Notices by Matthew (mastermask), page 2
@moonprincess Well, then! We shall just have to make this intensely awesome, to make up for your loss!
...I feel left out, I can't see moot... Curse you, IPod!
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 01:03:51 UTC from web -
@adamaster NH, same story! It won't leave!
@moonprincess Wow, and those sound very awesome.
@fachi QUITE. [ p _ o ]
@adamaster I can hear it now... "What is that?" "Is that what it's supposed to look like?" "Wait, did he mean this side or the other one?"
@ponyboy *MOST* situations.
@dezzierose Feeling fine! You?
@1pony4all Just press random buttons, see what happens. That works for most everything in life.
@scratch This will be awesome...
@vibrantrain Meh. Any kind of natural disaster, or pony-made, for that matter, are easily averted with friendship and magic.
@moonprincess Make it 5, ma'am!
@moonprincess Joined faster than Dash!
@vibrantrain So?
@camptranshumanist Spike.
@tinwhistle What was the thread about?
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 00:27:10 UTC from web -
@starshine Saying your sorry and getting flowers, apparently.
@vibrantrain Quite.
@smoustroumiegh @pegliec Spam, spam, lovely spam...
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 00:23:07 UTC from web -
@administrator Good point.
@administrator Why Japan, at this time?
@moonprincess I have to say, I'm a fan of you both. More of a night person, though! (^^)
!Ponychan has hit 100 memebers, good to see! So, for all the members, a short question to start some activity: Which pony/ponies are your favorite and why? This can be any pony, BG, MC, OC, any of them.
@applebloomsarepetalknives Love her. Study with her, perhaps try a but of science, although she would be much better than me. Probably try to work out the pony laws of physics.
@socks ...nope! I would never! I swear by my soul! [I'm not, don't worry.]
@applebloomsarepetalknives That whole series makes my heart explode and my brain melt... I think...
@administrator Preparing then! What will be fixed?
@applebloomsarepetalknives Yes, it is secret, although fun as well. [heh heh heh...]
@applebloomsarepetalknives Some animator likes to have a bit of secret fun, if you ask me.
This seems to be going well...
Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 20:33:57 UTC from web