Dennis Jansen's home timeline



    Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 14:24:12 UTC from ban me pls
  2. Do robots even have genders?

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
  3. @admin ahaha.

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
    • !edinburghbronies proposed meetup: On 13/04/2013, Dundee Scotland @ DOJ CON, anyone up for that???

      Thursday, 28-Mar-13 00:53:05 UTC from web
      • !edinburghbronies when is the next meet up

        Sunday, 16-Dec-12 21:04:18 UTC from web
      • !edinburghbronies When is next meet up? D: I really want to go to this one.

        Friday, 21-Dec-12 19:12:33 UTC from web
        • !edinburghbronies When is the next meetup?

          Saturday, 15-Dec-12 21:52:12 UTC from web
          • Just a reminder that !edinburghbronies are having a meetup tomorrow (in Edinburgh)! We shall be going round the German Market and the Christmas Fair. 12pm at the Scot Monument.

            Friday, 14-Dec-12 18:33:22 UTC from web
            • !broniesofaberdeen I don't think I can go to the November 10th meetup, sorry guys.

              Thursday, 25-Oct-12 06:44:10 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • !edinburghbronies Hi, I'm new here. How's everyone doing? =D

                Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 20:08:48 UTC from web
              • Since they don't seem to have posted it, !edinburghbronies are having a meet on the 27th of October. Check their facebook page for info:

                Sunday, 14-Oct-12 19:51:56 UTC from web
                • @starblast Ah, ponyfeathers. By then I'll be back home in Sweden, so I can't join the !edinburghbronies for lasertag. Have fun, and, as in every contest, ALL GLORY TO THE NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC!

                  Sunday, 12-Aug-12 19:35:15 UTC from web
                  • The Edinburgh Brony Facebook Group and Page are finished and ready for you all the join! Page - Group - You’ll initially need to wait for us (being Gavin, Lewis and I) to approve you joining the group. The page will be the HQ for knowing when meet ups are on and updating you on where we are/what we are going to prepare for the next meetup! The group will be for everyone to discuss together about the show and to share your thoughts with each other. Thanks! !edinburghbronies @shadz @theapplebucker @creideiki

                    Saturday, 28-Jul-12 22:56:50 UTC from web
                  • !edinburghbronies I'm sad now. I wish I'd know about this group earlier. I wouldn't of missed that last meetup then ;_;

                    Monday, 23-Jul-12 17:46:54 UTC from web
                    • !edinburghbronies I am really sad that I missed the meet up today :( I would have come if it wasn't for me going to haven with gran and 2 sisters :'( I WILL make it next time (If there's gonna be a next time)

                      Saturday, 14-Jul-12 21:42:15 UTC from web
                      • !edinburghbronies Just a reminder of the meetup for anyone wanting to come

                        Thursday, 12-Jul-12 19:57:47 UTC from web
                      • Hows the foot? ^_^ @saturn

                        Friday, 15-Jun-12 15:05:31 UTC from web
                      • !edinburghbronies,526.0.html Next Brony meetup in Edinburgh details online now! @lovetolerateandsquee @easterhousebrony @digitaltimelord @starblast

                        Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 12:35:02 UTC from web
                      • !broniesofaberdeen I created a forum post where we can discuss a possible first episode meet in aberdeen

                        Friday, 01-Jun-12 07:31:00 UTC from web
                        • !broniesofaberdeen If we can get some people together, it would be awesome, ofcourse I don't know the date yet, but i could try to arrange something if there is interest.

                          Friday, 18-May-12 21:05:46 UTC from web
                        • !edinburghbronies I'm gonna be in town next weekend, anything going on?

                          Friday, 25-May-12 15:56:09 UTC from web
                          • !broniesofaberdeen I know this is a million to one, but do ANY of you maybe go to ISA? That'd be amazing, but it's crazy unlikely...

                            Monday, 14-May-12 20:24:48 UTC from web
                          • Holy crap! People actually joined !broniesofaberdeen! I'M NOT ALONE!

                            Tuesday, 08-May-12 18:18:31 UTC from web
                            • WELCOME TO RDN @thezapsta WHERE WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE HAY WE ARE DOING!

                              Wednesday, 11-Apr-12 15:17:50 UTC from behind you
                              • Nice to know there are fellow bronies in Aberdeen!

                                Wednesday, 11-Apr-12 15:17:29 UTC from web