marty.p's home timeline


  1. Good morning! I think!

    Monday, 17-Jun-13 00:16:56 UTC from mustard.mod
  2. @awlderpy Use this maybe

    Monday, 17-Jun-13 00:11:44 UTC from web
  3. Hmmm... To fad or not to fad... Decisions decisions...

    Monday, 17-Jun-13 00:08:53 UTC from web
  4. @vt3c I didnt, i typed out bananases. this would be testing it out. EM back dolees.

    Monday, 17-Jun-13 00:10:18 UTC from web
  5. there

    Monday, 17-Jun-13 00:06:35 UTC from web
  6. Needs more Luna, guys.

    Monday, 17-Jun-13 00:02:43 UTC from web
  7. What the Hell is Google glass!?!?!?

    Sunday, 16-Jun-13 23:57:47 UTC from web
  8. no torrent for EQG yet, i'm disappointed, pirates. where are these guys who put a pokemon b/w rom on the internet 15 mins after the game was released?

    Sunday, 16-Jun-13 23:53:34 UTC from web
  9. @vt3c What a plot twist! *giggles​*

    Sunday, 16-Jun-13 23:57:21 UTC from web
    • @nerthos Join us!

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 23:56:37 UTC from web
    • Luna Network.

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 23:56:05 UTC from web
    • Princess Luna Avatar Network? Princess Luna Avatar Network.

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 23:49:34 UTC from web
    • Ok found one

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 23:54:45 UTC from web
    • !clm I still want to be a thing.

      Sunday, 16-Jun-13 23:39:28 UTC from web
      • Well... 100% done with Katawa Shoujo. Not sure how I feel about it.

        Sunday, 16-Jun-13 13:02:19 UTC from web
      • Man this brings back memories. The PS1 was my childhood lmao.

        Sunday, 16-Jun-13 16:40:48 UTC from web
      • working on a new pic and i want some input

        Sunday, 16-Jun-13 15:54:13 UTC from web
      • I am.

        Sunday, 16-Jun-13 16:24:30 UTC from web
      • Equestria Girls On Youtube in HD! here is the link to the reddit fourm

        Sunday, 16-Jun-13 16:16:44 UTC from web
      • !coderpony So I found this: I'm actually quite surprised to say I could only guess 2/5 correctly. 4 and 5. 1 makes no sense from a code point of view, 2 WTH IS GOING ON HERE and 3 I forgot about how static function declarations are special lmao.

        Sunday, 16-Jun-13 15:59:02 UTC from web
      • And, back.

        Sunday, 16-Jun-13 15:43:04 UTC from web
      • Jokes on you. The inside of my nose smells like cocoa butter and yours doesn't.

        Sunday, 16-Jun-13 15:47:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • Alright, it's almost 11AM. Time to get some shut-eye.

        Sunday, 16-Jun-13 15:44:35 UTC from web
      • Man, my dad is the living example of Gambler's Fallacy. He's asking me to do a full statistical and frequency analysis on the lottery frequency.

        Sunday, 16-Jun-13 14:22:24 UTC from web
      • And now I'm going to go listen to Triple Baka. Damn you all and reminding me of Vocaloid.

        Sunday, 16-Jun-13 14:28:20 UTC from web
      • This nightcore song is only gonna entertain me for another 2 minutes. :|

        Sunday, 16-Jun-13 14:23:34 UTC from web
      • Site's gonna crash again in a minute

        Sunday, 16-Jun-13 14:20:16 UTC from web