partypinkiestyle subscriptions, page 5

These are the people whose notices partypinkiestyle listens to.

  • Rhys lukar Rhys Tennessee

    A dragon fur who would like to be more involved with the MLP fandom. :3

  • Akash avi1979 Akash USA

    I am an Artist

  • NewPatrol newpatrol NewPatrol Tomorrow

    Things and Stuff.

  • Ramiel ramiel Ramiel Las Vegas

    something something something ponies

  • Louis A. Soriano monsterchugger Louis A. Soriano Fresno, CA

    Howdy everypony! My name is Louis! I've been a brony ever sence my friend double dog dared me into watching the first 3 episodes of FiM, knowing that id love it. My fav pony is pinke cause her logic is awesome and her parties are pimp.

  • finnishguy finnishguy the land of sad songs... aka finland

    better off dead... like really

  • Sawyer VanDanElzen genericname123 Sawyer VanDanElzen Rochester, Michigain

    I like ponies, Dr. Who(oves), FullMetal Alchemist, I've recently gotten into Gurren Lagann, Minecraft, Terraria, and did I mention I like ponies? I'm also 14. LOL PEDOPHILIA. If you wanna add me on Skype (I love chatting), add me @ cake.thief!

  • Sammy sammysombdy Sammy Omaha, NE

    Graduating soon! So very excited!

  • Church Gonzalez church21012 Church Gonzalez Huntington Park, California

    I am 15 years old and live in California. I am almost never alone but love isolation. I usually don't bring MLP up in public. You can find me on PSN as B3LTW4Y21012.

  • starsisters100 starsisters100 British Columbia

    I'm sweet, caring & charming. okay that does sound shallow, but I truly love the show My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. I'm a girl, I do consider myself a brony because it is a gender neutral term. I make my own My Little Pony Abridged Series on Youtube. I love baking, animals, reading, singing, video making & writing. My favorite pony is Twilight Sparkle & I started watching the show in August of 2011. Brohoof ;)

  • Daniel Olav Mikaelson danielmikaelson Daniel Olav Mikaelson Bergen, Hordaland, Norway

    I am from Bergen, Norway. I currently live in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and go to LSU. I am 21 and happily engaged. Love sports, of which Football (Soccer), Rugby Union, and Australian Football are my favourites. My favourite pony is Rainbow Dash. I have been watching the show for a few months now with my fiancee and we love it!

  • Matthew blueskies Matthew Los Angeles,CA

    Hello everypony! Ive been a brony for about 10 months now and I dont regret it! Im a little shy when I first meet new people but after that I love to make new friends and make jokes! Im always ready to help my friends and Im very loyal, you can count on me if you need help!

  • percussionistponyfied percussionistponyfied America

    I'm just another brony. I enjoy prog rock, music, Star Trek, and Homestuck. My favorite pony is Twilight Sparkle. My Pesterchum chumhandle is percussionistPonyfied I occasionally make fan music.

  • Artorias bowandlyre Artorias That place down the street


  • Taylor Donovan rainbowdashsboyfriend Taylor Donovan Californian; Petaluma

    I am one of the youngest bronys I know... At 13 years old. I became a fan of my little pony friendship is magic when I saw a preview for it on demand. So I watched the first episode on youtube and I said, "I don't want to watch the next one"..... But I did and here I am now. Ive also had a crush on Rainbowdash since I was 11. I am a true brony at heart. I am crazy about this website and I am going to post on it everyday until I can't anymore. I am also a fan of code lyoko. There is a group on a this website called: Lyokoponies. Hope you like my posts!

  • Nicholas Kuras dashierulez12 Nicholas Kuras Michigan

    Hi Everypony! I am approaching my first year as a Brony and I love everyone that made this show and watches this show! The people are so great! I am very excited to start my first year in college! I love making new friends, especially brony ones! My favorite pony is rainbow dash hands down!

  • Hans van Hörten blots Hans van Hörten Tempe, Arizona

    A semi-regular on porkslope's streams.

  • Jacob Bond weimtime007 Jacob Bond Either Chicago, IL or Spokane, WA

    I do requests for MIDI transcription. Hit me up if you have one. Check out my YouTube Channel for piano covers and demonstrations.

  • Rainbow Dash xxrainbowdashxx Rainbow Dash Ponyville, Equestria

    Kind : Pegasus Sex: Female Occupation: Weather patrol I'm responsible for maintaining and clearing the skies in Ponyville, also a huge admirer of The Wonderbolts and dreams of joining their flying group. I also represents the element of Loyalty. I have a pet tortoise named Tank!

  • Creamsicle Badlands wafers Creamsicle Badlands New York


  • Sophia Gonzales oinkiedoinkie Sophia Gonzales Everywhere


  • Elmike Gutierrez neon1ights Elmike Gutierrez Miami Florida USA

    A amateur DJ and producer is trying to make it to the top.

  • Winstin Moody hayseed Winstin Moody Dallas TX

    Comedian, yes my parents are dissapointed

  • Matt Rose kitsukingsley Matt Rose United States

    A witty, kindhearted pony who loves taking walks and is always willing to lend a helping hoof. I'm horrible at introducing myself so i'll update this when I wanna!

  • Keyvan astaen Keyvan Pavilly, France

    Hi ! My name's Keyvan, I'm a 16 years old brony, living in France :) I love you all ! BROHOOF ! /)*(\

  • Mike Hendrix gracelynn Mike Hendrix SC, United States
  • Rarity rarity Rarity US
  • Cerulean Spark ceruleanspark Cerulean Spark United Kingdom

    I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again. Even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me. And then, when I am too broken to go on, I will float my dying body right down the throat of the darkness and make it choke on me.

  • Cerulean Lulamoon-Spark ceruleansparkold Cerulean Lulamoon-Spark United Kingdom

    My old username. Currently undergoing an identity crisis

  • Jorge vraiment Jorge Mexico

    Student of Engineering on Computer Systems with a passion for technology, computing programming and all that geeky stuff; fan of Rammstein, The Offspring and rest heavy and fast music; self taught bassist and wannabe musician... That was pretty boring, wasn't it?