

  1. I'd find it hard to pass such an offer up!

    Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:12:33 UTC from web
    1. @bronygallifreyan Oh boy! Another set of organs for me to harvest and sell on the black market! I'll be rich! *cackles evilly*- Um... I mean... ... ... @bronygallifreyan Hello?

      Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:13:10 UTC from the tunnel of love
      1. @welcomepony I remember a time when the things you said were actually welcoming.

        Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:14:03 UTC from web
        1. @thelastgherkin Agreed. Then again, perhaps this will get a chuckle out of @bronygallifreyan ?

          Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:15:12 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker Oh yes, that's exactly what I got 8P

            Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:20:24 UTC from web
        2. @thelastgherkin This is what happens when you let the purple churro over there run the bot.

          Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:15:43 UTC from web
        3. @thelastgherkin I remember a time. Then it all went wrong.

          Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:20:27 UTC from web
      2. @welcomepony Right, just let me fetch my shotgun, I think its next to the bagger carcases

        Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:15:30 UTC from web
      3. @welcomepony Well gosh, how sweet of you to welcome me! Also, I changed my name 8P

        Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:17:54 UTC from web
        1. @bronygamer Welcome!

          Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:18:07 UTC from the tunnel of love
        2. @bronygamer :3 welcome! what games do you play?

          Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:23:14 UTC from web
          1. @pony All kinds! TF2, Dead Rising 2, Borderlands 2... I just realised I play a lot of sequels... *GASP* I HAVE SEQUELITIS!!!

            Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:26:40 UTC from web
            1. @bronygamer #

              Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:27:18 UTC from the tunnel of love
              1. @welcomepony bhaahhahah

                Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:28:15 UTC from web
              2. @welcomepony I love you welcomehorse

                Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:28:21 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada I love you too! *swoon~*

                  Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:28:45 UTC from the tunnel of love
            2. @bronygamer but do you play Burnout?

              Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:28:01 UTC from web
            3. @bronygamer Cool :)

              Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:28:48 UTC from web
              1. @redenchilada No, sorry 8( I don't really like racing games.

                Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:29:50 UTC from web
                1. @bronygamer *adds to block list*

                  Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:30:31 UTC from web
                  1. @redenchilada Sorry D8

                    Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:31:48 UTC from web
            4. @bronygamer I'm not much of a gamer myself, but I do appreciate an addictive game from time to time. I've been hooked on CookieClicker lately.

              Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:29:10 UTC from web
              1. @pony Understandable, it's not for everybody 8D

                Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:34:27 UTC from web