Jonathan Peterson's home timeline


  1. XD I just want to see the response I don't believe that

    Monday, 11-Mar-13 13:38:17 UTC from web
    • And this is why I love you all! XD <3

      Monday, 11-Mar-13 13:32:46 UTC from web
    • A public timeline for pony discussion and no one talks about ponies XD good job internet lol

      Monday, 11-Mar-13 13:30:31 UTC from web
    • No matter who your favorite pony is everyone loves fluttershy ^3^

      Monday, 11-Mar-13 13:23:49 UTC from web

      Monday, 11-Mar-13 13:26:19 UTC from web
      • Good morning everyone!

        Monday, 11-Mar-13 13:21:48 UTC from web
      • @snowcone be happy!!! XD I just want to know everyone is doing ok ^_^ there's always room to be happy

        Monday, 11-Mar-13 13:21:35 UTC from web
      • @#Fluttershy !Fluttershy If you turn on subtitles you can read what the lyrics are supposed to be

        Sunday, 10-Mar-13 14:47:44 UTC from web
        • I wake up with Twilight

          Saturday, 09-Mar-13 22:41:08 UTC from web
        • Hello everypony! ^_^

          Friday, 08-Mar-13 14:10:16 UTC from web
        • I have to sign off, everyone have a lovely time!

          Friday, 08-Mar-13 03:34:16 UTC from web
        • Is !bgo still a thing?

          Friday, 08-Mar-13 03:19:57 UTC from web
        • hi...

          Friday, 08-Mar-13 03:15:56 UTC from web
        • @snowcone @renovatedkitchen you two have to be my favorite people on this whole forum :3 <333 /)

          Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 13:02:44 UTC from web
        • =(

          Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 14:57:32 UTC from web
        • @redenchilada your back! :D

          Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 14:58:30 UTC from web
          • Yay ^_^ I love you all though :3 (in school really bored, hence why I'm on)

            Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 14:47:01 UTC from web
            • Mom: "Hey you should try this medicine for the sore you have in your mouth" Me: "What does it do" Mom: "You put 10ml of it in your mouth and hold the liquid against the sore for 10 seconds, and then it acts like an analgesic" >Try >Literally feels like a burning coal against the sore >Start hitting the wall to ignore pain

              Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 14:36:06 UTC from web
            • Lol yeah but everyone stopped talking as soon as I logged in :3

              Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 14:29:19 UTC from web
            • Did everyone just up and die when I got on? O.o

              Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 14:28:15 UTC from web
            • Prepare yourselves. @#cute @#Fluttershy !Fluttershy #

              Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 11:32:19 UTC from web
            • @fluttershye Yo!

              Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 03:05:51 UTC from web
              • @fluttershye, thanks mate!

                Sunday, 03-Mar-13 19:06:19 UTC from web
              • @fluttershye Princess Twilight confirmed for best princess.

                Sunday, 03-Mar-13 18:59:01 UTC from web
                • @fluttershye Main cast: Rarity. Not-main-cast: Trixie

                  Sunday, 03-Mar-13 18:56:04 UTC from web
                  • @fluttershye Well at least it's consistent

                    Sunday, 03-Mar-13 18:52:15 UTC from web
                  • Night all ^_^ <3

                    Sunday, 03-Mar-13 04:43:31 UTC from web
                    • Guess I'm going to bed :P gotta get up early to eat and buy more mlp merchandise :D

                      Sunday, 03-Mar-13 04:42:43 UTC from web
                    • open gingum stile

                      Sunday, 03-Mar-13 04:30:24 UTC from web
                    • @zeldatra

                      Sunday, 03-Mar-13 04:36:12 UTC from web