redflash subscribers

These are the people who listen to redflash's notices.

  • Danneh Oaks danneh Danneh Oaks Brisbane, Australia

    Graphic designer, IT student, music guy, programmer, etc

  • derps derps
  • Barton Flank pawnheart Barton Flank Salford, UK

    Used to live in Glasgow. Now I am here. I play Guitar. Yay, woohoo, you rock etc. I think too much about things, drink too much coffee, socialise too little, and hate labels. except on bottles. I love picking those. Oh, and I am the Duke of Kiddermarester, and extremely rich! Lick my decals off, brony. My only other significant net presence: RhymeDragWithDrag at your service. Oh, by the way, MLP:FiM and Earth, Wind and Fire? Best combination ever!

  • emma ellyst0rm emma England

    Hello ;] I am ellyst0rm-or St0rm or elly which ever you like.. personally i prefer TGAP st0rm ;P I'm a pale blue pagasus with a flowing white mane but in real life My name is emma who is an employed 24 yr old goth gurl from the UK- After getting into the season one early this year I have been spending A lot of my time reading fics, comics and drawing my own fim artwork, including my OC Ellyst0rm who I love. so much pony, too much isnt enough time in day!!! agggh! I would like to meet more bronies and people who like the show. Maybe one day il go to one of those meet up things but i guess im pretty shy most of the time around strangers. Best pony is Trixie pony <3

  • Cerulean Spark ceruleanspark Cerulean Spark United Kingdom

    I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again. Even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me. And then, when I am too broken to go on, I will float my dying body right down the throat of the darkness and make it choke on me.

  • Cerulean Lulamoon-Spark ceruleansparkold Cerulean Lulamoon-Spark United Kingdom

    My old username. Currently undergoing an identity crisis