Notices tagged with yorkshire, page 5

  1. !yorkshire great... My mum found my bank statement, and found payments adresssed in Leeds on it... (from the meetup) needless to say, "why were you in Leeds" interrogation followed, along with gay bar accusations

    Friday, 24-Feb-12 14:19:20 UTC from web in context
  2. !yorkshire ha! Just read my new bank statement, and remember that mangoes cash machine outside the shopping centre? (where we ate). Well remember most of us tried to use it and then changed our minds when we found out it charges £2 a transaction? It bloody went through with the transaction according to the electronics, it removed 12 quid from my account... Sure they rectified it later according to the statement but still.... Fecking computers!

    Wednesday, 22-Feb-12 15:46:16 UTC from web
  3. !yorkshire no chance in hell Anypony somehow kept the full bowling scores?

    Monday, 06-Feb-12 23:32:18 UTC from web in context
  4. @elscire !yorkshire @klayking throw me on that map as well if you will please! worksop, near sheffield

    Wednesday, 01-Feb-12 21:52:38 UTC from web in context
  5. @leonkfox Yes it did, check the !yorkshire tag, just look down the page and you'll see it

    Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 23:30:54 UTC from web in context
  6. @eqdpony !yorkshire woooo! There we are on the nightly roundup!

    Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 09:24:32 UTC from web in context
  7. @purplephish20 !yorkshire Still completely groggy from the train back - why the heating was on maximum.... blergh - it was a nice surprise to be tapped on the shoulder at Sheffield station. I want to thank you all for a great day and taking my mind off the study for the day. Bowling was fun, although I know for sure I wouldn't have done so great without the barriers in place haha. And, as you requested, here are links to 2 of 4 of my PMVs:

    Sunday, 29-Jan-12 13:10:10 UTC from web in context
  8. @klayking !yorkshire well... We were bowling at that exact time, would have been lovely to see a sonic rainboom...

    Sunday, 29-Jan-12 09:40:06 UTC from web in context
  9. Hope everypony at the meetup today had a great time, wish I coulda been there! !yorkshire

    Saturday, 28-Jan-12 20:51:52 UTC from web
  10. !yorkshire Anypony got the pictures?

    Saturday, 28-Jan-12 20:43:53 UTC from web
  11. @zeiferrei !yorkshire Ey'up! jus' got back... Due to a bugger up with trains (not my fault) I arrived in sheffield 10 minutes after the train I was going to then get had left... so I then had to spend nearly an hour waiting for the next one.... which meant I could have stayed for the extra hour and had that second game of bowling I payed for... (DISCORD in lane 4, I won the one game I played) However I did rendezvous again with @yorkiebrony when he got off his train from leeds.... You where the one I was sat opposite from in Brio's right? (lots of download festival discussion)...... All in all great day!!!

    Saturday, 28-Jan-12 19:58:24 UTC from web in context
  12. hmm.... it seems my train back is at 16:40, we're hardly gonna be bowling right up to that point are we? considering we start that about 3 ish... !yorkshire

    Friday, 27-Jan-12 21:44:36 UTC from web in context
  13. Anyone here I'll be seeing in leeds tommorow? !yorkshire

    Friday, 27-Jan-12 20:56:00 UTC from web in context
  14. !yorkshire there we are! The poster has made the eqd nightly roundup!

    Monday, 23-Jan-12 09:16:04 UTC from web in context
  15. @stecissunrise ok, you'll want to repost that and tag !yorkshire properly, but it looks perfect! Let's get it to eqd!

    Sunday, 22-Jan-12 23:14:54 UTC from web in context
  16. !yorkshire ok then, now this is all fully confirmed and pre planned, are we gonna try get the message to eqd? @stecissunrise you were working on a poster weren't you? Did you finish it? If so we could get both posted and get a potentially really cool number of additions!...... Just a thought

    Sunday, 22-Jan-12 19:28:18 UTC from web in context
  17. !yorkshire COOL! trains are easy! Set off from Worksop at 9:14, with one switchover in Sheffield, and I arrive in Leeds at 11:02. #

    Sunday, 15-Jan-12 23:36:57 UTC from web in context
  18. !Yorkshire Pizza hut EVERYPONY then I presume? Great food, cleaner and more attractive than any kfc... Not too expensive either

    Saturday, 14-Jan-12 13:16:58 UTC from web in context
  19. @klayking !Yorkshire I've been thinking about this as well, something good that's discreet but instantly recognisable by another Brony to put on a t shirt... Hmmm

    Wednesday, 11-Jan-12 13:23:54 UTC from web in context
  20. @klayking If it's a good number already then IRS a definate yes, just need to organise travel as I've never been to Leeds before exept for once in November 2009 !Yorkshire

    Tuesday, 10-Jan-12 23:20:25 UTC from web in context
  21. @klayking Ohh! How many so far? !yorkshire

    Tuesday, 10-Jan-12 23:00:33 UTC from web in context
  22. @reakkorshrike I'll again bump this for anypony nearby who doesn't know, !midlands !uk !Yorkshire there's a meetup planned for the 28th in Leeds, organised through the yorkshire page

    Monday, 09-Jan-12 19:53:13 UTC from web in context
  23. @klayking !yorkshire I'm thinking if we get an advert like this poster up somewhere good we'd beat sheffield in terms of numbers, we could always ask the meetup king Rotation if he's interested in part-taking but he hasn't been seen (at least by me) in about a week so... !uk !midlands !lincsyorkshirebronies OI! You lot! Potential meetup in Leeds on the 28th! You interested?

    Saturday, 07-Jan-12 23:37:26 UTC from web in context
  24. @stecissunrise !Yorkshire oh a poster advert would be Awsome! We could get it on the nightly roundup beforehand if it's well made enough!

    Saturday, 07-Jan-12 22:39:42 UTC from web in context
  25. @klayking !Yorkshire I'd of course be up for it too! :), but I'd love numbers like we had in Sheffield, 13 if I remember correctly

    Saturday, 07-Jan-12 17:56:57 UTC from web in context
  26. @bloxxer Well hello, there is another wolverhampton chap on here... You find him on either the !Yorkshire page or the !midlands page, I'm not sure

    Saturday, 07-Jan-12 13:02:15 UTC from web in context
  27. !Yorkshire Hay! That pony in the profile pic, "White Rose" can I get that full picture? With the countryside background? Cheers mi' duck!

    Friday, 06-Jan-12 21:42:57 UTC from web
  28. !uk !midlands !lincsyorkshirebronies Ok, @klayking is in the process of organising a meetup in Leeds at some point in the future, he's using THIS group > !Yorkshire which of course (in comparison to !midlands on the whole) requires numbers! So if your anywhere at all within the vivinity of Leeds or just far enough away you can get to a meetup, give us a buzz! !Yorkshire

    Friday, 06-Jan-12 19:46:32 UTC from web
  29. @klayking He's adorable! I'll just get him a mug of Yorkshire gold! !Yorkshire

    Friday, 06-Jan-12 00:31:03 UTC from web in context
  30. @klayking That... Sounds... Glorious! !Yorkshire

    Thursday, 05-Jan-12 20:56:19 UTC from web in context