Niko Frei's home timeline


  1. @dusty are you a furry dusty?

    Saturday, 11-May-13 18:37:21 UTC from web
  2. @dusty Happy great womb escape day !!

    Saturday, 11-May-13 23:15:44 UTC from web

    Saturday, 11-May-13 13:25:40 UTC from web
  4. this is glorious #

    Tuesday, 07-May-13 04:56:32 UTC from web
  5. I'm seriously going to try and sleep now.

    Tuesday, 07-May-13 04:48:45 UTC from web
  6. I now cannot sleep because my cat decided to be a jerk.

    Tuesday, 07-May-13 04:44:13 UTC from web
  7. Hello again~

    Tuesday, 07-May-13 04:34:22 UTC from web
  8. Ah right this app doesn't work properly all the time.

    Monday, 06-May-13 16:55:54 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • @mastertdi Ohey I remember you. :3

      Monday, 06-May-13 16:52:02 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • I saw this and tried so hard not to lose it in a crowded room at school

      Monday, 06-May-13 16:41:54 UTC from web
    • Here to visit again~ it usually quiet around this time?

      Monday, 06-May-13 16:29:03 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • Okay for real sleepy times. G'night!

      Monday, 06-May-13 09:30:14 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • Haha whoops I'm about to pass out. G'night everyone~

      Monday, 06-May-13 09:11:56 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • !vancouverbronies Because I've been noticing 3DS LAN parties at the Metrotown meetups, I will bring up this: Remember to keep your volume under control and keep in mind those around you. Last thing we want is enough complaints to warrant security kicking us out.

      Monday, 06-May-13 08:59:10 UTC from web
      • @vampirequeen well sorry i just like the consept of being able to picture something like that but its hard to draw anything good considering i have a mouse :/ and im poor so what do you expect me to do about the quality i can draw better by had

        Monday, 06-May-13 06:56:12 UTC from web
      • Hellooo I'm here to visit again.

        Monday, 06-May-13 05:34:34 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • @madflavors Hey it's been a while. :3

        Monday, 06-May-13 05:55:16 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • @theponymancer Wait wait how did you find my mobile Skype account?

        Monday, 06-May-13 05:43:02 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • !vancouverbronies 42 Night signups for May 25th now open.

        Sunday, 05-May-13 09:33:21 UTC from web
        • Whoops, kind of went afk there. I must get going though, since work expects me to be there at 8:30 in the morning. Goodnight!

          Saturday, 04-May-13 05:54:43 UTC from web
        • reminder of my greatest work

          Saturday, 04-May-13 05:03:49 UTC from web
        • Okay @yodelerty is the only one I remember here so far.

          Saturday, 04-May-13 04:23:49 UTC from web
        • I am so crap at this game urgh

          Saturday, 04-May-13 04:41:29 UTC from web
        • >Visits RDN after being gone for so long>Gets bombarded with really bad dog puns>It's good to be back??

          Saturday, 04-May-13 04:29:37 UTC from web
        • Wellll it sure has been a while since I was last on here.

          Saturday, 04-May-13 04:18:45 UTC from web
        • !vancouverbronies Hey @maddoggyca, the co-host this week for "The Rush" on Shaw TV just mentioned you and his son took a photo with you in your suit at Fan Expo! I mentioned to him you came from Prince George.

          Monday, 29-Apr-13 22:21:43 UTC from web
        • !bcbronies Don't forget! 42 night is this upcoming weekend on May 4th! Remember to register! We have Rock Band.

          Sunday, 28-Apr-13 10:38:27 UTC from web
        • !bcbronies FINAL REMINDER: Metrotown meet is temporarily moved for this week only to Surrey's Central City for Ashleigh Ball's event at Party for the Planet. Meet in the Central City Mall Food Court this weekend. We return to Metrotown May 4th.

          Friday, 26-Apr-13 20:10:21 UTC from web
          • !vancouverbronies Rainbow Dash @ Vancouver FanExpo 2013, HighLight Edition Rainbow Dash @ Vancouver FanExpo 2013, Un-Edit Edition

            Tuesday, 23-Apr-13 16:37:30 UTC from web
          • !bcbronies Previous City of Surrey link for Party for the Planet schedule for the Ashleigh Ball event broke. New link with the times are here:

            Friday, 26-Apr-13 10:20:37 UTC from web