nope's home timeline


  1. Okay, I spent way too much effort on this.

    Wednesday, 26-Sep-12 07:55:37 UTC from web
  2. While we're all talking about !homestuck, it just updated again.

    Wednesday, 26-Sep-12 08:56:53 UTC from web
    • Oh yeah !homestuck update

      Wednesday, 26-Sep-12 00:39:35 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • I just noticed the !mspa group's logo. lolol

      Tuesday, 25-Sep-12 00:14:03 UTC from web
      • Fgnegvat gb guvax Xheybm naq Tnzmrr ner gur zbfg rivy crbcyr va gur fgbel, naq dhvgr cbffvoyl erfcbafvoyr sbe perngvat Ybeq Ratyvfu va gur svefg cynpr. !homestuck #

        Monday, 24-Sep-12 19:29:13 UTC from web
      • !Homestuck I got it guys, for this years festival, our class does an In Character Cosplay cafe. And it costs money to leave. We'll rake in the cash.

        Monday, 24-Sep-12 17:52:05 UTC from web
        • !Homestuck I really hope someone gets this.

          Monday, 24-Sep-12 09:45:38 UTC from web
          • !Homestuck Laughing at the fandom is fun. >:3

            Monday, 24-Sep-12 08:43:08 UTC from web
            • !homestuck Okay, the God Tier grid is fixed.

              Monday, 24-Sep-12 03:17:18 UTC from web
            • !homestuck Ladies and gentleman, a 15 year old throwing a tantrum and then passing out like a baby.

              Saturday, 22-Sep-12 00:39:04 UTC from web
              • It has begun. I am now reading !homestuck.

                Monday, 17-Sep-12 17:34:54 UTC from web
              • aaaaa want !homestuck

                Monday, 17-Sep-12 16:48:27 UTC from web
              • I just realized all of the kids and trolls have DNA themed chumhandles. # !homestuck

                Sunday, 16-Sep-12 18:44:09 UTC from web
              • Googles "The Felt", get Felt porn. !homestuck #

                Saturday, 15-Sep-12 16:25:21 UTC from web
              • whaaaaaaat (# lyrics, also !homestuck)

                Saturday, 15-Sep-12 06:32:52 UTC from web
                • !homestuck update

                  Thursday, 13-Sep-12 23:20:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • !homestuck update

                    Thursday, 13-Sep-12 23:17:28 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    • Did someone already tag the !homestuck update?

                      Sunday, 09-Sep-12 22:47:19 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      • !Homestuck lol @ John's face.

                        Sunday, 09-Sep-12 22:08:53 UTC from web
                      • !homestuck update

                        Saturday, 08-Sep-12 02:56:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                        • !Homestuck

                          Friday, 07-Sep-12 03:10:13 UTC from web
                          • >Hussie announces !Homestuck game kickstarter >the fandom:

                            Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 22:26:37 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          • !homestuck Game of the year right there.

                            Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 21:49:07 UTC from web
                          • !homestuck

                            Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 20:24:15 UTC from web
                            • !homestuck Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-

                              Sunday, 02-Sep-12 04:17:16 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                              • !Homestuck Man I could listen to Fuchsia Ruler for days.

                                Friday, 31-Aug-12 05:09:41 UTC from web
                              • !Homestuck ooooohhh, this song is good.

                                Friday, 31-Aug-12 02:04:00 UTC from web
                              • !homestuck update

                                Friday, 31-Aug-12 01:07:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                • Yes. Oh gog, yes. !Homestuck # #

                                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 21:45:32 UTC from web
                                • !homestuck This is one of the few pictures I like how the trolls look.

                                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 01:34:00 UTC from MuSTArDroid