Sephiroth didn’t kill Aeris. Sephiroth impaled her through a region of the body that doesn’t completely destroy vital organs (at most damage to the liver/ and large intestine) Also no blood is lost in the scene so no major blood vessels are damaged. Her spine was severed at a point where the brain still functions to control the heart and lungs, however it paralyses her in the legs and abdomen (which is why she slumps over) Do to immense pain and swelling of blood vessels do to being impaled, she falls unconscious though still alive. When laid to a watery rest she immediately sinks (but dead bodies float) Implying body muscle tension is disrupting buoyancy. Cloud drowned Aeris.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:33:30 UTC from web-
@nerthos Thanks for ruining that
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:35:02 UTC from web -
@nerthos Or maybe it was an old video game and didn't want a high age rating so they didn't put blood everywhere? Sephiroth killed Aeris.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:38:36 UTC from web-
@scoot I just found it kind of funny. A whole arc of the game's story revolves about coping with Aeris' death, and it turns out your character was responsible.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:42:25 UTC from web-
@nerthos I wouldn't know since Final Fantasy is terrible.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:44:58 UTC from web-
@scoot Not all of them. Some sucked, some were great.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:45:50 UTC from web-
@nerthos @snowcone I've played or owned about 9 different FF games and I really didn't like any of them.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:46:50 UTC from web-
@scoot Oh well. Guess it's not your thing then.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:53:35 UTC from web-
@nerthos Nah, it's not like I haven't given it a shot.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:54:02 UTC from web
@snowcone I feel pretty good about it to be honest
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:47:52 UTC from web -
@snowcone this is a thing ? awesome :) why did I even wonder whether it was a thing ?
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:48:38 UTC from web -
@snowcone Good Scoot?
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:49:11 UTC from web -
@snowcone Wait you LIKE FF but not Futurama? Alright I'm pretty sure it's your opinion that needs work.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:50:29 UTC from web -
@snowcone If you think you are one, you are not one, if you deny that you are one you are not one. If you think you possibly might be one because [ words words words ] then you are one... at least that is how I learned to diffrenciate between non- and hipsters
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:51:26 UTC from web -
@snowcone, oh my god Family Guy sucks so badly
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:51:32 UTC from web-
@mastertdi Have you done the pre-show requirements ?
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:52:12 UTC from web-
@critialcloudkicker, I don't know what they are, so probably not.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:52:43 UTC from web-
@mastertdi MJ, shrooms, pot, cocaine, lots of alcohol... or equivallent
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:53:19 UTC from web-
@critialcloudkicker, none of the above. And it'll most likely remain that way.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:54:07 UTC from web-
@mastertdi I wish I could say the same. I have a prescription for Codeine because I have chronic headaces... whenever I have a streak coming on I take 20 MG of Codeine. After I took those Family Guy ( and pretty much everything from Seth McFairlane ) becomes funny.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:56:41 UTC from web-
@critialcloudkicker, something that can make Seth McFarlane funny? Impossible!
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:58:07 UTC from web-
@mastertdi Oh it is possible my friend, as is any other substance that gives you ( or me ) the gigglies
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:59:18 UTC from web-
@critialcloudkicker *HUGS another awesome Canadian*
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:00:07 UTC from web-
@noirbatch *hugs awesome American too*
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:01:29 UTC from web
@critialcloudkicker, hmm. I'll take your word for it, but even under influence I would rather not watch FG.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:00:25 UTC from web-
@mastertdi Blame the TV and the hidden remote
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:01:41 UTC from web-
@critialcloudkicker, okay, I believe you... for now.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:02:12 UTC from web
@mastertdi >Not having 2 spare monitors in your room at all times >2011+2
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:52:28 UTC from web-
@scoot, wrong guy, guy.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:52:53 UTC from web-
@mastertdi yeah sorry, sorry
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:53:18 UTC from web
@snowcone I hate Family Guy but, we're enemies now. AT is fantastic.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:51:46 UTC from web -
@vt3c No fun allowed
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:52:47 UTC from web -
@vt3c I don't? :)
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:53:32 UTC from web -
@snowcone Do not base your opinions of all cartoons on Family Guy. It's like comparing all of music to Justin Bieber. Also you're on a show dedicated to an American cartoon dude.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:56:19 UTC from web-
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:56:50 UTC from web-
@scoot Technically it is an American show made by Canadians lol Them Canadians.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:58:01 UTC from web-
@noirbatch Yes, us
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:58:34 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen *hugs and awesome Canadian*
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:59:00 UTC from web-
@noirbatch *hugs and awesome American*
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:59:39 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen ^-^ How are you?
