

  1. If you have an operating system problem, install Linux. Now you have two problems.

    Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 15:00:02 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @ceruleanspark What would that new problem be? Too much spare time because your system actually runs?

      Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 15:01:20 UTC from Choqok
    2. @ceruleanspark Having Linux installed is a problem that I like having. But I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with me. ;)

      Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 15:01:21 UTC from IdentiCurse
      1. @spectrumscramble I have a Debian and a Red-Hat based server at work, and RDN's server is RH based too, so I'm not trash talking Linux at all. I just think if you're seriously giving "Install linux" as technical advice you might well be creating more problems than you solve.

        Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 15:04:40 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark Yeah. Linux is the right OS for me, but that's definitely for the most part because I'm outside of the norm as far as computer usage goes. (A long way outside; using Arch and loving it.)

          Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 15:06:35 UTC from IdentiCurse
          1. @spectrumscramble Yay, another Arch brony! Which Window Manager/Desktop Environment do you prefer, if I may ask?

            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 15:07:29 UTC from Choqok
            1. @omni XMonad. As someone who does a lot of coding/testing/etc., for me a tiling WM just can't be beaten.

              Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 15:11:46 UTC from IdentiCurse
              1. @spectrumscramble Oh cool, another tiling Window Manager user, I use awesome myself, never expected myself to get so addicted to this tiling window manager but once you go tiling, you never go back :P

                Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 15:14:33 UTC from Choqok
        2. @ceruleanspark Guess it depends on the user itself, and what the needs are. Gamers, for example, have no reason to use Linux. For the average non-gaming user Linux generally creates less issues than Windows, but that is partially related to the fact a lot of Windows users are stupid enough to download everything they find on the web.

          Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 15:07:04 UTC from Choqok
          1. @omni You say that about idiot windows users, but the Linux community routinely advises new users "Just copy this string into your terminal", which isn't exactly a good habit to cultivate.

            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 15:11:18 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            1. @ceruleanspark Ah yeah... Strings like "sudo rm -rf /" are jokes I sometimes see as well. I agree though, it's a bad habit. I always read the man pages for a command to see what it will do before executing it for the first time, but I understand most can't be bothered.

              Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 15:13:55 UTC from Choqok
              1. @omni I'm just saying, there are irresponsible people in all groups of computer users. The OSX crowd who'll give up their Su credentials to any app that asks for it being another.

                Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 15:15:08 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                1. @ceruleanspark True, guess the problem is still PEBKAC in most of the cases, instead of the operating system.

                  Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 15:16:32 UTC from Choqok
                  1. @omni You mean error #?

                    Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 15:20:53 UTC from web
          2. @omni I am a gamer and love doing so in Linux. I just ignore the games that don't have the decency to run native :P

            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 19:23:56 UTC from web
    3. @ponydude I've considered switching my grandpa over, if only to speed up his ancient system. I figure, maybe once he absolutely needs a new machine, I might, because he'll have to re-learn the darn thing whether it's Win 7 (or 8) or some Linux distro.

      Thursday, 29-Mar-12 02:43:42 UTC from web
    4. @ponydude He got upgraded to (I think?) 2 GB recently, so I haven't been considering it as fiercely as I was when it was 512 MB. But he still complains about slowness at times, and I shudder to think about having to re-teach him everything he's learned over the past several years. Every now and then, I try to find a good Linux Win XP interface clone, but I haven't had any luck yet... /shrug

      Thursday, 29-Mar-12 02:48:47 UTC from web
      1. @rolandtheheadlessthompsongunner My biggest argument against switching a regular person to Linux is that no matter what you do, sooner or later you're going to hear "this program I bought won't run on my computer!"

        Thursday, 29-Mar-12 02:50:37 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada A definite concern, but all he uses it for is the internet, so... I think I might be able to get away with it, if I ever have to...

          Thursday, 29-Mar-12 02:51:50 UTC from web
    5. @ponydude As am I! Especially as everyone tries to look like OS X, which has it.

      Thursday, 29-Mar-12 02:53:24 UTC from web
    6. @ponydude I love that feature so much that I installed a desktop manager in winXP so that I could still use it.

      Thursday, 29-Mar-12 02:54:02 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    7. @ponydude What screen size do you consider large enough to get any serious work done?

      Thursday, 29-Mar-12 02:57:51 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada I'd go with my 27" screen

        Thursday, 29-Mar-12 02:58:28 UTC from web
    8. @ponydude Name a resolution.

      Thursday, 29-Mar-12 02:58:52 UTC from web
    9. @ponydude Oops, my bad. I believe you even need to type something like --no-preserve-root behind it now, to protect newbies. Then again, people will just troll with giving the complete command anyway so yeah... =/

      Thursday, 29-Mar-12 06:28:10 UTC from Choqok