Nora Faulkingham's home timeline


  1. Anime belongs in the trash

    Friday, 27-Jun-14 20:22:43 UTC from web
  2. wubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwub

    Friday, 27-Jun-14 20:14:43 UTC from web
  3. I just saw a commercial with David Tennant advertising internet this country is amazing

    Friday, 27-Jun-14 20:03:07 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  4. Who wants that kung fu panda 3 movie to come out?

    Friday, 27-Jun-14 20:05:44 UTC from web
  5. Greetings from Scotland :D

    Friday, 27-Jun-14 19:49:24 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  6. “Thanks dad”
    “Why'd you call him dad?”
    “’cause he’s dad?”
    “What makes him dad?”
    “… he’s a man?”
    - tumblr moms

    Friday, 27-Jun-14 19:56:58 UTC from web
  7. Do with this what you must.

    Thursday, 26-Jun-14 10:58:59 UTC from web
    • Tee hee hee trolling I think #

      Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 18:02:11 UTC from web
      • just putting this here.

        Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 17:56:41 UTC from web
        • this is how I feel about my brother! Don't know if I'm suppose to but I'll mark it with this: #

          Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 17:05:15 UTC from web
          • @randomwonderbolt That would be funny as hell!

            Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 17:03:14 UTC from web
          • This blew my cherriesing mind. If you don't know or haven't seen the video, spoilers for season 5 of MLP.

            Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 15:34:50 UTC from web
          • Any one ever had a date like this?

            Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 14:14:36 UTC from web
          • Do robots even have genders?

            Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
          • @admin ahaha.

            Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
            • Oh my god that movie is so beutiful.

              Monday, 23-Jun-14 15:04:04 UTC from web
              • @randomkid I think it's kind of against the rules to share pirated movies here.

                Monday, 23-Jun-14 12:16:05 UTC from web
              • God dammit @mushi.

                Sunday, 22-Jun-14 23:44:19 UTC from web
                • /フフ       ム`ヽ
                  / ノ)  ∧__∧   ) ヽ
                  / |  (✿uwu ) ノ⌒(ゝ._,ノ
                  / ノ⌒7⌒ヽーく  \  /
                  丶_ ノ ✩  ノ、 ✩|/
                     `ヽ `ー-‘_人`ーノ
                    丶  ̄ _人’彡ノ
                      /`ヽ _/ 十\
                  / | \/ |
                  | | \ \ /
                    \ \  丶 | /
                  | | /   /  /
                  / / | / /
                  /_ /  \ / /

                  Monday, 16-Jun-14 22:07:36 UTC from web
                • hello everypony

                  Wednesday, 18-Jun-14 19:07:12 UTC from web
                • The mighty @randomkid bird has to fly away now. He is migrating to twitter. (Maybe)

                  Wednesday, 18-Jun-14 19:12:29 UTC from web
                  • Psst... Hey... Tell me something... What's /b/?

                    Wednesday, 18-Jun-14 18:53:58 UTC from web
                  • You better watch what you say about me when I'm gone. Justcause I'm not here doesn't mean I can't hear you. Wouldn't want too say somthing you'll regret.

                    Wednesday, 18-Jun-14 18:47:15 UTC from web
                  • Snow is a massive nerd

                    Tuesday, 17-Jun-14 02:23:45 UTC from web
                  • @r87dash Just your unoriginal Damurdock here! Check out my Fimfic account if ya want, ain't got much good on there though.

                    Tuesday, 27-May-14 13:32:18 UTC from web
                  • Will anyone miss me?

                    Monday, 16-Jun-14 13:53:43 UTC from web
                  • Good bye every one! I'll miss you. not

                    Monday, 16-Jun-14 13:57:26 UTC from web
                  • Hello guys it's possibly my last day on RDN for a while.

                    Monday, 16-Jun-14 13:14:14 UTC from web
                  • Because of that I have a final song.

                    Monday, 16-Jun-14 13:14:56 UTC from web
                  • Well, I have survived my dental surgury... There was loads of drilling. LOADS OF DRILLING !

                    Friday, 13-Jun-14 12:58:15 UTC from web