Notices tagged with wordfilter

  1. I propose for April Foals that the # should have a bunch of not-even-swears/really tame versions added to it, like poop and heck and darn and shoot. Yes, I know April is half a year away, but you have got to plan ahead for these things!

    Wednesday, 03-Oct-12 14:35:45 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context Repeated by pony
  2. I propose for April Foals that the # should have a bunch of not-even-swears/really tame versions added to it, like poop and heck and darn and shoot. Yes, I know April is half a year away, but you have got to plan ahead for these things!

    Wednesday, 03-Oct-12 14:35:45 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context Repeated by redenchilada
  3. I propose for April Foals that the # should have a bunch of not-even-swears/really tame versions added to it, like poop and heck and darn and shoot. Yes, I know April is half a year away, but you have got to plan ahead for these things!

    Wednesday, 03-Oct-12 14:35:45 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context Repeated by flaredancer
  4. I propose for April Foals that the # should have a bunch of not-even-swears/really tame versions added to it, like poop and heck and darn and shoot. Yes, I know April is half a year away, but you have got to plan ahead for these things!

    Wednesday, 03-Oct-12 14:35:45 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  5. @firestormdangerdash Oh, jeez. XD # strikes again!

    Tuesday, 25-Sep-12 01:44:14 UTC from web in context
  6. @nerthos Was that supposed to be b-a-s-t-a-r-d sword? And is that really # worthy? @widget

    Monday, 17-Sep-12 06:04:48 UTC from web in context
  7. @pony Considering whereabouts in the word it cuts off, I would suspect it's being caught by an attempt to stop a deliberate minor misspelling of a different word. (/cc @widget Possible # false positive?)

    Thursday, 13-Sep-12 06:34:08 UTC from web in context
  8. @scribus @widget # "f-r-e-c-k-l-e"

    Wednesday, 12-Sep-12 02:21:34 UTC from web in context