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:00:22 UTC from web-
@noirbatch Good. Played sonic for the first time. You?
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:00:52 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen FIRST TIME?
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:01:26 UTC from web-
@tails today, yes
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:01:52 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen Youve never palyed it?
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:02:34 UTC from web-
@tails Until today, no
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:03:11 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen did ya like it
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:03:51 UTC from web-
@tails *looks both ways then whispers* I like sonic
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:05:57 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen WE ALL DO
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:06:19 UTC from web-
@tails NO I HATE SONIC! THIS DOESN'T CHANGE ANYTHING!! *goes back to looking at sonic fan art*
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:07:19 UTC from web-
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:08:39 UTC from web
@tails I still have to get around to tails. In SA2 he sounds like a little kid. Thats a pet peeve of one of my many
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:09:50 UTC from web -
@tails white gloves are sooo 90s Hooves are in right now.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:10:44 UTC from web-
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:12:12 UTC from web
@pony Scootaloo never looks like she fits in no matter where she is
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:12:45 UTC from web-
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:15:39 UTC from web
@pony Eating that corn like a chicken
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:17:15 UTC from web
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:47:28 UTC from web
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:48:11 UTC from web
@renovatedkitchen A tad bit sick still, but what sanic game did ya play?
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:01:55 UTC from web-
@noirbatch Aw. Hopefully you recover soon and it stays away. Played Sonic Adventure 2
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:02:59 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen Thank you ^-^ and what did ya think of it?
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:03:26 UTC from web-
@noirbatch I kinda liked it actually. I liked the part where you go really fast. It actually seems like a good game
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:05:24 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen It is a pretty good Sanic game... That is me putting it lightly.... I invested like 800+ hours in the Dreamcast version and 900+ hours in the Gamecube version..
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:06:35 UTC from web-
@noirbatch Thats insane!! You should record it and post you playing!
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:08:01 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen I'm a bit rusty, but my record time beating it in about an hour and 30 min.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:09:28 UTC from web-
@noirbatch how does that compare to @redinchilada's time?
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:10:13 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen Not a clue lol
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:10:37 UTC from web-
@noirbatch Im still learning simple basics lol
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:12:13 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen You'll kick butt!
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:13:02 UTC from web-
@noirbatch Sonic, probably not but its still fun to play. Very enjoyable
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:15:00 UTC from web
@renovatedkitchen I actually play for score in SA2, not time. Gotta get those A ranks. (I can beat Wild Canyon and Pumpkin Hill in under a minute each, though, and my Cannon's Core is moderately fast.)
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:13:28 UTC from web-
@redenchilada So far my best rank is a D lol
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:15:29 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen Yeah, improving your score's gonna come down to learning the level layouts and knowing where the stunts and things are for points. (And not dying, that too)
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:17:22 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Lol. Yeah. Seems once one would know when to jump and stuff it becomes a breeze
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:20:45 UTC from web
@noirbatch us Canadians, eh?
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:59:10 UTC from web
@scoot *Canadian. MLP is made in Vancouver. Hasbro might be american, but MLP FiM is not.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:57:41 UTC from web
@snowcone OK your earlier hack at me for not liking FF has been officially revoked by your newest statements.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 21:59:16 UTC from web -
@snowcone I was Scoot before Scootaloo scooted
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:01:38 UTC from web -
@snowcone I'm gonna get Redenchilada in here in a minute.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:03:37 UTC from web -
@snowcone I'm OK, although back to College tomorrow. I miss when I just spent all day at home on RDN. How about you
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:06:29 UTC from web -
@snowcone that feel. XP
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:08:35 UTC from web -
@snowcone Well I'm busy avoiding College, ensuring I'll never get into University and make nothing of myself and wishing I could draw things that weren't terrible.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:09:56 UTC from web -
@snowcone I can't quite match your level of negative without lying
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:10:18 UTC from web -
@snowcone hullo! Don't despair. It's easy to despair. It's hard to hope.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:11:27 UTC from web -
@snowcone just the right way!
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:13:56 UTC from web -
@snowcone same here
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:14:36 UTC from web -
@snowcone I'm gonna begin being more negative to balance this all out.
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:14:48 UTC from web -
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:22:35 UTC from web
@snowcone I've not had myself treated for depression but I can so swiftly and easily drop down into a state of absolute self loathing and endless sadness that I'm relatively sure there is something wrong with me so I think I'll manage all those tips and maybe I'll make some more of my own!
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:25:33 UTC from web -
@snowcone Now you're getting it!
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 22:25:58 UTC from web