Leigh Roberts's home timeline


  1. the existence of this picture confuses me greatly http://www.beinglovingdoing.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/jc.jpg

    Thursday, 19-Jun-14 13:04:23 UTC from web
    • USA!!!! <3

      Tuesday, 17-Jun-14 00:07:16 UTC from web
    • Yo, Raw looks stacked tonight.

      Tuesday, 17-Jun-14 00:08:44 UTC from web

        Monday, 16-Jun-14 23:58:36 UTC from web
        • And by that I mean a lot of Ryus.

          Monday, 16-Jun-14 23:56:51 UTC from web
        • Wow, there sure are a lot of new players online tonight.

          Monday, 16-Jun-14 23:56:04 UTC from web
          • I'm not even American and the USA chants in Brazil are just beautiful.

            Monday, 16-Jun-14 23:50:54 UTC from web

              Monday, 16-Jun-14 23:49:29 UTC from web
              • @foxgopher Alright, let's do this then! I'm gonna need your gamertag though.

                Monday, 16-Jun-14 23:38:02 UTC from web
              • If any of you have XBL gold you best get SSFIVAE right the bananas now so I can kick some ass.

                Monday, 16-Jun-14 21:15:58 UTC from web
              • I'm pretty sure the only reason it's free is to get people hype for Ultra, but still. FREE.

                Monday, 16-Jun-14 21:21:07 UTC from web
                • Did I mention it's free? it's free. who doesn't like free things.

                  Monday, 16-Jun-14 21:19:01 UTC from web
                  • TWINK LINK IS REAL http://mmgn.com/wiiu/news--that-was-link-in-zelda-wii-u-trailer-aonuma

                    Thursday, 12-Jun-14 10:29:25 UTC from web
                    • Wow, Wind Waker HD is gorgeous.

                      Thursday, 12-Jun-14 10:13:30 UTC from web
                      • 30 minutes until this goddamn Wii U update finishes and I can actually play the damn thing.

                        Tuesday, 10-Jun-14 21:42:40 UTC from web
                      • #

                        Tuesday, 10-Jun-14 21:22:21 UTC from web
                      • My Nintendo erection has yet to settle

                        Tuesday, 10-Jun-14 19:58:40 UTC from web
                      • Jesus doleing christ why don't I live in Texas this festival lineup is ridiculous. http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/763682

                        Tuesday, 10-Jun-14 19:20:41 UTC from web
                      • Wooooooow

                        Tuesday, 10-Jun-14 18:49:23 UTC from web
                        • I never noticed before but I just watched the Zelda thing again and wow Link is hot now

                          Tuesday, 10-Jun-14 18:49:14 UTC from web
                          • oh god Moon is back

                            Tuesday, 10-Jun-14 16:56:03 UTC from web
                            • This transition is REALLY AWKWARD THOUGH

                              Tuesday, 10-Jun-14 16:47:30 UTC from web
                            • oh man my decision to buy a Wii U on Sunday is now completely justified

                              Tuesday, 10-Jun-14 16:46:47 UTC from web
                            • NINTENDO PLEASE BE GENTLE

                              Tuesday, 10-Jun-14 16:45:28 UTC from web
                            • shower tyme

                              Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 19:00:29 UTC from web
                            • buying musique vol.1 was a mistake. I should have just bought the albums. I am a bad person.

                              Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 18:17:47 UTC from web
                            • My computer doesn't feel like reading my Nimrod or Warning CDs. Dookie and Insomniac are apparently fine though, as are Uno, Tre, and every other CD I own.

                              Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 19:11:32 UTC from web
                              • this might be the funniest vine I've ever seen http://cadenzaaaa.tumblr.com/post/87512812491/coolranchdevitos-waspsbewaremywrathrawr#notes

                                Sunday, 01-Jun-14 18:23:06 UTC from web
                                • http://rainbowdash.net/url/762558

                                  Sunday, 01-Jun-14 17:59:28 UTC from web
                                • wh https://twitter.com/Xbox/status/471779329152933888/photo/1

                                  Sunday, 01-Jun-14 16:45:08 UTC from web