Notices by Pi Rupe (rupe), page 3

  1. Fun experiment: call every organization a CIA front, see which ones react really defensively.

    Wednesday, 15-Feb-17 06:35:51 UTC from in context Repeat of moonman
  2. @baron Never mind that is the bar higher for acceptance all around? I dont like barren fields much myself.

    Wednesday, 15-Feb-17 07:31:12 UTC from web in context
  3. it's so quiet, are they asleep?

    Tuesday, 14-Feb-17 10:01:37 UTC from web in context Repeat of baron
  4. @rupe The word ''Network'' was apparently missing and i realized that the browser didnt load right after wards.

    Tuesday, 14-Feb-17 07:11:47 UTC from web in context
  5. This browser shows it to be the same, so the firefoxbrowser made it look like the word 'network' was erased from the banner.

    Tuesday, 14-Feb-17 07:10:11 UTC from web
  6. I have this recurring fear-induced anxiety daydream where I somehow manage to rename one of my cartoon scripts to something I'd name a school paper and I unwittingly email it to my teacher thinking it's an assignment.

    Tuesday, 14-Feb-17 06:42:00 UTC from web in context Repeat of zeldatra
  7. @rupe Since it HAS come this far, there appears to be no reason NOT to go ALL THE WAY with the changes and the rest of the groups can ''BUZZ OFF'' as well. They are a hindrance on moving forward, but this is all my advice, I'm not the BOSS here :)

    Tuesday, 14-Feb-17 07:06:05 UTC from web in context
  8. Rainbow Dash is now active? I think that could be better displayed but i suppose some will fell less motivated to join as they aren't ''convinced'' to do so yet, meaning they are embarrassed to do so, is my reaction overnight.

    Tuesday, 14-Feb-17 07:03:07 UTC from web in context
  9. @rupe Well it has always been the case.

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 16:36:32 UTC from web in context Repeat of nerthos
  10. @roka @nurgledsatorin They might if it's Stephen Universe or whatever the apple that tranny cartoon batcavery was.

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 16:38:46 UTC from in context Repeat of cyberpotato
  11. Would it likely get more followers with a name and ID change anyway, i don't think i buy that but newcomers might get interested sooner or later.

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 16:49:35 UTC from web in context
  12. @nerthos Oh okay so now anybody can use it?

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 16:35:40 UTC from web in context
  13. AHH PG RATING, Ahh so i get it now, so sorry for the misunderstanding there.

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 16:33:54 UTC from web
  14. @nerthos Cor blimey you mean pg13 is filtered too?

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 16:32:47 UTC from web in context
  15. Now i dont even notice that there is anything improper in terms of being myself any more, why even the swear words like kiwi is made to look tame isnt it?

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 16:29:01 UTC from web in context
  16. Its so strange how once one makes an effort to improve on a thing/situation, it shines a diffrent kind of light on that situation and all for what? Just browsing around?

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 16:23:47 UTC from web
  17. @nerthos Hmm, makes sense, i think i just will, indeed i am growing interested as it happens.

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 16:21:13 UTC from web in context
  18. @rupe I CUD like the other and/or change the name but indeed, i wonder if that makes sense?

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 16:19:45 UTC from web in context
  19. I like Rupe!

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 16:18:43 UTC from web in context
  20. @nerthos Well i DO have two accounts, but can one be saved instead?

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 16:17:21 UTC from web in context
  21. Rupe and Rainyman are to go, those my Usernames u know :(

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 16:13:57 UTC from web in context
  22. @rupe I can delete your accounts.

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 16:05:08 UTC from web in context Repeat of thelastgherkin
  23. After the liking of the UI i am asked to delete and this is quite a test as i dont like looking back, i like looking ahead, that's all!

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 16:10:57 UTC from web
  24. @thelastgherkin After all the palava, oh well, maybe you might well do, i just might come back again later on.

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 16:07:18 UTC from web in context
  25. @thelastgherkin What take a hat off to me?

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 16:03:27 UTC from web in context
  26. @rupe of course hat's off to you, i mean we can think of MasterDonnie but not RainbowFlash?

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 15:36:31 UTC from web in context
  27. @rupe Bowtie Flash Hatwork?

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 15:34:49 UTC from web in context
  28. @mmn @pettter @takecherryakenji i think i agree with @gargron here. last time i checked, i remember thinking gs needed work on conversations

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 14:59:40 UTC from in context Repeat of hannes2peer
  29. At least i can potter around with the UI colors and it is almost resembling Mastodon that it should have name change to match hahaha!

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 15:30:19 UTC from web
  30. @rupe Generally, deleting an account makes a mess of archived conversations. While they no longer break completely as they did in 0.98 it's still impossible to follow one when half of it is gone. So it has mostly been reserved for people who have sensitive information that needs to be removed, since accounts can just be abandoned if it's just due to not wanting to be around anymore.

    Monday, 13-Feb-17 15:02:20 UTC from web in context Repeat of nerthos