starshinesprint's home timeline


  1. Got the new Cities Skylines, fun times fun times! Got a weird fixation on a six-sided grid as opposed to the regular right angles and all. It's obsessive, I can't stop. It's like some kind of curse. Or maybe even a hex!

    about 8 months ago from web
    • @scribus I have hundreds of hours in the first one and the second one is driving me absolutely insane because of how much more in-depth it is, I can’t approach things the way I did in the first game because the first game didn’t have apple like air pollution, so now I gotta not put my factories upwind of a suburb. This is a good thing, I get sort of complacent in how I game, it just surprised me how much the game tries to kick old players’ asses in some regards.

      about 8 months ago in context
    • @zeldatra I spent half an hour relocating a water pump and even the road leading up to it, trying to get better than 10% efficiency. Then I found out that it actually needs to be fully staffed to be fully functional :o

      about 8 months ago in context
  2. voting on Halloween because adulthood is tedium

    about 8 months ago from web
  3. Dodged some trick-or-treat-ers by having all my blinds down. Also it is slightly raining, so they weren't eager to try. Maybe next year I'll craft an auto-candy-dispenser. I have enough micro controllers.

    about 8 months ago from web
  4. the kosher section of the store is expanding into the halal section and it’s causing some problems

    about 8 months ago from web
    • @zeldatra Can't we all just share one "international" aisle?

      about 8 months ago in context
    • @scribus true story: the fact that my store only has a kosher SECTION, rather than a kosher AISLE, resulted in me being called an antisemite by some elderly Jewish lady, like a) I was the one who decided this, and b) the section wasn’t as large or larger than the halal, latino, Italian, Japanese, German, etc sections on the same aisle

      about 8 months ago in context
  5. cherryin hate being my own audio engineer, can we crowdfund a studio for me just so i can pay a different guy to set this up for me

    about 8 months ago from web
  6. Which is to say, the pilot tries its best to be a black comedy, but every dark joke has to be a) only about as dark as what you’d see on Cartoon Network at 6pm on a weekday, and b) they have to counter balance it with wacky game jokez 4 kidz and meta commentary. It gets in its own way a LOT so by the time we got to the obligatory 2001: A Space Odyssey spoof about twenty minutes in I was fully checked out.

    about 9 months ago from web
    • @zeldatra Yeah, just watched it and first impression is that if I were the studio exec, I'd only greenlight it if we were having a really good year or looking at a very desperate one. Close, there's potential, but it's no Helluva Boss.

      about 8 months ago in context
  7. 34+ hours in, and I have **finally** won a game of # !vgp #

    about 9 months ago from web
  8. Maybe my sense of humor is just broken but I dont really think the new circus show is really all that funny

    about 9 months ago from web
    • @zeldatra I think it would be funny if I actually got a job at this GameStop and then showed up two hours late on my first day because the godrotten morons couldn't accurately advertise the hours of their job faire

      about 9 months ago in context
  9. Cool. Cool. Another bomb from WW2 has been found in my city and the planned defusing of that bomb is in a few weeks. Need to prepare for an evacuation, mostly for my mother as she lives in the evacuation zone. At the edge of it but everyone has to leave that zone for the whole time (about 6 hours).

    about 9 months ago from web
  10. Oh boy I hope the Thai place doesn’t racially profile me again

    about 9 months ago from web
  11. Man I haven’t seen Beetlejuice since I was like 12 and back then the whole “Beetlejuice is a pedophile” aspect of the movie kind of flew over my head

    about 9 months ago from web
  12. A longtime cashier at my new store just gifted me a hand-crafted Dominican cigar to welcome me to the store. Is this normal? Is that a thing old people do?

    about 9 months ago from web
  13. “Don’t look away” nah man, that batcave’s horrifying, I’m gonna look away just a bit

    about 9 months ago from web
  14. Read a story on CNN about how they’ve nearly doubled the price of Japanese rail tickets for foreigners, up to ¥50,000 from ¥29,000. Is it bananaed up that my first thought was “well, the yen is falling in value so quickly that by next week it’ll be like nothing even changed?”

