nope's home timeline


  1. !homestuck

    Wednesday, 29-Aug-12 09:30:19 UTC from web
    • AND GO:

      Tuesday, 28-Aug-12 20:55:18 UTC from web
    • !homestuck

      Tuesday, 28-Aug-12 02:23:14 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • !Homestuck Discussing the not so prevalent emotions of the characters in Homestuck.

        Monday, 27-Aug-12 18:31:53 UTC from web
        • !homestuck Woo bandcamp!

          Sunday, 19-Aug-12 02:53:52 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • New !homestuck solo album out. This time it's jit, and so far it's sounding damn good. :)

            Thursday, 16-Aug-12 16:25:43 UTC from web
            • !homestuck I think I melted my brain with this:

              Wednesday, 15-Aug-12 16:35:02 UTC from web
            • !homestuck #

              Saturday, 04-Aug-12 03:31:01 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • !homestuck Just because.

                Friday, 03-Aug-12 04:18:23 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • !homestuck New solo album by Plazmataz. It's orchestral stuff, and it seems pretty boss.

                Thursday, 02-Aug-12 00:32:23 UTC from web
              • !homestuck

                Sunday, 29-Jul-12 21:47:10 UTC from web
                • !homestuck The flash STILL confuses me. >rewatches it for the 7th time

                  Sunday, 29-Jul-12 18:19:21 UTC from web
                • !homestuck update.

                  Sunday, 29-Jul-12 00:22:24 UTC from web
                  • !homestuck I would like to think I understand this update very well.

                    Saturday, 28-Jul-12 20:06:58 UTC from web
                  • !homestuck Holy F***, Caliborn.

                    Saturday, 28-Jul-12 17:05:27 UTC from web
                    • !homestuck update. Holy fuuuuu

                      Saturday, 28-Jul-12 09:39:27 UTC from web
                      • !homestuck No regrets.

                        Sunday, 22-Jul-12 05:46:46 UTC from web
                      • !homestuck update

                        Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 02:49:14 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      • !Homestuck I present to you the Soap Box series! I play Karkat and attempt to get people to rant on the soap box. Bad times. Tavros: Jade: Spades Slick: Eridan: Rose: # Language

                        Friday, 13-Jul-12 12:31:29 UTC from web
                      • !Homestuck I have a gift for you (When it's done.)

                        Friday, 13-Jul-12 11:24:02 UTC from web
                        • This song has been on loop for the past like two days. Stupid !homestuck.

                          Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 23:57:49 UTC from web
                        • Anyone going to AnimeIowa this month? !iowabronies !homestuck !midwestbronies !furrybronies

                          Tuesday, 10-Jul-12 04:53:06 UTC from web
                        • "The odds that you are going to have to [sp]znxr bhg jvgu guvf frirerq urnq[/sp] are so high, I literally just confiscated their bong." # (No seriously, the rot13'd bit is a massive spoiler. You have been warned.) !homestuck

                          Tuesday, 10-Jul-12 00:05:35 UTC from web
                          • asdfghjkl !homestuck update at last. And it's a doozy.

                            Monday, 09-Jul-12 23:42:15 UTC from web
                          • !homestuck

                            Monday, 09-Jul-12 01:55:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          • OkayokayOKAY BED FOR ME BEFORE I DIE. Long day tomorrow. ;-; Night RDN!

                            Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 07:02:41 UTC from web
                          • !homestuck Hussie stop killing everyone.

                            Tuesday, 26-Jun-12 20:35:06 UTC from web
                          • !homestuck I'm stealing the admin role back.

                            Sunday, 24-Jun-12 03:20:54 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                            • !homestuck update.

                              Wednesday, 20-Jun-12 22:50:33 UTC from web
                              • !homestuck update. Again.

                                Wednesday, 20-Jun-12 06:18:09 UTC from web