, 27-Jan-17 21:09:47 UTC in context
                • Liking traps isn't gay if what you like in them is their feminine looks.

                  Friday, 27-Jan-17 20:57:08 UTC from
                • And before you try and tell me that at a 0% approval rating I would likely be assassinated; if I'm running for president that means my will to live is gone already.

                  Friday, 27-Jan-17 18:32:55 UTC from web
                • OMG IS THAT A JOJO REFFERENCE?!?

                  Friday, 27-Jan-17 18:34:50 UTC from web