Harry McAvoy's home timeline



    Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 14:24:12 UTC from ban me pls
  2. "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

    Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
  3. Do robots even have genders?

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
  4. @admin ahaha.

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
    • !vabronies Me and a (non-brony) friend were discussing our plans for a set of audio skits. I'm voiceacting, he's writing. It's a medieval setting, and there's a scene where a horse is ridden. He was suggesting that instead of trying to dig up public-domain sfx, I could just use my two halves of coconuts to make a hoof-trot sound. Thing is, he didn't phrase it like that. He's not that well-acquainted with some of the intricacies of the Brony subculture, so he didn't notice what was odd about the fact that what he actually said was "Instead of looking up sounds, you could just record yourself clopping!".

      Sunday, 25-Mar-12 20:44:58 UTC from web
      • So it seems that people are exceedingly fond of the "Smile" song. Seeing the value people are finding in it truly saddens me, for that song has been ruined for me. I mean, seriously, when I watched the episode, I had to watch that scene on mute. The cause being a video entitled "smile.avi". Uploaded long before the song was actually aired, it utilized the same grotesque imagery of the .MOV series. But without the humor and bizarre voice acting that made the series disturbingly funny, it just ended up being disturbingly disturbing. (Eloquent, I know. Sue me.) And now, every time I hear the music, I mentally associate it with the first place I heard it. Which is now irritating, because I can't enjoy the remixes and covers that inevitably follow each episode. TLDR: Whine whine whine.

        Thursday, 22-Mar-12 01:21:37 UTC from web
      • -Saw a non-MLP video on YouTube entitled "Pomf" -Became confused -Googled "pomf", searching for an explanation -Came upon KYM's entry for "Pomf" -Hurt myself in my confusion

        Saturday, 28-Jan-12 16:06:53 UTC from web
      • I've been taking a Latin class this year. They give us the vocabulary in batches of about twenty biweekly. One of the first words was "friendship". It drove me insane. The teacher was usually doing something, the textbook was limited, and Google was being surprisingly unhelpful in finding that one word. Then, last week, we finally got it. I can finally say: Amicitia est magicam.

        Saturday, 10-Dec-11 18:12:06 UTC from web
      • Shadowmere the pony / I used to wonder what friendship could be. / Shadowmere the pony / Then I took an arrow to the knee

        Saturday, 03-Dec-11 02:47:14 UTC from web
        • So I'm browsing new posts on this website. I see something about a pony name generator. I think "this might be interesting." I click, and it turns out this generator is within a flash game requiring registration. Well screw that! Wait a minute. Artix? Holy crap, that's not Artix Entertainment, is it? They wouldn't do anything like thi-HOLY CRAP IT IS. At this point I remember the many hours I happily wasted on Dragon Fable, MechQuest and AdventureQuest Worlds. One one hand, Artix Entertainment has repeatedly presented me with fun timewasters, but on the other hand, this concept has the capacity to obliterate any and all faith I have in them if not handle properly. I make my decision, I mute the music and dive in. Twenty minutes later, Little Mango Bug is at level two and has a new robe. Thank you, Artix Entertainment. You have my membership for the fifth time.

          Sunday, 04-Sep-11 04:13:08 UTC from web
          • I am rather intelligent. As is the case with some intelligent people, I am proud of it and as a result I am somewhat of a smartass. Often, this takes the form of things that aren't difficult for me to understand, but nobody else seems to sans Google, then acting all high and mighty about it.. One day, I applied it to this fandom and called myself a Automicrojuvoequiphiliac. If you look at the etymology, it's simple. Auto, by or of oneself. Micro, small. Juvo, young. Equi, horse. Philiac, lover of. Thus we get Myself, small, young, horse, lover. I am, of course, referring to the fact that I love MLP. However, a vast majority of people honestly don't care, so I am now known as Otto. Not quite as planned, but I think I'll keep it.

            Sunday, 04-Sep-11 03:27:17 UTC from web
          • I can make this post have 20% more pumpkin in ten seconds flat.

            Sunday, 04-Sep-11 01:16:32 UTC from web
          • I was recently sent a humorous illustration. Rainbow Dash advertising "clopjobs" for $1, and several character's reactions. My friends had the obvious reaction, but for a full five seconds, I was stuck on the fact that it was an inaccurate parallel to the etymology of the actual terms. The first noun, (usually "hand" or "blow") refers to something used to accomplish the act. "Clop", however, refers to the act itself. One does not clop someone, nor does one use their clop to do so. It would be like advertising "mangoesiojob: $1". Then I realized what I was looking at and I became a bit less focused on linguistics and a bit more focused on the concept of oh god get it out of my head.

            Sunday, 04-Sep-11 01:20:15 UTC from web
          • I recently realized that I usually type MLP instead of spelling out the name of the show. It helps me avoid facing the fact that I'm actively participating in a franchise that I previously held on par with Cinderella, the Teletubbies, and unanesthetized surgery. I shall now go reread Cupcakes and pretend I'm not a sixteen year old guy hiding ponies from his parents.

            Sunday, 04-Sep-11 00:56:41 UTC from web
          • Rewatching S1E01, I realize something about the first appearance of Fluttershy. I have seen these people. You talk to them , and they start mumbling. Keep trying to interact, and they get quieter. Then they squeak, then they go silent, then they go L4D Hunter on your bananas. I've seen it happen twice, it's terrifying. It rarely happens, because people usually stop pushing once they hear the squeak.

            Saturday, 03-Sep-11 15:16:37 UTC from web
          • Finally got up to date with Fallout: Equestria. That fic is absurdly long, and absurdly AWESOME.

            Friday, 02-Sep-11 23:09:09 UTC from web
          • I gott a go to sleep

            Thursday, 01-Sep-11 04:08:34 UTC from web
          • Ah reckon 5AM is as good a time to sleep as any. Apart from when you're fighting raptors, though. You wouldn't want to fall asleep doing that.

            Thursday, 01-Sep-11 04:14:45 UTC from web
            • It's interesting how watching the full first season of BattleStar Galactica nonstop can change one's thinking. For example, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, kill it. There are no ducks aboard the Galactica, so it's obviously a Cylon disguised as a duck.

              Thursday, 01-Sep-11 04:14:05 UTC from web
              • Heck yeah, mobile microblogging. The only downside is the auto correction on this thing.

                Thursday, 01-Sep-11 04:04:44 UTC from web
                • @mrn4rmn4rm GOTY 2011

                  Thursday, 01-Sep-11 03:39:23 UTC from web
                • I'm gonna try this thing out, and if I end up using it often enough, cool. If not, ok. We'll just see how it goes!

                  Thursday, 01-Sep-11 03:15:26 UTC from web