Notices tagged with coderpony, page 3

  1. Cygwin's new(-ish) xterm-derived terminal is a thing of beauty. !coderpony #

    Tuesday, 08-May-12 23:44:20 UTC from web
  2. @toksyuryel @bitshift I realized I forgot some conditionals in one of the stubbed functions, here's a fixed version of that !coderpony #

    Tuesday, 08-May-12 23:10:58 UTC from web in context
  3. @bitshift I have stubbed out several functions and created the triggers to demonstrate how I plan to constrain the arrays !coderpony #

    Tuesday, 08-May-12 23:05:16 UTC from web in context
  4. @bitshift Let's see how horribly I botched this one up !coderpony #

    Tuesday, 08-May-12 22:09:18 UTC from web in context
  5. @bitshift here's what it looks like now !coderpony #

    Tuesday, 08-May-12 20:50:47 UTC from web in context
  6. @bitshift As long as I'm using dpaste I might as well just post the entire file. Let me know how much I screwed everything up! !coderpony #

    Tuesday, 08-May-12 20:34:16 UTC from web in context
  7. Did I do this right? ` replyto bigint CHECK (replyto IS NOT postid AND replyto IS CASE WHEN conversation IS NOT postid THEN NOT NULL),` !coderpony #

    Tuesday, 08-May-12 20:19:16 UTC from web in context
  8. Using PostgreSQL, can a foreign key reference the table it appears in? Or is there some other way to do this? !coderpony #

    Tuesday, 08-May-12 01:48:17 UTC from web in context
  9. The Pyramid tutorials could really do with some work. They don't spend much time introducing the concepts and explaining what you're doing at each step, they just give you a bunch of code to copy and paste with only an overall description of what it aims to do when they bother to describe it at all. The writing is also vague and uncertain, like it *means* to give a high-level introduction and then dive in but then it just moves on to the next topic instead of diving in. Here's a tip guys: if I'm reading the tutorial it's because I want to learn how to use your software, not because I'm still deciding whether or not I should use your software. At this point I really don't know much more about how to use it than I did before I went through the tutorials. Guess it's back to plan B then: read somebody else's Pyramid app and try to figure out how it works while cross-referencing the API docs. !coderpony !python

    Sunday, 06-May-12 21:01:49 UTC from web in context
  10. In other !coderpony -related news, I have received a copy of The Little Schemer thanks to an unknown benefactor. Hooray for Amazon wishlists, I guess (would've preferred if I knew who to thank, but then maybe they wouldn't have done it if their name would be sent with it; either way, pretty nice of them)?

    Friday, 04-May-12 23:33:32 UTC from web
  11. >that feel when you try to RTFM but TFM is F useless !coderpony

    Friday, 04-May-12 23:20:55 UTC from web in context
  12. !coderpony Programmer hell for me was when I was analyzing a disassembly of another person's program and had to figure out what all the FPU instructions did. Did you know: doing something like "3.14f > 96" causes the compiler/assembler/linker to emit like 40 different OPcode that run on the FPU? (Protip: Floating point math is VERY expensive when it comes to speed of an application.)

    Friday, 04-May-12 20:12:10 UTC from web in context
  13. !coderpony [] === [] //false

    Friday, 04-May-12 19:53:55 UTC from web in context
  14. Very slowly beginning to understand how decorators work. !python !coderpony

    Friday, 04-May-12 19:48:05 UTC from web
  15. !coderpony I found the coolest thing last night! Although, it's really unsecure. I hope they fix that.

    Friday, 04-May-12 19:01:26 UTC from web in context
  16. This is a wonderful read !coderpony #

    Friday, 04-May-12 17:10:47 UTC from web
  17. "Welcome to Pyramid. Sorry for the convenience." !coderpony !python

    Friday, 04-May-12 15:31:36 UTC from web
  18. I just don't know what went wrong. !coderpony Anyone know if there's something I can do about this?

    Thursday, 26-Apr-12 03:43:04 UTC from web
  19. !coderpony I think I have a plan. Use username and password to send a login request to RDN from a game. If successful, grab the user's ID and use that to identify him. Store game information on a seperate server based on the RDN user ID. I could totally make an online game hooked to RDN accounts with nothing required of the site! :o

    Monday, 19-Mar-12 21:53:50 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  20. Yesss. Found out a way to get rid of that stupid Yellow border around all textareas when focused in Chrome! Horray CSS3. !coderpony

    Saturday, 17-Mar-12 01:58:35 UTC from web in context
  21. @zimzap !coderpony, !colgate, !mintrefresh, some other random one I probably forgot about. Oh yeah, !mane6

    Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 22:40:01 UTC from web in context
  22. # !coderpony

    Sunday, 11-Mar-12 22:50:23 UTC from web
  23. Wow. Meteord is really cool. !coderpony !techpony

    Saturday, 10-Mar-12 15:01:51 UTC from web in context
  24. !coderpony All done with my RDN styling for now.. Here's what it looks like to me..

    Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 09:12:47 UTC from web in context
  25. @pony !coderpony strike that, I like a color closer to Twilight's coat.

    Monday, 05-Mar-12 16:00:32 UTC from web in context
  26. !coderpony tweaked a couple things including changing the link color to red like in @minti's proposed theme. Next step will be to adjust the position of the input form. I know there are ways, but I don't have the energy to look them up at the moment.

    Monday, 05-Mar-12 15:53:11 UTC from web in context
  27. !CoderponY I've updated the previously mentioned hack to avoid modifying user and group pages as well as expand the content area on pages where the aside table is empty.

    Monday, 05-Mar-12 12:56:01 UTC from web
  28. !Coderpony I couldn't figure out how to make site-specific user stylesheet modifications in Chrome. As far as I can tell no site-specific syntax is recognized in Chrome (unlike Firefox)... I may have missed something in Chrome's inline editor that might let me permanently alter how I view RDN, but I also failed to figure that out. As far as I can tell, the inline editor is not like a user stylesheet in that way since it requires access to the original document to make permanent changes, so... Rather than go to the effort of learning how to create my own Tampermonkey script, etc., I decided to hack @minti's already oh-so cleverly coded !Mintrefresh. My modifications were crude, but effective so I've decided to post the modified function in case anypony is interested in using it. I don't intend this as a recommendation for !Mintrefresh, but I wouldn't object to it being used/adapted if Minti wants.

    Monday, 05-Mar-12 10:47:38 UTC from web in context
  29. Okay so I've been using new Date().getTime() all this time rather than; ... I feel stupid. !coderpony

    Friday, 02-Mar-12 21:36:36 UTC from web
  30. @rotation Reminds me, there was a programming competition for using round-about ways of programming. IE. Making Ascii art out of your code etc. One of the challenges was to make a program that prints it's own source code. The award for "Most Abuse of the Rules" went to an author who submitted a blank file to the competition cause come compilers would actually compile it with a blank main(). xD !coderpony

    Thursday, 01-Mar-12 01:58:33 UTC from web in context