foxgopher's favorite notices

This is a way to share what you like.

  1. When is Skyrim 2

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 03:26:15 UTC from web
  2. @foxgopher ☜(゚∀゚☜)

    Tuesday, 10-Feb-15 01:20:39 UTC from web in context
  3. They should have named Miltank "Clitauros"

    Friday, 09-Jan-15 23:24:12 UTC from web in context
  4. #

    Saturday, 10-Jan-15 03:18:23 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  5. @redenchilada Oh! It's that colt who wanted to sodomise me before! How you doing?

    Monday, 13-Feb-12 12:53:34 UTC from web in context
  6. @rarity "Let's engage in coitus, fertile individual" is more sexy IMO

    Thursday, 20-Nov-14 05:39:18 UTC from web in context
  7. The gays took our friend from us. Vote Romney.

    Thursday, 20-Nov-14 05:27:14 UTC from web

    Thursday, 20-Nov-14 05:12:26 UTC from web in context
  9. @mrmattimation We grow our beards to establish superiority

    Tuesday, 18-Nov-14 01:13:00 UTC from web in context
  10. Let's begin the great pants war

    Thursday, 13-Nov-14 01:30:23 UTC from web
  11. top furry memes

    Wednesday, 12-Nov-14 05:35:24 UTC from web
  12. @foxgopher i am very confused did you like it or does idk mean "i'm donkey kong" and your kong hands are preventing you from playing it well

    Wednesday, 12-Nov-14 01:52:52 UTC from web in context
  13. Tonight on RDN: Yodelerty loses his mind, then decides everything's cool.

    Saturday, 08-Nov-14 07:39:52 UTC from web in context
  14. [21:16:44] Spots: Don't tell anyone but I smuggled in a Butterfinger
    [21:17:13] Alex: Isn't a Butterfinger one of the houses from Harry Potter
    [21:18:37] Spots: Goddamnit, no
    [21:18:49] Alex: Is it the guy who plays Sherlock
    [21:19:19] Spots: Well I don't think so
    [21:19:58] Alex: Butterfinger Sherbertsnatch

    Tuesday, 04-Nov-14 21:20:24 UTC from web
  15. RDN amateur hour never ends

    Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 00:09:51 UTC from web
  16. I like to imagine @foxgopher attending his wedding in a full fursuit and everyone staring confusedly but eventually accepting it

    Wednesday, 29-Oct-14 06:30:49 UTC from web in context
  17. @foxgopher We make fun of everyone

    Wednesday, 29-Oct-14 06:38:39 UTC from web in context
  18. @foxgopher cake is a good look for everybody

    Wednesday, 29-Oct-14 06:42:15 UTC from web in context
  19. @rarity Rade

    Wednesday, 29-Oct-14 06:42:50 UTC from web in context
  20. @foxgopher dream of cake covered women

    Wednesday, 29-Oct-14 06:43:17 UTC from web in context
  21. @foxgopher good night alex enjoy tfw no gf

    Wednesday, 29-Oct-14 06:43:14 UTC from web in context

    Friday, 17-Oct-14 23:22:58 UTC from ban me pls
  23. Hey y'awl I'm hurr in mah fancy farm town bout ta go t'tha rodeo shaw. thank I maght git mahself a cowboy hat err two 'n mebee partayke in sum bull rahdin'.

    Wednesday, 08-Oct-14 02:30:35 UTC from web
  24. at least i'm not a furry

    Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 05:40:53 UTC from web in context
  25. Why did I stop listening to Weird Al eve

    Saturday, 19-Jul-14 03:15:03 UTC from web in context
  26. [22:44:42] Alex: i forgive you
    [22:45:04] Spots: Do you
    [22:45:28] Alex: No, apples you

    Saturday, 19-Jul-14 02:45:35 UTC from web
  27. [20:45:17] Alex: ~( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°~) TO THE WINDOW
    (~ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)~ TO THE WALL

    Saturday, 19-Jul-14 00:45:43 UTC from web in context
  28. favorite this notice if you believe in the heart of the cards

    Wednesday, 02-Jul-14 00:55:30 UTC from web
  29. @redenchilada One time I took a drink every time I saw someone write bad online and I died

    Monday, 30-Jun-14 17:23:56 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  30. @metaltao I'm glad you asked~ One of my personal favourites of theirs is Would You Be Impressed?, which also has a badass music video to boot. Other good ones are The Receiving End of it All, Here's to Life and, a cover of another good band, try Such Great Heights, originally by The Postal Service.

    Saturday, 28-Jun-14 01:10:50 UTC from web in context