Leigh Roberts's home timeline


  1. If any of you like cool Glitch Hop/110 BPM mixes, our very own @cavatina is killing it as usual on ponyfillefm.com, go check it out!

    Thursday, 29-May-14 19:33:37 UTC from web
  2. What if etch-a-sketches were real

    Monday, 26-May-14 19:31:38 UTC from web
  3. Not all Alicorns

    Sunday, 25-May-14 10:13:16 UTC from web
  4. I wish I knew how to quit you, Bille Joe.

    Thursday, 22-May-14 21:34:40 UTC from web
    • Last year alone, ten billion Mexicans entered Britain illegally. That's twelve billion more than last year. Don't keep the trend up. Vote UKIP.

      Thursday, 22-May-14 21:13:45 UTC from web
    • !nowplaying Green Day- Deadbeat Holiday (Old Green Day is best Green Day <3) https://play.spotify.com/track/02COSjkOwyoMNW30Tge9Gu?play=true&utm_source=open.spotify.com&utm_medium=open

      Thursday, 22-May-14 21:17:28 UTC from web
      • If the whole acting thing doesn't pan out, Hugh Jackman would make one hell of a wrestleman. He can even cut a promo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCmbkHDjuqI&feature=share

        Wednesday, 21-May-14 20:29:23 UTC from web
        • All the ungay is melting away

          Wednesday, 07-May-14 22:13:39 UTC from web
        • Eminem can't be gay! He sang a song about drowning his baby mama!

          Wednesday, 07-May-14 22:12:53 UTC from web
        • @rancidrob Man. It's so weird seeing it on the track. I mean, it's real. There is a professional racecar driver with a shibe on his hood. It's surreal.

          Wednesday, 07-May-14 17:30:42 UTC from web

          Wednesday, 07-May-14 17:03:18 UTC from web
          • "if you subscribe I will touch your butt"

            Friday, 02-May-14 17:59:49 UTC from web
          • It has been a looong time. So, hi.

            Thursday, 01-May-14 02:30:44 UTC from web
          • Apparently my cakeday is today. How do I into karma

            Wednesday, 30-Apr-14 20:27:00 UTC from web
          • I'm bucking stupid! On other sites, I keep mistaking guys that look like girls!

            Wednesday, 30-Apr-14 18:03:31 UTC from web
          • For those who can understand French: http://rainbowdash.net/url/758365

            Wednesday, 30-Apr-14 19:19:57 UTC from web
          • RT @thtaoneladywiththereallydumbusername @fpbbg vf npghnyyl xvaqn ubg

            Thursday, 24-Apr-14 21:06:13 UTC from web
            • GUYS THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT OK https://vine.co/v/MndnPip00At

              Wednesday, 23-Apr-14 17:57:16 UTC from web
            • New Minecraft server, eh? A couple new things around here, I guess. ;p

              Sunday, 20-Apr-14 02:58:28 UTC from web
            • >.>

              Sunday, 20-Apr-14 02:53:39 UTC from web
            • "An Englishman, a Frenchman, a Spaniard and a German are all standing watching a street performer do some excellent juggling. The juggler notices that the four gentlemen have a very poor view, so he stands up on a large wooden box and calls out, “Can you all see me now?”

              Saturday, 19-Apr-14 16:14:31 UTC from web
            • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo_mVOaILqo TALK ABOUT YOUR INTENSE ACTION

              Saturday, 19-Apr-14 13:02:03 UTC from web
            • Is this group still active and still have meets?

              Saturday, 12-Apr-14 16:28:48 UTC from web
            • I don't recall Widget displaying any homophobia while he was here, though. Strange.

              Friday, 04-Apr-14 17:15:31 UTC from web
            • "Some questions for those that consider being gay acceptable:"

              Y'know it's probably better that I not go on G+ any more

              Friday, 04-Apr-14 09:07:49 UTC from web
            • I'm sorry but Sakura Trick OP x DK Rap is the greatest thing ever

              Wednesday, 02-Apr-14 16:13:32 UTC from web
              • Oh my lord. From midnight tonight, gay marriage will be legal in the UK. It's happening.

                Friday, 28-Mar-14 19:27:01 UTC from web
              • Have I really only been here for two years? Feels like so much longer.

                Monday, 24-Mar-14 15:51:08 UTC from web
                • I've been watching season 1 of the Pokemon anime all day and boy is it ever awful

                  Monday, 24-Mar-14 15:50:11 UTC from web
                  • Hey RDN-- I need to find a really good fanfiction with Twilight as a lead. Any suggestions?

                    Wednesday, 05-Mar-14 06:25:31 UTC from web