Leonardo's home timeline


  1. @scoot and the other !animators:

    Trial number two, post-cleanup. http://rainbowdash.net/url/765656

    Wednesday, 25-Jun-14 03:03:56 UTC from web
  2. @scoot and the other !animators

    Trial number two, slightly different shot. Pre-cleanup. 35 layers in all. http://rainbowdash.net/url/765655

    Wednesday, 25-Jun-14 03:00:40 UTC from web
    • @scoot !animators In conclusion: The technique isn't perfect. Shape tweens tend to mess up. A lot. But it can be refined. And even in its super flawed state (I don't even know how it would work with more complex shots), it saves a BUNCH of time, even if you need to clean it up a bit like I did.

      Wednesday, 25-Jun-14 02:23:39 UTC from web
      • @scoot and the other !animators

        The only thing here that was done frame by frame were eyeballs. Everything else was tweened, then converted to twos and cleaned up. And it was all done so much faster than normal. http://rainbowdash.net/url/765653

        Wednesday, 25-Jun-14 02:13:35 UTC from web
        • @scoot and all the other !animators YOU. LOOK. THIS. NOW.


          This is, by no means, perfect. In fact, some parts, such as the nose, look really crappy without cleanup. But this technique (56 layers, each with one small piece of the lineart as an object, formed into two keyframes with a shape tween in each layer) will save me SO MUCH TIME. Drawing these two keyframes, shape tweening it, and cleaning up where Flash failed is so much faster than traditional animation. I will continue to experiment with this and report my findings. I could even convert these to twos, and make it look even better! http://rainbowdash.net/url/765650

          Wednesday, 25-Jun-14 02:00:51 UTC from web
          • Do robots even have genders?

            Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
          • @admin ahaha.

            Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
            • !art !animators I think that's about as much I can do in one night http://pny.lv/33h0

              Sunday, 22-Jun-14 23:19:38 UTC from web
            • Once again: The guy I've been helping animate Everybody Hates Pinkie Pie, Brainstorm, is in need of a background artist. If one of you artist-y types is willing and able to help out, it would be greatly appreciated. The backgrounds are fairly simple but it would really help a lot. More info here: http://rainbowdash.net/url/764202

              Saturday, 14-Jun-14 19:57:46 UTC from web
            • Everybody Hates Pinkie Pie is in need of a background artist. It's almost finished, and I'm sure Brainstorm really would appreciate the help. http://rainbowdash.net/url/764185

              If you think you can help us out with these (rather simple) backgrounds, that would be pretty swell.
              !art !animators

              Saturday, 14-Jun-14 16:53:12 UTC from web
              • Here's a test animation of my OC blinking and with the addition of color. http://rainbowdash.net/url/763935

                Thursday, 12-Jun-14 16:11:44 UTC from web
              • Here's my first little animation using Pencil. This is supposed to be my OC (Digital) looking surprised for whatever reason. http://rainbowdash.net/url/763848

                Wednesday, 11-Jun-14 23:18:46 UTC from web
              • @scoot !animators This might interest you. Harry Partridge animated this whole thing was animated with nothing but shape tweens. And it actually looks really good. Check it out. http://rainbowdash.net/url/763810

                Wednesday, 11-Jun-14 19:33:10 UTC from web
              • #: Stallions still think it's ok to grow a third arm. !animation # # http://rainbowdash.net/url/762309

                Saturday, 31-May-14 01:10:23 UTC from web
              • Tweaked this and added an arm movement at the end of the shot. Personally I think that first movement looks much better now that I've added a couple of frames before and after the smear. !animation http://rainbowdash.net/url/762145

                Thursday, 29-May-14 20:23:23 UTC from web
                • Whereas most characters can have up to twenty mouth shapes (or phonemes) for a single line of dialogue, Muppet Dash only has four. !animation http://rainbowdash.net/url/761210

                  Friday, 23-May-14 03:23:24 UTC from web
                  • http://twitch.tv/mrmattimation If anyone asks I'm streaming the Sims 3. !animation

                    Thursday, 15-May-14 20:52:31 UTC from web
                  • привет ! Hello everybody, I really want to practice and improve in my russian classes, so I wold really apreciate if you could help me, I´m from Mexico, If you want to practice Spanish or English, you can also talk with me ;3

                    Tuesday, 22-Apr-14 03:29:00 UTC from web
                    • Ever wondered how animation looks before it starts looking good? Here's a comparison between the final shot and the roughout I did! !animation http://rainbowdash.net/url/753770

                      Wednesday, 16-Apr-14 02:45:41 UTC from web
                      • IT'S HERE!!!! After a year and a half of work, two bans, depression, bad grades, and a dole load of other bad things, the hardest thing I've ever had to work on is finally out! Enjoy it in HD! Boy, I sure am glad to have that burden off my plate. Onward to bigger and better things!

                        Watch it here!
                        http://youtu.be/y4gMeIPY304 !animators #

                        Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 21:02:42 UTC from web
                      • I animated the tiger picture. !art !animators CC @nerthos http://rainbowdash.net/url/739203

                        Monday, 31-Mar-14 19:34:01 UTC from web
                      • I love animation and all, and I love being good at it, but I could never do anything like Happy Harry. Not because I don't think with enough practice I could be good enough, because I genuinely do feel I COULD if I had more years under my belt, but because that man doleing redraws the entire frame every time a character so much as blinks. That's way too tedious for me, I'm sorry.

                        Friday, 28-Mar-14 23:00:20 UTC from web
                      • Man if only I could just hand this to a clean-up artist. !animation http://pny.lv/0q2u

                        Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 02:19:38 UTC from web
                        • Man these animatics are so rudimentary it isn't even funny. !animation http://pny.lv/0q1w

                          Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 01:49:53 UTC from web
                          • THIS IS AN AUTOMATED TWEENING SOFTWARE. LIKE, HOLY kiwi. WHAT THE papayas. http://pny.lv/0q0u !animators @scoot

                            Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 01:17:26 UTC from web
                          • Wow haha this stuff is actually kinda freaky when there's nothing behind it. !animators http://pny.lv/0mip

                            Friday, 21-Mar-14 00:35:07 UTC from web
                            • Here's the timeline/timing chart for the clip I just synced. I separated the words by their sections of the timeline. The bold letters are stressed. !animation http://pny.lv/0mij

                              Friday, 21-Mar-14 00:25:08 UTC from web
                              • I hate lipsyncing. !animation http://pny.lv/0kgk

                                Monday, 17-Mar-14 18:41:54 UTC from web
                              • This shot took me two hours and I'm not even finished yet... fml... !animators http://pny.lv/015x

                                Tuesday, 04-Mar-14 03:31:12 UTC from web
                                • Dude somebody get this coward some Scooby Snacks. !animation http://pny.lv/007h

                                  Sunday, 02-Mar-14 04:52:36 UTC from web