Shya Laflutter's home timeline


  1. Am chaffing a laff at the FrankerZ I said but oh my god I didn't understand tone at all or social context wowwwww

    about 2 months ago from web
  2. Hello Chat
    It's been years, and I'm 2 years on HRT. Life has been hectic but great.
    What's up?
    Also grug, can't upload image on phone >:(

    about 2 months ago from web
  3. The text box is REALLY hard to type with

    Wednesday, 08-May-19 16:55:17 UTC from web
  4. yo

    Wednesday, 08-May-19 16:55:01 UTC from web
    • #

      Saturday, 18-Feb-17 17:38:39 UTC from web
      • Takyon but instead it's Pac Man

        Saturday, 18-Feb-17 16:48:46 UTC from web

        Saturday, 18-Feb-17 16:37:53 UTC from web
      • MaYBe I T' s LuPUS

        Saturday, 18-Feb-17 16:16:14 UTC from web
        • Also my reaction over the endangered species act repeal

          Saturday, 18-Feb-17 15:59:25 UTC from web
          • Am tired Hello

            Saturday, 18-Feb-17 15:58:52 UTC from web
            • I must have crossed their path again

              Thursday, 09-Feb-17 09:01:45 UTC from web
              • Why do I see a Black Cat angry with me?

                Thursday, 09-Feb-17 09:01:31 UTC from web
                • **Chugs Tap water fervishly**

                  Wednesday, 18-Jan-17 14:09:01 UTC from web
                • FrogIsis

                  Wednesday, 18-Jan-17 14:06:47 UTC from web
                  • Dude, Dragon FrankerZs are a universal Meme now? What?

                    Wednesday, 18-Jan-17 14:03:58 UTC from web
                    • Wonder if robek would be interested in a cooking section, haha.

                      Wednesday, 18-Jan-17 09:20:33 UTC from web
                    • BANANAING KNEW IT

                      Wednesday, 18-Jan-17 07:08:15 UTC from web
                      • who wants to be my RDN dad

                        Wednesday, 18-Jan-17 01:31:28 UTC from web

                        Wednesday, 18-Jan-17 07:02:20 UTC from web
                        • Night night

                          Thursday, 12-Jan-17 11:10:28 UTC from web

                            Ad a more Symphonic Piece, forgoing a lyrical structure for a movement structure

                            Thursday, 12-Jan-17 11:03:49 UTC from web
                            • I am unfashionable late. It's a protest

                              Thursday, 12-Jan-17 08:35:30 UTC from web
                              • Bum Bum Bum

                                Thursday, 12-Jan-17 08:34:36 UTC from web
                                • I came just to say I noticed Minty nipples

                                  Saturday, 07-Jan-17 09:57:30 UTC from web
                                • She's done!

                                  Friday, 06-Jan-17 01:47:36 UTC from web
                                • Good morning

                                  Thursday, 05-Jan-17 04:16:06 UTC from web
                                  • TIFFANY SHOW YOUR FACE

                                    Thursday, 05-Jan-17 03:03:59 UTC from web
                                    • It's a big reunion. Doubt @scribus remembers me (you're cool, though.) but I know @awl does

                                      Thursday, 05-Jan-17 02:39:16 UTC from web
                                    • :D

                                      Thursday, 05-Jan-17 03:00:47 UTC from web
                                      • Strippany o3 o

                                        Thursday, 05-Jan-17 02:50:23 UTC from web