Notices tagged with techponies, page 5

  1. Any recommendations for good places to get computer hardware? Think I'm gonna roll my own desktop soon-ish. !techponies

    Saturday, 17-Dec-11 02:47:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  2. It's a good year or so off, but when this contract ends I don't see myself getting another Android phone, I may just go with Windows Phone 7. !techponies !androidbronies

    Monday, 12-Dec-11 15:08:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  3. Well, I need a good HDD recovery utility/method. !techponies

    Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 02:33:00 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  4. Is !techponies a thing? The Nokia Lumia 800 is an excellent phone and you should try one out at your earliest convenience.

    Monday, 28-Nov-11 07:45:11 UTC from web
  5. I found teh valve now I can build my soda can launcher !techponies

    Saturday, 19-Nov-11 01:45:34 UTC from web
  6. Is there a technical name for a quick release valve? A friend said they got one at Home Depot I can't find anything when I search using quick release valve. !techponies

    Saturday, 19-Nov-11 00:47:02 UTC from web
  7. Okay, so... Ubuntu 11.10 seemed a bit slow on my netbook, back on 10.04 LTS and hoping I got wireless working now. !techponies

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 22:13:13 UTC from web
  8. Also, I took the DVD Recorder test I did and rendered it in AVS Video Editor, let me know if it improved it or not! !sonic !vgp !techponies

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 17:09:37 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  9. New video uploaded, DVD Recorder Test 1- Sonic Generations Demo (Modern) !sonic !vgp !techponies

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:25:06 UTC from web
  10. In case you don't remember/didn't see my posts regarding it, I was trying to get an EZCap to work so I could record footage for reviews, POSSIBLY let's plays etc. I did eventually get a test that worked near enough flawlessly. The trouble is, it would only ever want to record Wii games, if I tried any other system it would either go black and white or just not work at all. I've tried using the DVD recorder downstairs, uploading the RAW file from the disk, if it gives me problems I'll render the file in AVS Video Editor next time. I will say though, playing it back on my computer it looks great, considerably better than my EZCap's video quality and FAR easier to set up. !techponies

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:09:53 UTC from web
  11. !techponies !vgp - I've got an idea for a Tower Defense game, but I know all of absolutely *nothing* about programming in Flash (or, perhaps, for Android). Any tips? I do have programming experience, though it's horribly outdated.

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 04:18:29 UTC from web
  12. Really wish Mega Drive ROMS would still load on my phone, NES,SNES etc do, it's just Mega Drive. Loved playing the classic Sonics on it. !vgp !androidbronies !techponies

    Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 20:51:42 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  13. htc Vivid..another new htc device. Somebody give me a fiver everytime these guys make a new phone, I'll be loaded! (I do like htc, I actually have a Desire Z, but the amount of handsets these guys release is ridiuclous considering how little differs between them. !androidbronies !techponies

    Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:41:03 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  14. Hmmm...why does my phone refuse to charge when plugged in and turned to landscape, but portrait is just fine? :S !techponies

    Sunday, 30-Oct-11 06:50:02 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  15. You know how I've been posting about EZCaps and capture software? Well the succesful sixth test with Sonic Colours wasn't quite the saving grace I'd been waiting for, sure it was great for Wii games, but I've had no luck with games from otger systens, not even Wii Virtual Console games for crying out loud. I am at my wits end with teying to get the bloody thing to work, I may just try my luck with a DVD recorder since I can't afford an HD PVR. Would be worth a try and I wouldn't imagine them to be all the expensive nowadays. !vgp !techponies

    Thursday, 27-Oct-11 03:26:17 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  16. I think I'm going to hit the hay shortly, bit annoyed the 360 didn't want to work on my EZCap, but if native SD systems work I at least got SOMETHING out of it. Shall have to just focus on making reviews of Wii, PS2 etc games until I can get something better for 360, or get my EZCap to work with it, one or the other. !techponies

    Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 04:11:37 UTC from web
  17. Well, at least I got the Wii working, going to hope all of my native SD consoles will work, but I think I'm going to swap this EZCap for a Dazzle, fed up of all this mucking around trying to get it to work 100%. I did with the Wii at least, so it wasn't a total waste of time, provided I get that result with the PS2 etc as well. Got great settings on VirtualDub as well so I'll be able to use them on the Dazzle. !techponies

    Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 03:39:13 UTC from web
  18. Well, I fixed the colour by setting it to PAL 60, but the screen is still cropped and the picture is fuzzy as hell -_- !techponies

    Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 03:09:07 UTC from web
  19. Well, I fixed the colour, but the screen is still cropped and the picture is fuzzy as hell -_- !techponies

    Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 03:06:47 UTC from web in context
  20. You know I hit the jackpot with the EZCap? Well I did...with Wii at least. The 360 crops off 3/4 of the screen and goes black and white ¬_¬ !techponies

    Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 03:01:32 UTC from web in context
  21. Haha, I am so beyond chuffed right now! After several days of trying to get it to work, I finally have the EZCap working to a T! :D !techponies

    Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 01:15:09 UTC from web
  22. EZ Cap Test 6 is now uploaded...please, PLEASE, PLEASE let this have all recorded correctly! I've tried two different video capture programs (Arcsoft Total Media 2 and Virtual Dub) this is my second test with Virtual Dub, and I followed a tutorial unlike the first time. If this isn't the golden ticket esque result I've been waiting for, with no frame rate dips, video speed ups, out of sync audio or at times crazy pitch I have no idea what will be. !vgp !techponies

    Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 01:07:10 UTC from web in context
  23. Alright, by the suggestion of a Twitter follower I'm going to render my next test with VirtualDub rather than AVS Video Editor. See if that fixes anything. !techponies

    Tuesday, 25-Oct-11 22:19:25 UTC from web
  24. God damn it, I fix something and I get a new bloody problem. Now I have audio pitch issues and videos not playing past a certain point. !techponies

    Tuesday, 25-Oct-11 22:10:29 UTC from web
  25. Is anyone else having problems playing the video past the 2:59 mark? !techponies

    Tuesday, 25-Oct-11 22:09:42 UTC from web in context
  26. Just watched the test back, it went great...besides the pitch of the audio going all over the shop :S It should be fixable, and at least the frame rate is mostly consistent. Still, what the HELL caused the pitch to fluctuate like that? !techponies

    Tuesday, 25-Oct-11 22:07:35 UTC from web
  27. dual screening for the first time. this is pretty damn cool !techponies

    Tuesday, 25-Oct-11 21:54:55 UTC from web
  28. Same issue, the quality was good but the frame rate dipped quite drastically. Following a whole new tutorial for a program called VirtualDub. !techponies

    Tuesday, 25-Oct-11 00:31:03 UTC from web
  29. Arrived at my cousin's place for RAW, going to be using his 360 to test out my EZCap (I don't have a composite cable for the 360) !techponies

    Monday, 24-Oct-11 23:49:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  30. All this talk of EZCaps and video capturing from me over the past few days...I'm just so desperate to get it to work so I can make better videos! !techponies

    Monday, 24-Oct-11 22:19:57 UTC from MuSTArDroid