Moondew R. Prose's home timeline


  1. Beloved, hating Javascript

    Saturday, 15-Oct-16 22:05:41 UTC from
  2. Question for anyone who has more than my zero experience wiring things up:

    I have a board where each switch connector has its own ground, but they appear to all be interchangable (I've touched the ground wire in one connector to the other wire in another and it registers the latter button fine). I'm wiring these to a connector, and the pinout on the target device has just the one pin for ground. The device is nothing but switches.

    Is there any benefit at all to trying to wire that pin to more than one connector's ground, or should I just go for the one?

    Saturday, 15-Oct-16 16:17:27 UTC from web
  3. What I really need is an excuse to buy four two-pin joysticks for a different dumb idea I had

    Saturday, 15-Oct-16 05:59:20 UTC from web
    • Had a dumb idea for a game and thought about getting a Teensy to build the controller for it but then I realized I'd basically be making the DJ Hero controller but slightly different

      Saturday, 15-Oct-16 05:16:43 UTC from web
      • The PCB's here! Time to mess around with it and short it out like a dumbass before the connector even arrives

        Saturday, 15-Oct-16 00:40:56 UTC from web
        • Why do people always say "cool bees"

          Friday, 14-Oct-16 21:28:07 UTC from web
        • red or no red?

          Friday, 14-Oct-16 12:01:05 UTC from
        • Finally I have a purpose for my savings

          Friday, 14-Oct-16 05:34:09 UTC from web
          • I see TCGplayer's sellers haven't averaged out prices yet for the Keldeo/Rayquaza battle arena decks. Even with the foil energies not having any prices my collection went up in value by $90 from entering all of the cards in (the set itself is only $30)

            Friday, 14-Oct-16 02:23:20 UTC from web
            • NPM may be bad with its version locking that you have to call manually, but Bower's even worse with its nonexistent version locking! Web development is a Potato Knishesshow.

              Thursday, 13-Oct-16 22:49:46 UTC from web
              • I told myself I was gonna skip the arcade today but I'm not listening

                Thursday, 13-Oct-16 22:42:52 UTC from web
                • I fixed it.

                  Thursday, 13-Oct-16 21:29:44 UTC from web
                • cherry toenails tbh

                  Thursday, 13-Oct-16 04:03:55 UTC from web
                  • lmao one of my lab assistants left his hard drive at work. AGAIN. >_< my gf told me I should upload the mysterious MP4 file to Newgrounds to teach him a lesson. i wasnt sure but HOW COULD I SAY NO TO THAT FACE ASDFASDSFA

                    Tuesday, 11-Oct-16 19:11:38 UTC from web
                  • How come at home I can do no-bar okay, but as soon as I get to the arcade I stumble on goddamn CURUS of all things if I'm not holding on for dear life?

                    Monday, 10-Oct-16 23:36:28 UTC from web
                    • @redenchilada can people playing the TCGO on mobile and on computr fight each other?

                      Sunday, 09-Oct-16 22:08:00 UTC from web
                    • I forgot to link the !stream in here, but here's a video of me playing a Sonic fangame with a dance pad

                      Sunday, 09-Oct-16 21:11:26 UTC from web
                      • I've spent all day faffing about in Python but I have no clue how to change the order of things so one graphic is underneath another

                        Sunday, 09-Oct-16 15:23:04 UTC from web
                      • An edit chart composed entirely of spinning at 23rpm is both my best and worst idea ever because I couldn't even stand up right after it

                        Sunday, 09-Oct-16 03:17:49 UTC from web
                        • I tried playing with shoes on the CF and I heard NOTHING over the pad slapping noises. Why was it nowhere near this bad downstairs

                          Sunday, 09-Oct-16 00:19:33 UTC from web
                          • Streaming some Supernova to break in the Cobalt Flux I guess

                            Saturday, 08-Oct-16 23:05:16 UTC from web
                            • Whaddya guys think, is Donald Trump's political career done because he like using women as bowling balls, or do you think this'll all blow over?

                              Saturday, 08-Oct-16 22:02:09 UTC from web
                            • While simultaneously laughing at how the timing windows in PIU are so FrankerZing wide that I SS'd my very first play ever

                              Saturday, 08-Oct-16 21:46:12 UTC from web
                              • It turns out that you can't play DDR well without pants

                                Saturday, 08-Oct-16 21:42:02 UTC from web
                              • What I really need is a pre-wired cable with the wire-to-pin correspondence labelled so the hard part's done for me

                                Saturday, 08-Oct-16 20:56:47 UTC from web
                              • Soldering is mangoing stupid and I never want to try it again

                                Saturday, 08-Oct-16 20:52:42 UTC from web
                              • Also I got a Cobalt Flux today but my PS2->USB adapter turns out to be papaya at handling dance pads so I'll need to either get a better one or build a control box that goes straight to USB

                                Saturday, 08-Oct-16 06:14:10 UTC from web
                                • I used to think there was no reason for Diamond and Pearl to exist but then I found Froslass and now I understand

                                  Saturday, 08-Oct-16 06:12:57 UTC from web
                                  • I have a PR that took thirty minutes to write and has been sitting for two days without so much as a glance from anyone else. And people wonder why we get so little done in this office

                                    Friday, 07-Oct-16 21:48:19 UTC from web
                                  • I'm mad at Konami for only releasing this event in Japan

                                    Friday, 07-Oct-16 03:22:20 UTC from web