Replies to m14brony, page 3

  1. @m14brony But I tell you this

    Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 11:46:39 UTC from web in context
  2. @m14brony I have not been in there yet, I start my first semester in September.
    Going for a Transitory degree mate

    Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 11:44:53 UTC from web in context
  3. @m14brony *Smirks and curls around snuggling playfully* Hiiiii

    Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 11:41:07 UTC from web in context
  4. @m14brony *Stomps up to you in his knee socks and poofy jacket staring at you intensely*

    Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 11:39:04 UTC from web in context
  5. @m14brony It's really a hilarious coincidence that I'm switching to Verizon tomorrow, because yesterday while I was streaming I had a bunch of connection issues.

    Monday, 25-Jul-16 20:25:46 UTC from web in context
  6. @m14brony Really, it's been more like less than a year since they alternate production cycles between Elder Scrolls and Fallout now. Besides, it's very likely that none of the core team worked on the Skyrim remaster (except MAYBE Todd Howard because he's the big director man at BGS), I think it might've been outsourced to their Montreal studio. I obviously don't know what's up with the internal workings over there, but I'm pretty sure that the production studio is wrapping up on the last Fallout 4 DLC while Todd Howard, Emil Pagliarulo, and a select few other people are working on design goals and story for the next Elder Scrolls game.

    Saturday, 16-Jul-16 03:58:17 UTC from web in context
  7. @mrmattimation @m14brony I was liveblogging from a Tucson Trump rally and saw quite a few Latinos, fwiw.

    Saturday, 16-Jul-16 02:34:57 UTC from in context
  8. @m14brony I think Trump is one of the only things that makes a Hispanic man vote democrat, we tend to vote further right than left. For some reason.

    Saturday, 16-Jul-16 02:32:49 UTC from web in context
  9. @m14brony The funny thing is, me neither. Though you do sort of make him out worse than he probably really is by calling him an Islamist despot.

    Friday, 15-Jul-16 23:59:48 UTC from web in context
  10. @m14brony it seems it is for an american

    Thursday, 14-Jul-16 23:51:15 UTC from web in context
  11. @m14brony greyskins are taking our mead

    Thursday, 14-Jul-16 21:02:59 UTC from web in context
  12. @m14brony I hadn't heard about this case but why am I not surprised his kids were homeschooled

    Wednesday, 06-Jul-16 23:15:59 UTC from web in context
  13. @m14brony It's a very self-indulged problem that's for sure

    Wednesday, 06-Jul-16 23:06:32 UTC from web in context
  14. @m14brony congrats?

    Tuesday, 28-Jun-16 00:17:44 UTC from web in context
  15. @m14brony YEAH! *SnugS*

    Friday, 17-Jun-16 20:29:49 UTC from web in context
  16. @m14brony Autocorrupt is the worst

    Friday, 17-Jun-16 20:29:31 UTC from web in context
  17. @m14brony *GLOMPS*

    Friday, 17-Jun-16 20:24:26 UTC from web in context
  18. @m14brony Which is why I think it is important to never stop shouting at what the government should do. "clean drinking water !" "actual healthcare !" "we have a problem with immigrants". Loudest voices will usually 'win'. Things that are not a problem ( anymore ) or get lessened due to what the government is currently doing should not take focus away from the 'voice' in question. And if anything has actually proven itself it is that the media has way too much political influenced power over this 'voice'. So yeah, you're awesome for keeping up with your beliefs if you actually have been shouting pro healthcare and firearm training things for years.

    Wednesday, 15-Jun-16 21:40:03 UTC from web in context
  19. @m14brony I'm going to follow my dreams

    Wednesday, 15-Jun-16 13:13:54 UTC from web in context
  20. @m14brony That might be, but then you have politicians ( usually republicans ) trying to muddy up the issue by claiming that there is no paperwork if you buy a used gun, from a gun show, or through the black market since criminals by definition do not follow the law. In essence turning the whole idea of a background check or a gun-database toxic. Toxic to the point where I would not be too surprised if there are wikihow-themed articles out there that show people just how to get around the current system, for they are convinced that the current system is bad.

    And then you have people like Omar Mateen, who was in contact with the FBI at least 3 times and still managed to obtain an AR-15. Only more cause for the people who want a gun to shout things like "the current system does not work, I want no part of it !"

