Melissa Guertin's home timeline



    Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 14:24:12 UTC from ban me pls
  2. "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

    Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
  3. Do robots even have genders?

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
  4. @admin ahaha.

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
    • @redenchilada I seriously try to help people, but I can't when they constantly give up on themselves. God. It makes ME feel like a failure when people don't even want to consider a bit of advice or even see any points that anyone who's trying to help them is making. I've almost successfully committed suicide several times because of my blind self pity and it just irks me to no end when people don't realize that failure isn't the end of the world. I wouldn't be alive talking to you right now if I believed that I couldn't amount to anything.

      Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:40:58 UTC from web
    • You know what irks me? When they pre-mix the peanut butter with the jelly.

      Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:42:49 UTC from web
    • @huggablysoft I said stop.

      Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:35:17 UTC from web
    • @huggablysoft A lot of people consider me as one of the nicest and most kind persons on RDN. ~♥

      Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:35:01 UTC from web
    • @sprite You won't even bother to help yourself. So why the Hell am I going to continue trying to help you.

      Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:31:55 UTC from web
    • @sprite If people gave up, nothing would exist.

      Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:22:33 UTC from web
      • @sprite How do you even know that you won't? Just because you failed a few times? God. I've failed for YEARS but I'm still not giving up on making music. Seriously, if I had the same mentality as you, I wouldn't have a SINGLE FREAKING TRACK made.

        Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:18:00 UTC from web
      • @sprite You're expecting an over night miracle to happen. Life doesn't work that way.

        Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:16:26 UTC from web
        • " I am usually very understanding of my fellow nerds and geeks, but in this case, my friend, please listen: Forget about virtual reality for a while and get a real life in the real world. Move out of the basement. Get some furniture. Get some decent clothes. Join reality, then, perhaps, virtual reality will be just a hobby, which is all it should be."

          Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:05:18 UTC from web
        • @pegasusjones @coffeecream Here you go! :P

          Friday, 09-Aug-13 01:30:36 UTC from web
        • #

          Friday, 09-Aug-13 01:22:07 UTC from web
          • @vt3c @huggablysoft Like for example: "I am going to the store." In Japanese literal translation to English it would be something like: "The store, going to I am". Korean is a bit different where as they don't really speak totally in reverse, but the literal phrase would be something like: "The store is what I am traveling to"

            Thursday, 08-Aug-13 04:13:34 UTC from web
          • @coffeecream Here's another HuggablySoft track to add to your MLP collection. (This one is definitely a must have and you'll see why.) ^w^

            Thursday, 08-Aug-13 02:45:24 UTC from web
          • Ugh. I'm going to bed. I'm thoroughly freaking annoyed now. Good night.

            Wednesday, 07-Aug-13 04:22:35 UTC from web
          • <--- Yay! My new avatar! Inspired by @coffeecream 's ^w^

            Wednesday, 07-Aug-13 04:09:15 UTC from web
          • I don't know why, but I love this cartoon.

            Wednesday, 07-Aug-13 03:33:53 UTC from web
          • ...Maybe moving in here was not a good idea for my general health. :X I thought maybe I could make this work.

            Wednesday, 07-Aug-13 02:56:39 UTC from web
          • "Is he really dead? He's going to regenerate or something, right?! N-not that I care." -mom

            Wednesday, 07-Aug-13 03:04:22 UTC from web
          • Um...why is there a big "Help!" button on the right side of the screen?

            Wednesday, 07-Aug-13 02:56:29 UTC from web
          • @vt3c :3

            Wednesday, 07-Aug-13 02:56:58 UTC from web
          • Good night everyone. :3

            Tuesday, 06-Aug-13 05:26:26 UTC from web
            • Oh blarg. I have to go to sleep. :c

              Tuesday, 06-Aug-13 05:26:18 UTC from web
              • @pegasusjones Same here. I pale in comparison to Alex S and Sim Gretina, but both of them are what inspired me to get into techno remixing

                Tuesday, 06-Aug-13 05:18:09 UTC from web
              • @pegasusjones Thank you :3

                Tuesday, 06-Aug-13 04:58:07 UTC from web
              • There's just something strangely adorable about Sweetie Belle that you just can't say no to her...

                Tuesday, 06-Aug-13 04:57:58 UTC from web
                • @pegasusjones Thank you. :3

                  Tuesday, 06-Aug-13 04:14:38 UTC from web