I like ponies and RPing and stuff.
mastermask subscribers
These are the people who listen to mastermask's notices.
rainbowdashismycopilot Star Toucher Seattle
I am a relatively young brony from Seattle who enjoys techno, mlp, science, and general nerd stuff. :3 Also RDNRP now sucks -.-
juneiperjazz June Carmody
stevenmagnet Kieren scotland
hey guys! names kieren! MY little pony is awesome! need any more info just ask :)
shine Shine Sofia, Bulgaria
I live in Bulgaria. My interests include programming, drawing, music, basketball, skiing, beer and ponies. You can usually find me in the threads on /b/, though I sometimes lurk ponychan. Uhm... what else should I say...? I don't know...
commanderjesus commander jesus, product of pinecones CT http://www.youtube.com/user/commanderjesussaves
I am jesus, that dumbass from /co/. I also make the musicks of the metal variety. That's about it.
newdcd DCD and any variations thereof. ON ZE ROAD http://time-diver.deviantart.com
Just a passin' through writefag/drawfag combo.
socks Beck
I like: videogames, ponies(what else) and summer! I dislike: Nothing, I'm all for the lovin', if you catch my drift. There's nopony like Pinkie Pie!
bravespark Paper Goat
macintosh Big Macintosh Ponyville, Equestria http://ponychan.net/chan/pony
Eeyup. The name's Macintosh an' I'm the pony who's in charge 'a Sweet Apple Acres (With some help from Apple Jack 'a course).
cherrysundae Cherry Sundae London, United Kingdom http://pricessshitbitch.tumblr.com/
I like to leave my bath tub full after I've had a bath and close the bathroom door. Then whenever I go into the bathroom afterwards its always warm and smells of bubble bath.
Founder of Rainbowdash.net