Notices by Alan J. Zeni, Jr. (psykozohedron), page 5

  1. @scribus It's not like there haven't been obscure cultural references all over the show before now. That one, though... >_<

    Sunday, 01-Apr-12 07:47:58 UTC from web in context
  2. @scribus Ha. Somebody spotted something interesting. Anybody else catch it?

    Sunday, 01-Apr-12 07:44:21 UTC from web in context
  3. @scribus Alive and well. So much for the FUD-mongers. That should cover midnight for the USA across all the time zones... I think? Hell, been a while.

    Sunday, 01-Apr-12 07:36:08 UTC from web in context
  4. Well, did moot nuke /mlp/ and permban us all the way the idiots thought he would? Might as well check...

    Sunday, 01-Apr-12 07:24:09 UTC from web in context
  5. @minti The site's still normal for me too. :(

    Sunday, 01-Apr-12 07:14:53 UTC from web in context
  6. @egnaroesroh It's humiliating to make it in the first place. It's not as if I don't know better.

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 11:07:04 UTC from web in context
  7. ... I definitely need breakfast. Now I'm failing at verb tenses. Inconsistent. I suppose I'm nervous, too. My verbiage has gotten me thrown out of communities before.

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:59:28 UTC from web in context
  8. @ceruleanspark Freud would have a conniption if he'd tried to analyze me.

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:58:21 UTC from web in context
  9. TABS, rather. Drat. I need to have breakfast.

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:57:34 UTC from web
  10. @ceruleanspark Yes, that's something Twitter doesn't seem to have, but "in context" doesn't seem to handle multithreading or allow me to watch for fresh activity worth commenting on, and I hate switching tags when I don't have to.

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:57:03 UTC from web in context
  11. @ceruleanspark Oooh, if you want to play shrink, try me. I'm an Aspie with a monolithic ego and a savant talent for text composition. I hope you're a professional with good typing skills. ツ

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:54:58 UTC from web in context
  12. @egnaroesroh Interesting point about character relations, there. I'll add that what attracts me to characters is not so much identification with them, but watching them develop. Either in depth, as the author explores them, or watching them mature and grow as the story progresses.

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:52:21 UTC from web in context
  13. @egnaroesroh That was a smoke break. ツ

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:50:03 UTC from web in context
  14. @egnaroesroh The microblogs are a format I'm not used to, like most of the web social networks these days. They're engineered for a younger generation. I'm _old_, for the Internet. 18 years online, now. I'm used to Usenet, or IRC, or something where discussion threading is either contextual or more logical. *sigh*

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:49:24 UTC from web in context
  15. @egnaroesroh Drat. Been replying to myself. I'm not really an idiot, I swear. Incidentally, if I'm killing timelines with something as simple as alt characters and text replacement, they deserve to die so something more durable can grow in their place. ツ

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:46:22 UTC from web in context
  16. @psykozohedron Yes, you're right. My apologies. I'll remember that, in future, when I get a question about what it is. Thanks for pointing it out.

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:43:19 UTC from web in context
  17. @egnaroesroh Let me look it up. I hate being wrong. Hang on...

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:42:00 UTC from web in context
  18. @egnaroesroh Or... maybe you're right. I'm going by what Character Viewer tells me, but it could be wrong. It's been a long time since I flunked Japanese II. ツ

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:41:04 UTC from web in context
  19. @egnaroesroh That's a different one. ツ

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:39:20 UTC from web in context
  20. @carcino Well, if you say so. ツ I love OSX's character viewer. I did one for my email .sigfile: ∞☺∞☮∞☯∞☥∞♡ Infinite smiles, infinite peace, infinite balance, infinite life, infinite love.

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:38:58 UTC from web in context
  21. @carcino Oh, that's the Katakana character for the syllable "tu". I've got an extension that replaces the standard smiley with it. I think it's cuter. I can give you the link for the Chrome extension and tell you where to find the character in your own system's charmap, if you want.

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:31:19 UTC from web in context
  22. @carcino Beg pardon?

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:28:51 UTC from web in context
  23. Huh. If I switched to Firefox, is there a script running for autoupdate on the stream? I'm in Chrome.

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:27:52 UTC from web
  24. @carcino Heh. I'll _bet_. ツ

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:26:55 UTC from web in context
  25. !applejack @macpony55 Thank you... sir? Glad to be here. I suppose I can indulge my need for exquisitely violent obscenity on my otaku groups, R34 groups, and I'll spare you folks. ツ

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:25:20 UTC from web in context
  26. Hmmm. Shame there aren't many people here. This format is a lot easier to use and follow than Twitter, and the character limit's a lot higher. Shame about the language ban. *sigh*

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:22:46 UTC from web in context
  27. !applejack If people want more traffic, however, it will behoove them to generate it themselves, and promote the group to the rest of the network. Look around for AJ fans and invite them to join. ツ

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:14:36 UTC from web
  28. !Applejack Hi! I'm here now, so that's another of us - and I'm 33, so you're not the only old mangoess running around in here. For reassurance: we are a specialized fandom, this is a very micro sort of microblog, and individual character fandoms in a (relatively) small fanbase are very small indeed. We're also not promoted on the front page of the network, like the Dashie group. Don't take it as a lack of love - the Brony groups on Facefail, R34 or otherwise, are full of AJ lovers.

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:13:37 UTC from web in context