    Wednesday, 15-Jun-16 08:34:47 UTC from web in context
  21. @m14brony Yes, but they have a system where near everyone has gotten military training and where they have a proper health system. Meanwhile in the USA you have a system where everyone is allowed to have guns regardless of training ( possible beehive, this issue is actually adressed in some state law ). And if you wanted to see how good and proper the health system works for people who have served in the USA just compare the amount of military deaths versus the amount of veterans who commit suicide. BTW I am convinced that those numbers would be lower if more people went through at least basic training so that there would be more relate able empathy from everyone ( the common man & the health professional, and everyone in between )... In essence, over in Switzerland, they have essentially turned "the band of brotherhood" into a self-serving part of their society. You can not use that in the USA because there are so many different flocks of life. You'd need a bigger&broader system

    Wednesday, 15-Jun-16 08:24:28 UTC from web in context
  22. @m14brony That is not what I was saying at all. I was saying that the only way to ensure that only people who pass a mental and criminal test are able to have guns is to give those tests periodically. That has to cost a lot of resources, so that is probably not going to happen. And if you were to implement just that then you have the pitfall problem that many banana republics fell into, and that is to reserve the right to call up anyone who owns a gun to defend your country from [agressors/criminals/ufo's/nazi's/zombies/ or pick your own from the history books ]. It however was an ad-absurdum reference to history seen as how paranoid actual gun owning conservatives seem to be about even the possibility of a governmental owned database of people who own firearms

    And, you are correct, the Swiss army is not a pseudo-military style regime. They operate more on a level akin to conscription and those who have done service have earned their perks ( if my memory serves me well enough )

    Tuesday, 14-Jun-16 23:25:58 UTC from web in context
  23. @m14brony I never said things will automatically change either, however the liberals and the concervatives have to work together to come up with a sollution that is acceptable to both sides of the coin. Now that you have confirmed that at least one side of this coin is actively demonizing the the statements of the other side. Yeah I now do understand why you brought up those groups when you did. It is way more easy to get people to listen to your political agenda's about gun control if said group just got a big problem with guns.

    Tuesday, 14-Jun-16 23:00:02 UTC from web in context
  24. @m14brony that's the thing; what works for one doesn't work for all. However if this is happening to any extent nigh every day then what we have doesn't seem to be working near as it should. As for assault rifles, suppose I was using as example for a point of contention between the two sides.

    Tuesday, 14-Jun-16 22:51:23 UTC from web in context
  25. @m14brony so price tags are sufficient.

    Tuesday, 14-Jun-16 21:43:16 UTC from web in context
  26. @m14brony Which is another way of saying that only the rich have access to a so-called right.

    Tuesday, 14-Jun-16 21:39:27 UTC from web in context
  27. @m14brony I agree fully with that. However, the only way that you can assure the mental and criminal fitness of everyone that owns a gun right now and 6 months from now would be periodic evaluations, Also a proper sanction system. And at that point you might be better off with a pseudo-military style regime. And the name "United States of Banana Republics" does not sit right with me.

    Tuesday, 14-Jun-16 21:32:56 UTC from web in context
  28. @m14brony and who said it would be a ban on all weapons. Who says you need assault rifles for selfe-defense.

    Tuesday, 14-Jun-16 21:31:53 UTC from web in context
  29. @m14brony Is the hypothetical "bad guy who wants badness badly enough" not also made at least in part of straw?

    Tuesday, 14-Jun-16 21:31:21 UTC from web in context
  30. @m14brony Yes but the political landscape is always changing. Groups are always "competing" for exposure in one way or another ( and sometimes it drops in their lap due to something that happened, usually a tragedy ). Just because Women, LGBT and Hispanics are at a high point compared to historical data does not mean that everything will change. Now this is where conservatives come in. It is important for a country not to change everything all the time when a group gains numbers. Whereas liberals always try to see that no man is left behind. These are opposing idea's but necessary to run a country. Now if a political group manages to demonize another political group in the eyes of a certain demographic by use of attack advertisements ( Poison the well in essence ). Then I think the country has a real problem on it's hand... I have seen nothing of that since I do not live in America though, but I am afraid that is exactly what is happening ?

    Tuesday, 14-Jun-16 21:27:48 UTC from web in context