    about 9 months ago from web
  15. aww damn Dick Butkus died

    about 9 months ago from web
  16. this site needs to get about 20% cooler

    about 9 months ago from web
  17. just got accused of racism at the store because “you look like a Hispanic”, which I’m pretty sure is the most racist way you can accuse somebody of being racist

    about 9 months ago from web
  18. Whoa, activity!!

    about 9 months ago from web
  19. Silksong Never

    about 9 months ago from web
  20. Very cool and normal that you need to limit your game to only use two CPU cores in order to do the fishing minigame, SEGA.

    about 10 months ago from web
  21. Weird thought I just had: do you think someone who doesn't know sign language would have an easier time understanding ASL or something improvised by another non-ASL-knower?

    about 10 months ago from web
    • @scribus Typed an entire response about how ASL would probably be the harder one only to realize that my reasoning applies to braille, not ASL. I found ASL somewhat easy to learn (could not use it today, though) and I’m crazy bad with foreign languages so maybe the answer’s in there somewhere?

      about 10 months ago in context
    • @zeldatra According to 2 people on a discord server I'm on, one of whom has a non-verbal child, improvised is easier (and the ASL sign for "Hallway" and "Focus" are the same except for the eyebrows)

      about 10 months ago in context
  22. There are no restrooms in Washington DC metro stations. I had to venture into the city on Saturday to find a bathroom. Found a Macy’s. It was close enough. What I’m mad about is that in DC you get charged your fare when you leave the station rather than the way it works in Europe where you pay for a distance up front, so I basically paid $2 to use the bathroom.

    about 10 months ago from web
  23. First time posting on this site, how's it going everyone?

    about 10 months ago from web
  24. Gardening will be a pain. Everything is mostly overgrown with ivy. There was even a cut dead tree fully overgrown by that stuff. The tree was so decayed it was basically at the strength of cardboard. The ivy gave it the most structural integrity.

    about 10 months ago from web
  25. "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" what a bad movie. For the most part it's "fine". Very slow pacing but "fine". The last act was the kick into the groin.

    about 10 months ago from web
  26. I have the keys to the house. If it weren't for the heat, I'd be moving my stuff to the house. 31°C and no clouds. Unbearable.

    about 10 months ago from web
  27. The last season of Disenchantment is quite a mess in how the story was told.

    about 10 months ago from web
    • @adiwan I think the whole show would have gone a lot better if the first 4 seasons tried to develop the overarching plot during the whole season instead of just the first and last 2 episodes. This latest one was, like, "all plot, all the time!" and it felt so slapped together. Not awful, but I'm glad they didn't try to keep it alive for 40 years, and I'm not hopeful that Comedy Central will pick it up for a revival in 2030.

      about 10 months ago in context
    • @scribus I think the creators had a lot of internal conflict on how to create an epic and make the episodes episodic, like Futurama and Simpsons. I fully agree with you. I really liked the characters, some more, some less, but none were truly terrible (even Elfo to some degree). It's just that the plot made all of them brainless and stupid stretching all of the characters to an unrecognizable form. Fast-forwarding a lot of the plot didn't help. In this season, multiple times, there was no reason to stop a chase but it happened despite no reason at all.

      about 10 months ago in context
  28. In a week I'll own a house! I'd be happier if the city wouldn't penny-pinch me. I had to pay a bill for something that the city should pay themselves: an investigation if the city has an interest in buying the house (first refusal right).

    about 10 months ago from web
    • @adiwan Wow that is a dumb demand, but congratulations on the homeownership!

      about 10 months ago in context
    • @scribus Thanks. The bill was 65€ for that. I will certainly suffer for pleasure of owning a home, especially since there was nothing done for over 40 years and has still wallpaper from the late 70s. What has to be done: New switch box (solar power ready), new electric cables, new windows, roof isolation, the wilderness of a garden needs to be tamed. Also when I'm at it I'll lay down network cables everywhere, at least CAT7 and glass fiber.

      about 10 months ago in context
  29. Am I lost in the sauce? Or is the sauce lost in me?

    about 11 months ago from web
  30. Spotless #

    about 11 months ago from web